象思维,xiang thinking
1)xiang thinking象思维
1.Development of "Xiang Thinking" during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period;春秋战国时期“象思维”的发展
2.A Comparative Study of Dignāga and Dharmakirti's "Pramana-Pratyaksa-pramāna Theory" and Descartes and Brentano's "Understanding-Perception Theory"——On Wang Shuren's "Xiang Thinking"陈那、法称“量-现量说”与笛卡儿、布伦塔诺“悟性-知觉论”之比较研究——兼论老树的“象思维
3.In order to explain the definition of xiang thinking,it is necessary to differentiate it from other thinking modes.为了说明象思维,有必要在对比中讲清楚与它不同的思维方式。

1.Comparison Between Images of substantial Art and Images of Abstact Art;具象艺术与抽象艺术表象思维的比较
2.Thinking and Translation--From the Viewpoint of Conceptual Thinking and Figurative Thinking思维认知与翻译——以概念思维与形象思维为视角
3.Imaginary Thinking and Logical Thinking in Art Design艺术设计中的形象思维与逻辑思维
4.On Logical Thinking and Thinking in Images in Creative Design;论创意设计中的逻辑思维与形象思维
5.Logical thinking and thinking in images in advertising creativity;论广告创意中的逻辑思维和形象思维
6.Humanism Education: from Conceptual Reasoning to Non-conceptual Reasoning;人文教育:由唯概念思维走向“象思维
7.The image thinking and logical thinking in analogic modifiers in Tibetan;藏语藻饰词中的形象思维与逻辑思维
8.My Ideas on Imagery Thinking and Logical Thinking in the Instruction of Engineering Courses;对工科教学中形象思维与逻辑思维的思考
9.Chinese Philosophy and the Root of Chinese Culture--Image and Image Thinking;中国哲学与文化之根——“象”与“象思维”引论
10.Thinking in Images and Translating Classical Chinese Poetry into English;论形象思维与古诗英译中的意象处理
11.Such thinking is seen as abstract thinking.这样的思考,便是抽象思维的显现。
12."Substantial Thinking" in Chinese traditional health care thought;中国传统养生思想中的“具象思维
13.Focusing on "Modeling Concept"-Thoughts on Imaginative Thinking Education;聚焦“造型观”——形象思维基础教学的思考
14.On Ancient Chinese Concrete Thinking as a Traditional Thought Pattern中国古代思想世界中的具象思维传统
15.By systematic thinking, Nature and man are regarded as an organic and unified system in essence.表现在认识特征上则是系统思维与意象思维
16.Training of Image Thinking and the Innovation Thinking in Vocal Music Teaching;声乐教学应注重形象思维与创造性思维的培养
17.The thinking in image throughout in the dominant position, the thinking in logic is subject to the thinking in image, and help it to figure specific and real images.形象思维始终占据着主导地位,逻辑思维从属于形象思维,帮助它塑造出具体真实的形象。
18.Though idealized method is an logical one, it is the combination of thinking in image and abstract thinking.理想化方法为逻辑方法,但却是形象思维与抽象思维的结合。

