1.The originality of the cultural products is the fundamental for Chinese publishing trade in order to develop and become prosperous in the international publishing market .在中国出版业走向世界的过程中,文化产品的原创是根本;没有原创性的文化产品,就没有国际竞争力。
2.We have our own national and local originality.我们有自己的本土化原创
3.which takes originality as its core and animation or cartoon as its form.动画产业,是指以"创意"为核心,以动画、漫画为表现形式,包含动画、图书、报刊、电影、电视、音像制品等动画直接产品的开发、生产、出版、播出、演出和销售,与动画形象有关的服装、玩具、电子游戏、印刷品及日用品等衍生产品的生产和经营的产业;同时发展动画产业的核心是要提高原创水平,要扶持和倡导动画产业走民族风格和时代特点相结合的原创之路,打造中国形象的动画品牌。

1.On the Connotation of Originality from the Development of Case Law从原创性的案例法发展看原创性之内涵
2.To imitate was to be creative and, yes, original.当时,模仿就是创造,而且是原创
3.Exploring the Reasons of American Opera′s Prosperity in Recent Period;美国新时期原创歌剧繁荣原因之探究
4.deficient in originality or creativity; lacking powers of invention:i a sterile ideology lacking in originality.缺乏原创力或者创造力;缺少发明创造的力量;例如“缺乏原创力的思维方式”。
5.Creativity and originality have put Taiwan's music scene ahead.创意和原创性让台湾歌坛发展持续向前进。
6.Discussion about the Origin and Creation of the Poetry in the Style of Li Sao Created by Qu Yuan;从《离骚》看屈原创制的“骚体诗”的来源及创造
7.From sharing to creating:the evolution of knowledge in independent technological innovation;从共享到原创:自主性技术创新中的知识演化
8.Creation of Characters and Literary Works--A Comment on Washington Irving s The Legend of Sleepy Hollow;人物的原创与作品的原创——读华盛顿·欧文的《睡谷的传说》
9.From Imitation to Originality:The Consideration of Original Interior Design in China从模仿走向原创——对中国建筑室内“原创”设计的思考
10.On China's Cultural Innovation Theory--Thinking About the Original School and Cultural Innovation中国文化创新论略(之二)——关于学派原创与文化创新的思考
11.On Cultural Revivification and the Pursuit of Originality in the Study of Ancient Chinese Literary Theory;文化还原与中国古代文论研究的原创追求
12.Error creating process . Reason: %2创建进程 时出错。原因: %2
13.The fourth principle is to pursue scientific and technological innovation.第四,坚持科技创新原则。
14.The method of literary creation and the principle of literrary creatien:concepts of different gradation;创作方法与创作原则:不同层次的概念
15.Study on Evaluation System of Establishing Innovation-type Park in Taiyuan High-tech Zone;太原高新区创建创新型园区评价体系研究
16.Technological Innovation and Social Innovation:The Dynamics of Social Development;技术创新与社会创新:社会发展的原动力
17.The Myths of the Creation of the World and the Primitive Culture;世界原始创世神话的创造类型与文化底蕴
18.Creating Space for Change;创造变化的空间——农民发展创新的原动力研究

1.Objective: To prompt Chinese nurses to develop original nursing theory in China.目的:促进中国原创护理理论的创建。
2.There are about thirty existing comment books on The Book of Songs,which could be categorized into the following three kinds: original,quoted,and mixed(original +quoted) ones.自明末以来的《诗经》评本约存三十种,按其来源可分为原创评点、转录评点、嫁接评点三种。
3.It is of particular importance to understand the original meaning of Maxism.为了更好地发展与繁荣我国的哲学社会科学 ,必须坚持在马克思主义指导下进行理论创新 ;坚持和发展马克思主义 ,需要首先按照原创涵义来准确理解和把握马克思的理论思想 ;提倡用科学的态度和严谨的学风展开百家争鸣 ;落实四个“同样重要”。
1.Originality of nursing theory will guide nursing development in CHina;中国护理的发展需要原创性护理理论指导
2.An Exploration of Originality Study of Library Science in China;我国图书馆学原创性研究初探
3.the exploration to the expression of the deficiency of the originality of Education research;教育研究原创性不足的表征
4)originality structure原创结构
5)principle of creation创意原则
6)original architecture原创建筑
1.In the author s opinion,original architecture is a kind of responsibility fortechnology,economy,living condition and the development of the whole city.本文通过作者与业内著名建筑师和艺术家关于原创建筑话题的对话,引起对原创建筑的深层思考。
