道家哲学,Taoist philosophy
1)Taoist philosophy道家哲学
1.On Expatiating Angles of Literature Annotations of Taoist Philosophy;论道家哲学文献注本的阐释视角
2.The Taoist philosophy is a kind of Taoism-subjected world outlook and methodology, which has modern significance to the curriculum reform: "spirit" is the value pursuit of curriculum reform; free space is the natural orientation of curriculum development; "physical comprehension" is the effective way to implement curriculum and "doing nothing" is the ideal realm of curriculum management.道家哲学是一种以“道”为本体的世界观和方法论,它对课程改革的现代意义在于:“精神”为课程改革的价值诉求,“布白”是课程设计的应然向度,“体悟”为课程实施的有效途径,“无为”是课程管理的理想境界。
3.The theology and spirituality of Taoism, as well as the Taoist philosophy, not only provided materials for the Vietnamese literature, but also shaped the thoughts and writing styles of the Vietnamese authors.其中的神学思想为越南文学创作提供了素材,仙学思想和道家哲学也对越南作家的思想和创作方法产生了影响,极大地丰富和发展了越南古代文学。

1.Taoists ideas about being and not being and western philosophers theories on being and not being;道家哲学的有无论与西方哲学的有无观
2.On Taoist s Philosophy, Basic Thoughts and Its Theoretical Contribution;论道家哲学的基本思想及其理论贡献
3.Language Philosophy: a New Angle to the Comparative Study of Chinese Philosophy and Western Philosophy--Taking Tao's Philosophy and Heidegger's Philosophy as examples语言哲学视阈中的中西哲学之比较——以道家哲学与海德格尔哲学为例
4.Scientific Approaches to Consciousness and the Revelations from Taoism;对意识的科学探索及其与道家哲学的关系
5.On the Special Influence of Daoists Philosophical Spirit on Chinese Literature;论道家哲学精神对中国文学的特殊影响
6.The Influence of Pre-Qin Dynasty Taoism Philosophy Impacting on Traditonal Chinese Medical Mode of Thinking--Be Empty and lustrate to Achieve,Study and Weigh the Situation先秦道家哲学对中医学思维方式的影响
7.The Explanation of Daojia s Philosophy and its Structure of Their Character --On the Inner Senses of the Culture in MOMENT IN PEKING by Lin Yu Tang;道家哲学的阐释和道家人格的建构——论林语堂《瞬息京华》的文化意蕴
8.Disscussion on the Influence of Chinese Confucianism and Taoism Thoughts to Taijiquan;试论中国古代儒道家哲学思想对太极拳的影响
9.The origin and current situation of the comparative study of Taoism and post modernization;道家哲学与后现代主义比较研究的缘起与现状
10.Gathers With Taoism--Looks At Taoism Aesthetics By Zhuang-zi Philosophy Of Life;与道合一——由庄子人生哲学看道家美学
11.a philosopher who specializes in morals and moral problems.专门研究道德和道德问题的哲学家。
12.He was a philosopher, full of little sayings and homilies about the ways of the world.他是哲学家,满口关于处世的要言妙道。
13.Taoist ethics has important psychophilosophical significance.道家伦理具有重要的精神哲学意义。
14.On the Moral and Philosophical Implications and Value of the Confucian "Honesty";儒家“诚”的道德哲学意蕴及价值本位
15.Inspiration from Taoist Natural Philosophy upon Mankind s Survival;道家自然哲学对现代人类生存的启示
16.The Mind philosophy of Taoism and The Modern Concept of Sub-consciousness;道家的精神哲学与现代的潜意识概念
17.Taoist Ecological Ethical Thoughts and Modern Ecological Philosophy;道家道教生态伦理思想与当代生态哲学刍议
18.From the Philosopher s Philosophy to My Philosophy: Understanding of the Connotation of Teachers Philosophy;从哲学家的哲学到我的哲学:教师哲学内涵理解

1.Scientific Approaches to Consciousness and the Revelations from Taoism;对意识的科学探索及其与道家哲学的关系
2.From Becoming the Same for a Long Time to Being Renewal Instead of Conservation——Analyze the Logo Design from Taoism;从“久而俱化”到“破旧立新”——从道家哲学的角度谈标志设计
3.Enlightenment of Taoism to Modern Civilization;道家哲学对现代文明的启示
3)Taoist philosphy道家哲学
4)Taoistic philosophy道家哲学
1.This paper expounds the revelations of Bakhtin s Dialogism on modern ecological crises,introduces the dialog between Chinese Taoistic philosophy and west perspective of modernity,and compares the creation conception of west Christian and genesis conception of Chinese Taoism.阐述了巴赫金对话理论对于现代生态危机的启示,介绍了中国道家哲学与西方现代性反思的对话,比较了西方基督教的"创造观"与中国道家的"创生观"。
5)taoism philosophy道家道教哲学
6)Taoist life philosophy view道家人生哲学观
1.The main performance shows unintentionally in characters philosophy of life,value and the Taoist life philosophy view of ideal person for molding fit together and the work of the approbation of Taoist natural view.叶广芩的心理结构中积蕴了丰厚的道家精神,从其早期的家族系列小说到近期的动物系列小说,道家文化一直以各种方式在其作品中呈现出来,主要表现在其塑造的理想人物的人生观、价值观与道家人生哲学观的吻合及作品中流露出的对道家自然观的认同上。

汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty  日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