
1.Interaction Between Brassinosteroids and Other Plant Hormones芸薹素与其他植物激素相互作用的研究进展
2.Construction of RNAi Vectors of Brassica TT12 and AHA10 Gene Families Which Encode Transmembrane Transporters of Proanthocyanidins芸薹属原花青素跨膜转运蛋白TT12、AHA10基因家族RNA干扰载体的构建
3.Research on the Anther Culture Techniques for Several Vegetable Crops in Brassica Campestris;芸薹属芸薹种几种主要蔬菜作物花药培养技术研究
4.Studies on the Genomic Evolution of Allopolyploids in Brassica;芸薹属多倍体植物基因组进化的研究
5.The Molecular Evolution Research of Gene EPSPS in Brassicaceae Plant;EPSPS基因用于芸薹族植物分子进化初探
6.Development of Fruit and Seed and Its Evolutionary Implication in Amphidiploid Brassica Plants;芸薹属多倍体植物果实及种子发育与进化研究
7.Study on Karyotyping of Brassica C Genome Based on Brassica A Genomic DNA as Block Reagent;芸薹属A基因组DNA封阻下的C染色体组分型研究
8.The Hybrids of Intergeneric Hybridization between Brassica Species and Raphanus Sativus and Their Identification by SSR;芸薹属与萝卜属间杂种的获得及SSR分子鉴定
9.Analysis of Genetic Diversity in vegetable crops of Brassica campestris by AFLP Molecular markers;芸薹类蔬菜遗传多样性的AFLP分子标记分析
10.Modification of pFGC5941 and Construction of RNAi Vector of Brassica TT1 Gene FamilypFGC5941的改造及芸薹属TT1基因家族RNA干扰载体构建
11.Construction of RNAi Vector of Brassica ANR(BAN)Gene Family芸薹属ANR(BAN)基因家族RNA干扰载体的构建
12.Effects of Pollination Conditions on Cross Compatibility Index between Brassica Crops授粉条件对芸薹属作物种间杂交亲和性的影响
13.Medium optimization for rapid propagation of Brassica interspecific hybrids芸薹属远缘杂交试管苗快繁培养基的优化
14.Comparison of Carbonic Anhydrase Activities of Several Species in Brassica芸薹属中几个物种碳酸酐酶活性的比较
15.Acquirement of Leaf Mutants from Brassica Allosextuple Species芸薹属异源六倍体的叶片突变体的获得
16.Regeneration of Plant with Multiple Types from Allohexaploid CGMCC No.2553 in Brassica芸薹属异源六倍体CGMCCNo.2553多类型再生植株的获得
17.Studies on Intergeneric Distant Hybridization between Brassica Species and Orychophragmus Violaceus and New Germplasm Creation;芸薹属与诸葛菜属间远缘杂交及种质创新的研究
18.Genotypic Variation of Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Potential in Chinese Brassica Vegetables as Influenced by Environment;中国主要芸薹属蔬菜抗氧化能力基因型差异和环境效应的研究

1.The Effects of Brassinolide,Fengbiling and Nutrient Enhancing Balancer on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Watermelon;芸薹素内酯、丰必灵和恩益碧对西瓜种子发芽及幼苗生长的影响
2.Study on Brassinolide EC Effects on Yield and Quality of Soybean;芸薹素内酯乳油对大豆产量和品质的影响
1.Cloning and Evolutionary Analysis of Homologous Sequences of Non-coding RNA BcMF11 Gene in Brassica;芸薹属植物非编码RNA BcMF11基因同源序列的克隆及进化分析
2.The Photosynthetic Heterosis and Its Mechanisms of an Inter-Subspecific Hybrid Between Brassica campestris ssp. chinensis and B. campestris ssp. rapifera;芸薹属两个亚种间杂种光合作用优势及其机理
3.Progress on functional factors of self-incompatibility and molecular mechanism in Brassica;芸薹属自交不亲和功能因子及分子机制研究进展
4)Brassica campestris (2n=20)芸薹类
5)Tribe Brassiceae芸薹族
1.Venation of the Tribe Brassiceae in China;十字花科芸薹族植物叶脉序的研究
