
1.A tree branch, especially a large or main branch.树干树枝,尤指粗大的树枝或树干
2.a gnarled oak, branch, trunk多节瘤的橡树、 树枝、 树干.
3.and the moss hung down from the branches,苔藓从树枝上悬枝而下,
4.The branches swept the surface of the water.树枝拂掠水面。 ,
5.Of, relating to, or resembling a dendrite.树枝石的树枝石的,与树枝石有关的或象树枝石的
6.He cut a branch from the tree他从树上剪下一根树枝
7.cleave a branch from a tree从树上砍下一条树枝.
8.They covered the tree trunks and branches with ice.树干和树枝被冰覆盖着。
9.He chopped a branch off the tree.他从树上砍下一根树枝
10.He climbed up the tree and hid among the branches.他爬上树, 藏在树枝後面.
11.The birds flitted from branch to branch.鸟从一树枝飞到另一树枝
12.The upper part of a tree, which includes the branches and leaves.树冠树的上部,包括树枝和树叶
13.A rock or mineral bearing such a mark or marks.树枝石,树枝矿带有树枝状矿物晶体的岩石或矿物
14.A secondary woody stem or limb growing from the trunk or main stem of a tree or shrub or from another secondary limb.分枝从树或灌木的主干或另一次级树枝上生长出来的次级树枝
15.The top branches of the two trees interlace with one another.这两棵树的树顶树枝相互交织在一起。
16.Twigs or branches of evergreen plants used as decoration.常绿树枝条用作装饰品的常绿植物的枝或小枝
17.Evergreens:Twigs or branches of evergreen plants used as decoration.常绿树枝条:用作装饰品的常绿植物的枝或小枝.
18.Cypress branches used as a symbol of mourning.柏枝作为悲哀象征的柏树枝

1.Study of synthesis and properties of dendritic polyether surfactants;树枝状聚醚表面活性剂的合成与性质
2.Synthesis of dendritic quaternary ammonium salt containing three stearamido groups;含三个硬脂酰胺基的树枝状季铵盐的制备
3.Star and Dendritic Ferrocenyl Poly (metallocenes);星形和树枝状二茂铁基聚合物
5)Dendritic salt树枝盐
1.Evolution time calculation of dendrite to granular particle during continuous cooling and stirring process;连续冷却和搅拌条件下树枝晶向粒状晶转变时间的估算
2.Side-branching of dendrites during solidification of pure Ni melt was studied via simulation by using a modified phase-field model which incorporates both structural fluctuation and energetic fluctuation.在相场模拟中,通过捕获液态界面,系统研究了过冷对纯金属熔体凝固过程中树枝晶侧向分枝形貌的影响。
3.The growth process of side-branching of dendrites during solidification of pure Ni melt was studied by the phase-field simulation.在相场模拟中,通过偶合结构起伏和能量起伏,系统研究了纯金属熔体凝固过程中树枝晶侧向分枝形貌的影响因素。
