1.Theory,Therapeutical Principles,Methods and Recipes for Opening Xuanfu Methods in Stroke Treatment——The Academic Experience of Professor ZHANG Zhi-yuan(6);中风病开通玄府法的理论 治则治法与方药——张志远学术经验系列(六)
2.The Microcirculation Mechanism of Xuanfu Theory and Jia Wei TongQi San in Removing Obstacles from Xuanfu——The Academic Experience of Professor Zhang Zhiyuan(1);耳科玄府说及加味通气散开通玄府的微循环机制——张志远学术经验系列(一)

1.The Theory of Xuanfu and Its Application of Vascular Dementia;玄府理论及其在血管性痴呆治疗中的应用研究
2.Theory and Clinical Discussion on Opening Sweat Pore (OSP) and Central Retinal Vein Occlusion (CRVO) and Neovascular Glaucoma (NVG)视网膜中央静脉阻塞及继发青光眼与玄府闭塞关系之初探
3.The Clinical and Experimental Research on the Mechanism of Tongfu Opened Xuanfu to Treat the Acute Ischemic Stroke;通腑法开通玄府治疗急性缺血中风的临床及实验研究
4.Research on Distribution about Fushi Syndrome at Onset of Ischemic Stroke and Mechanism of Tongfu to Treat Stroke by Openning Xuanfu;缺血中风起始态腑实证分布情况及通腑法开通玄府治疗中风机制初探
5.Yuen Yuen Home for the Aged [Yuen Yuen Institute]圆玄安老院〔圆玄学院〕
6.tholeiitic dolerite拉斑玄武岩质粒玄岩
7.Yuen Yuen Institute Social Centre for the Elderly [Yuen Yuen Institute]圆玄老人中心〔圆玄学院〕
8."Or rather the "Darker than any Mystery", The Doorway whence issued all Secret Essences."" 玄之又玄,众妙之门"
9.One who specializes or is skilled in metaphysics.玄学家专攻玄学或精通玄学的人
10.Prof.Qigong s Discussions on Metaphysics,Metaphysical Poems and Metaphysical Poets in Wei and Jin Dynasties;启功先生论魏晋玄学、玄言诗及玄言诗人
11.Different Essence of English Metaphysics Poetry and Chinese Xuan Poetry英国玄学派诗歌与中国玄言诗的不同玄机
12.Yuen Yuen Care-and-Attention Home for Elderly [Yuen Yuen Institute]圆玄护理安老院〔圆玄学院〕
13.Between in and out, the arrangement of porch from accumulate mystery.进进出出之间,玄关的安排自蕴玄机。
14.Analysis on East Jin s Metaphysics Poetry and Song Dynasty s Philosophical Poetry;浅论玄言诗说“玄”与宋诗说“理”
15.On the Stylistic Features of Tao Yuanming s Poems;玄而不玄——论陶渊明诗歌的文体特征
16.Explanation of Words in Xuanguailu and the Continuation of Xuanguailu;唐传奇《玄怪录》《续玄怪录》释词
17.An interpretation of the chapter of Zhong in Taixuan──on the cosmology based on by Taixuan;读玄释中——试论《太玄》所本的宇宙说
18.Beyond the Dispute Between Science and Metaphysics--A Memorandum to the 85th Anniversary of the Dispute Between Science and Metaphysics超越“科玄论战”——“科玄论战”85周年祭

sweat pore玄府
1.Hypothesis about correlation between pathogenic water accumulating in sweat pore and invisible hydrops;水淫玄府与隐性水肿假说
3)dysfunction of sweat pore玄府病变
4)pathogenic water accumulating in sweat pore水淫玄府
1.It is pointed out that pathogenic water accumulating in sweat pore is one.玄府功能发生病变 ,流通气液障碍 ,必然导致津停为水 ,充斥玄府 ,瘀滞玄府 ,形成水淫玄府
5)Xuan Fu (sweat pore) theory玄府理论
6)open sweat pores开通玄府
1.The main function of XNS was to open sweat pores, circulate fluid in body, expel turbid urine and remove poisonous substances.[结论]以开通玄府,流通气液,泻浊解毒立法的痴呆方醒脑散对老年性痴呆的治疗具有可靠的效果,值得进一步研究。

玄府玄府 玄府   解剖结构名。见《素问·调经论》。又名元府。即汗孔。以其细微幽玄不可见,或汗液色玄,从孔而出,故名。