传统医药,Traditional medicine
1)Traditional medicine传统医药
1.Legitimacy of protection for the rights of traditional medicine knowledge from the perspective of human rights;从人权视角看传统医药知识权利保护的正当性
2.Study on the Intellectual Property Rights Protection of Traditional Medicine;传统医药的知识产权保护研究
3.industry in the western part of China,which has the resources advantage,traditional medicine takes the independent intellect right. 传统医药学有着广泛的群众基础和厚重的历史积淀,是我国各民族优秀传统文化和现代卫生资源的重要组成部分;传统医药产业作为西部地区拥有资源优势的高新技术产业,具有中国独立知识产权和比较优势。

1.Preserving and Developing the Traditional Medicine of Ethnic Minorities保护发展少数民族传统医药
2.On Traditional Medicine in Yuannan;云南民族传统医药文化及其发展、保护
3.Industrialization Development to Chinese Traditional Medicine中华民族传统医药产业化发展问题研究
4.International Protection of Traditional Medicine and China s Possible Choice;传统医药的国际保护及我国的可行性选择
5.Legitimacy of protection for the rights of traditional medicine knowledge from the perspective of human rights;从人权视角看传统医药知识权利保护的正当性
6.The Experiences and Inspiration of the Protection of Traditional Medicine Knowledge in Several Countries;若干国家传统医药知识保护的实践及其启示
7.Introduce and reference of the "aboriginal s law on collective knowledge protection";秘鲁土著人传统医药知识保护制度简介与借鉴
8.Developing Cultural Essence and Promoting the Sustained Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine;弘扬传统中医药文化 提升中医药高校办学实力
9.Research on Intellectual Property Protection of China s Traditional Chinese Medicine;我国传统中医药的知识产权保护研究
10.The Study on Law Problems of Protecting Traditional Knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine;中医药传统知识保护的法律问题研究
11.Traditional Chinese Medicine and Its Legal Protection;中医药传统知识法律保护的内在需求
12.On Constructing a Special Legal System to Protect Knowledge Related to Traditional Chinese Medicine;中医药传统知识保护的法律制度构建
13.Intellectual property protection of tranditional chinese medicine in China;我国传统中医药知识的知识产权保护
14.Wireless Sensor Networks Medicine Inspect System基于无线传感器网络的医药监控系统
15.While furthering the practice of modern medicine, the government encourages the development of traditional minority medical practice including the Tibetan, Uygur, Mongolian and Dai medicines.在发展现代医药事业的同时,传统的民族医药如藏医、维医、蒙医、傣医等,也得到了较大的发展。
16.Ultraviolet blood irradiation is used in both conventional and alternative medicine for different reasons.紫外线发光被用于传统医疗的和替代药医疗。
17.Traditional Tibetan medical science, comprising Tibetan medicine and pharmacology, has been handed down and developed.西藏的传统医学藏医、藏药得到继承和发展。
18.Cross-cultural Research on the History and Present Status of Traditional VIETNAM and Chinese Medicine越南传统医学历史、现状及中医药的比较研究

Inherence of tradition of Chinese medicine中医药传统
3)traditional Chinese medicine传统中医药
1.The Research on Intellectual Property Protection of Traditional Chinese Medicine;我国传统中医药的知识产权保护
2.Research on Intellectual Property Protection of China s Traditional Chinese Medicine;我国传统中医药的知识产权保护研究
4)Traditional Chinese medicine corporate传统中医药产业
1.Traditional Chinese medicine corporate is important part of Chinese traditional corporate.传统中医药产业通过这些具有东方文化特色的各种商业营销设计策略,全方位地、成功地树立起了自己独特的行业品牌形象,具有现代CI设计的整体理念。
5)traditional culture of Chinese Medicine中医药传统文化
6)Indigenous Traditional Medicine民间传统医药
1.Indigenous Traditional Medicine and Utilization of Plan by Li Nationality;黎族民间传统医药与植物的利用

《皇汉医药全书》《皇汉医药全书》 《皇汉医药全书》   医学全书。原名《汉方医药全书》。日本·栗原广三撰。吴嘉博译。前列总说,以下分五部论述,即汉方医术发达史、病理解说、药理解说、药剂解说、处方解说。作者联系哲学、理学以及社会、文化、医药等发展的历史,分析中国医药学,并介绍汉方医药流传日本的源流概况。在阐述病理、病证等方面参考了西说,有一定的参考价值,认为汉方医学不是科学(见自序),则是极端错误的。现存1935年上海中西医药书局铅印本。