image thinking象思维
1.Since the early 20th century,with the introduction of Western education into China,Chinese people has closed the window of perception of "image thinking" while trying to open the window of rationality of scientific thinking,which put Chinese scholars in a situation of losing their subjective discourse.20世纪初以降,自从教育制度西化之后,在开启科学思维理性之窗时,却关闭了自己"象思维"的悟性之窗,致使中国学人陷入失去主体话语境地。
2.Language and logic come from image thinking.重新打开被西方中心论长期遮蔽的"象思维",是把握中国传统经典本真的需要。
3.Therefore,we must surpass language to appeal to image thinking: "setting up an image to convey meaning".庄子的超越精神在于开出道境的大视野和高境界,其思想层次属于悟性,居于语言逻辑概念思维之上,所以必须超越语言而诉诸“象以尽意”的“象思维”。
1.The Chinese Xiang-thinking is based on insight (wuxing), while the west method is rooted in the rational and concept-thinking.“象思维”是对中国传统思维本质内涵和基本特征的概括,其首先体现为《周易》的“观物取象”和“象以尽意”。
2.As a typical way of traditional thinking model, Xiang-Thinking has produced a significant impact on the derivative of Chinese traditional culture.象思维乃中国传统思维方式的经典对中国传统文化的衍生产生了重大的影响。
3.From the law of Chinese language,we can see the generating and the developing of xiang-thinking.象思维是中华传统文化的一种主要思维方式。
4)abstract thought抽象思维
1.The author analyzed the meaning of the abstract thought and creativity thought, the meaning in reading , form with characteristics, and education with the training method etc.分析了抽象思维与创造性思维的含义,在阅读中的意义,形式与特点,培养与训练方法等,旨在让阅读者了解抽象思维与创造性思维的重要性,从而在阅读中更好地运用抽象思维与创造性思维。
2.Chinese characters belong to ideography and are characterized by pictography, which reveals that Chinese people are good at thinking in images while English is alphabetic writing, which shows that Westerners is versed in abstract thought or logical thinking.汉字属于会意文字,具有象形的特点,象形文字体现了中国人重视形象思维的特点;英语属于拼音文字,在思维方式上表现为西方人善于抽象思维或逻辑思维。
3.An important component part of the creative ability is abstract thought ability.素质教育的核心是创新能力的教育,创新能力的一个重要组成部分是抽象思维能力,个体的抽象思维能力虽然有天赋的差别,但主要还是靠后天的培养训练获得,因此如何开发、培养个体的逻辑抽象思维能力是逻辑教育面临的一个重大课题,逻辑教育在培养创新能力,实现素质教育中有着重要的地位和作用。
5)analogical thinking mode取象思维
1.It manifests in the following two aspects: ① Under guidance of analogical thinking mode,Canon of Medicine established its unique theoretical system.《周易》的取象思维方式对《内经》产生了重要影响,其主要表现为:①以取象思维方式为指导,形成了《内经》独特的理论建构体系;②取象思维方式贯穿于《内经》阴阳五行学说为中心的中医理论论证过程之中。
6)abstract thinking抽象思维
1.Effect of modified electroconvulsive therapy on memory and abstract thinking;无抽搐电休克治疗对记忆及抽象思维的影响
2.Application of imagery teaching and abstract thinking in engineering mechanics teaching;工程力学教学中的形象化教学与抽象思维
3.The Nature of iconic thinking and abstract thinking and the hints for physics teaching;形象思维和抽象思维的本质及其对物理教学的启示

日前,布里斯托大学的考古学家齐良(Joao Zihao)教授和他的法国同事对欧洲最著名的旧石器时代遗址进行了重新考察,结果发现尼安德特人要比此前人们所认为更接近现代人。齐良教授展示了在查特佩戎(Châtelperronian)文化中所发现的装饰性骨刺以及个人饰品等制作工艺熟练的手工制品。而查特佩戎文化盛行于今天的法国和西班牙地区,是真正与尼安德特人相关的文化。这些手工制品产生于约44000年前。各洛特·德·菲斯遗址是尼安德特文化的发源地,位于法国中部的查特佩戎,首次被发掘是在19世纪40年代。尼安德特人通常被描述成是更原始的人种,而此处是了解现代人是如何从非洲迁移到此并取代尼安德特人这一过程最重要同时也是最具争议的地方。在对该遗址岩层传统的阐述中,科学家认为这个洞穴有着现代人和尼安德特人居住的交叉层。尼安德特人在现代人居住到洞中一段时候后又返回该洞的这一事实证明,两种人种曾在很长一段时间内同期生存过,并且证明在最后的尼安德特人文化中所出现的新文化现象是模仿或借鉴而非创新。而现在考古学家发现各洛特·德·菲斯的地层结构是一种错觉,因为这所谓的尼安德特地层覆盖于属于现代人奥里尼雅克期文化层之上实际上是因19世纪的化石发掘而将其土层覆盖上去的。据齐良教授和他的同事研究发现,这一错误的更正正好正实了在其他地区遗址上所发现的结果,即尼安德特人在现代人进入西欧之前就已经具备了象征思维,而对现代人进入西欧的时间经发射性碳测定是约在40000年前。齐良教授表示:“这一发现与在其它洞穴遗址中岩层的研究一起对我们了解欧洲的尼安德特人乃至更大范围内人类进化有着巨大的影响。尼安德特人和现代人之间的差异也许比此前所认为的要小,因为人类认知和象征思维有可能是在这两个亚种于400000年前分化之前就产生了。”