传统观点,traditional point of view
1)traditional point of view传统观点

1.A high Tory, ie one holding traditional Conservative opinions坚持保守党传统观点的人
2.The young man was courageous enough to break away from traditional ideas.年轻个应该有足够的勇气打破传统观点
3.Conventional wisdom states that humans only use ten percent of their brains.传统观点认为人类只运用了大脑能力的10%。
4.A kind of conventional viewpoints is that Marx weigh distribution according to work with commodity scale.传统观点认为这是马克思用商品生产的尺度衡量按劳分配的结果。
5.a person who holds unorthodox opinions in any field (not merely religion).一个在任何领域都持有非传统观点的人(不仅仅指宗教方面)。
6.To resist or defy an authority or a generally accepted convention.反抗拒绝服从或反对权威或已普遍接受的传统观点
7.Myth- The racket turning in your hand means you did not hold on tight enough.传统观点:手中的拍子转动了,那是因为你没有握紧拍柄。
8.On the Pragmatic Function of Discourse Marker you know and It s Chinese Translation;简论传统报应观的特点——以《夷坚志》为例
9.Hirsch s Traditional Hermeneutics in Modern Form;论赫施的现代形式的传统阐释学观点
10.Formation and development of prescriptivism in traditional grammar;传统语法规定主义观点的形成和发展
11.The Present Situation and Development Trend of Traditional Wushu from the Viewpoint of System Theory;从系统论的观点看传统武术的现状及发展趋势
12.One who attacks and seeks to overthrow traditional or popular ideas or institutions.传统叛逆者攻击或试图推翻传统或大众的观点或制度的人
13."A Westerner cannot be expected to accept this view, because it is Based on traditions utterly different form his own"别指望西方人会接受这一观点,因为这一观点所赖以存在的观点与他们的国家传统大相径庭
14.It often tends to reflect the government's views and always stands for the traditional establishment.它常常反映政府的观点,总是代表着传统的法规。
15.Research on the Doctrine of Ecological Ethics in Traditional Chinese Culture;中国传统文化中的生态伦理学观点的研究
16.On the Analysis of Different Viewpoints of the Origin of Traditional Physical Culture;对民族传统体育文化形成不同观点的本质辨析
17.Traditional Chinese Aesthetic Points Expressed in Painting Poems in Ancient China论古代论画诗表达的中国传统美学观点
18.Harmonious--Correspondence between Marxist Political Views and Chinese Traditional Political Views;和谐——马克思主义政治观与中国传统政治观的契合点

traditional theoretical views传统理论观点
3)viewpoint dissemination观点传播
4)system view系统观点
5)traditional concept传统观念
1.Our adoption of market economy exposes people s traditional concepts to various impacts,and righteousness and profit become hot issues in the study of applied ethics.当我国迈进市场经济的时候,人们的传统观念也开始遭到冲击。
2.The transplanting of law is a melting process of different cultures and traditional concepts and realities,which plays an important part in the process of making the developing and undeveloped countries modernize with law.法律移植是多元文化之间及传统观念与现实之间相互碰撞融合过程,它对于发展中国家或后进国家实现法治现代化具有重要意义。
3.The basis of traditional concept of judicial expertise in ancient China come from the philosophy on the relationship between "Heaven" and "humanity" in Confucian ideology,the traditional basic characteristics and the historical features were identified by the theory of "Heaven and Man".中国古代司法鉴定的传统观念基础来自于儒家思想体系中关于"天道"与"人道"关系的哲学思考,"天人合一"理论决定了中国古代司法鉴定传统的基本特征和历史面貌。
6)traditional conception传统观念

产品质量的统计观点产品质量的统计观点statistical viewpoints of product quality  ChanPin zhiliang de tongii guandian产品质l的统计观点(statisti司,ie甲ints。fp耐uet甲ality)应用数理统计方法分析和总结产品质量规律的观点。质童管理的基本观点之一。包含这个基本观点的质量管理就是现代的质量管理,否则就是传统的质量管理。 产品质量的统计观点包括以下两方面内容: ①产品的质量特性值是波动的。由于产品的生产不断受着人、机、料、法、环等质量因素的影响,而这些质量因素是在不停地变化,故产品质量特性值也是波动的。工业革命后,人们逐渐认识到即使是机器生产,产品质量仍会产生一定的波动。产品公差制度的建立就表明承认产品质量是波动的。但是这段认识过程经历了一百多年之久。②产品质t特性值的波动具有统计规律性。指产品质t特性值的波动幅值及出现不同波动幅值的可能性大小,服从统计学的某些分布规律。在质量管理中,常用的分布主要有正态分布、二项分布、泊松分布等,而寿命特性值很多服从指数分布。知道了质量特性值服从什么分布,就可以利用这一点来保证与提高产品的质t。(孙静)