藏象,Visceral manifestation
1)Visceral manifestation藏象
1.Discussion on Visceral Manifestation Theory;关于藏象理论部分内容的探讨
2.Visceral manifestation can be divided into four categories, including that of form quality, physiology, pathology, and nature.从字义演进轨迹入手,探析“象”之含义、藏象之“象”的概念与分类。
3.In this paper,the visceral manifestation theory was put back to the the specific historical conditions of its occurrence and development to explore the generation bases of its form quality manifestation,physiological manifesta-tion,pathological manifestation and natural manifestation,so as to reveal the origin and the whole story of the theory,thus deepening our understanding of it.发生学方法是合理诠释和研究藏象理论最应遵循的方法论之一。

1.Capillary accords with spleen on function, so it is owned by spleen in viscera-state.毛细血管符合脾藏的功能特性,在藏象上当归属脾藏。
2.Discussing on the Materia Base of Visceral-state Spiritial Phenomenon in Huangdi Neijing论《灵枢·本神》之藏象精神现象的物质基础
3.Study on Generation Science of Theoretical System of Visceral Picture in Internal Classic of Medicine;《内经》藏象理论体系的发生学研究
4.A Study on Generation Science of the Visceral Picture Theory of Liver in Internal Classical of Medicine《黄帝内经》肝藏象理论发生学研究
5.Analysis of the Psychological Significance of Theories of Viceral Manifestation and Spirit-mind in Traditional Chinese Medicine中医藏象神志学说的心理学意义辨析
6.To enclose in or as if in a womb.使藏于子宫内,使隐藏使藏于或好象藏于子宫内
7.collector's itemph.1. 收藏家收集的对象
8.a priceless collection of ivories象牙的稀世珍品收藏.
9.Resembling, suggesting, or suitable for receiving the dead.象藏骸所似的,暗指或适合收藏骨骸的
10.To cover or conceal with or as if with a cloak.掩藏,掩饰用或好象用遮盖物覆盖或掩藏
11.The location or probable location of a mineral deposit.有矿藏迹象处有矿藏的地方或可能有矿藏的地方
12.To gather and store in or as if in a granary.收藏,储藏收集或贮藏物品于谷仓中,或就象在谷仓中
13.His paintings have become collectors'items.他的画已成为收藏家争购的对象。
14.Evil is not a culture phonomenon, it is a human one.邪恶不是文化现象,而潜藏于人类之中。
15.He hid his hypocrisy behind a false front of good humor.他随和的假象后面隐藏着他的虚伪。
16.To conceal or obscure by dissemblance or false show; misrepresent用假象或误传来隐藏或遮蔽.
17.The collector has acquired a fine collection of impressionist paintings.这位收藏家收集到大量印象派绘画。
18.Figurative Art Philosophy: Comment on Ueda Juzo s Aesthetic Ideas;植田寿藏的“表象性”艺术哲学论析

1.From the viewpoint of literature research,the paper investigates the development of heart viscera-state theory,and studies the relationship between heart symptoms and syndromes by statistical methods such as frequencies,cluster analysis,and regression analysis to probe into the regulation of syndrome differentiation in heart diseases.从文献研究的角度,梳理心藏象理论、辨证论治理论的发展脉络;对历代有关心病证的症象,采用现代统计学的方法,应用计算机进行频数统计、聚类分析、回归分析等科学手段,探究心病证与症象的相关性,归纳心藏象辨证的规律。
3)visceral picture藏象
1.The formation of the theory of visceral picture of liver has experienced a long process.肝藏象学说的形成经历了一个漫长的过程,先秦至汉代的诸多文献零散地记载了有关肝的解剖、生理、病理等内容。
2.Purpose: Put the relative conceptions of theory of visceral picture of lungin their historical period that occurred to study, in order to understand the process of making up the theoretical system of visceral picture of lung well and depthly.目的:将肺藏象的相关概念放在其发生的历史时期进行考查,明确肺藏象相关概念的内涵和外延;以求得能够正确理解、对待古文献中肺藏象相关概念的表述,进而明析《黄帝内经》肺藏象的发生要素、建构方法、演进轨迹;进一步为中医名词术语的规范化、标准化奠定基础,为中医理论体系的自身发展创造条件。
4)Viscera-State of TCM中医藏象
5)Visceral manifestations and channels and collaterals藏象经络
6)viscera-state doctrine藏象理论
1.Basic Research of Viscera-State Doctrine in TCM is Jumping-off Point of TCM Modernization;中医藏象理论的基础研究是中医学现代研究的起点

藏象藏象 藏象   生理学名词。藏,古通“脏”,藏象即指人体内脏生理机能活动及其病理变化而显现于外的征象。其主要内容包括五脏六腑、奇恒之腑以及五官九窍、皮肉筋骨等组织器官和气、血、精、津液等功能及其相互关系。首见《素问·六节藏象论》。参藏象学说条。