直觉思维,intuitive thinking
1)intuitive thinking直觉思维
1.A Probe into the cultivating of intuitive thinking in Mathematics studies;初探数学学习过程中直觉思维的培养
2.This paper is aimed to make a brief study on the rule of thinking in translation from the three layers of thinking, that is, the abstract thinking, the thinking in images, and intuitive thinking, and meanwhile to discuss the ways in which the translator realize his creativity via the thinking in the translation.本文试从翻译思维的三个层面,即抽象思维、形象思维和直觉思维分别简略探讨思维活动在英汉互译过程中的运动规律,以及译者通过翻译思维实现翻译创造的不同途径。
3.In this paper,the author presents intuitive thinking from creative thinking structure,analyzes its concept and features,discusses its function and importance in training talents and finally,based on the feature of information education,explores the methods for developing intuitive thinking in information education.本文首先从创造性思维结构中提出直觉思维,分析直觉思维的概念、特点,讨论了直觉思维在人才培养中的作用和重要性。

1.Converse Thinking and Intuitive Thinking -- On the Thinking of Tao Te Ching;逆反思维与直觉思维——《道德经》思维方式探微
2.Cultivation of Intuition Thinking in Physics Education in Middle School;中学物理教育中直觉思维能力的培养
3.On Features of Intuitive Thinking in Chuang Tzu s Three Ways of Argumentation;论《庄子》“三言”的直觉思维特征
4.Intuitive thinking and its development in information education;直觉思维及其在信息化教育中的培养
5.A Probe into the cultivating of intuitive thinking in Mathematics studies;初探数学学习过程中直觉思维的培养
6.A general discussion on the training of the mathematical intuitive thinking avility of high school students;浅谈高中生数学直觉思维能力的培养
7.On Intuition Thought and Its Fostering in Modera Innovation Education;浅论现代创新教育中直觉思维及培养
8.“Energy” of Intuitive Thought--A reflection upon intuitive thought and its methodology from the discoveries of Einstein and Femi;直觉思维的“能量”——从爱因斯坦、费米的发现反思直觉思维及其方法论意义
9.Form the Perceptional Thinking to Local Thinking--A brief discussion on the western logic in China and its impact on the Chinese people;从直觉思维到逻辑思维——浅谈西方逻辑在中国的输入及其影响
10.Enlightenment of Traditional Chinese Intuition-Thinking Mode on Building Postgraduates’ Creative Thinking;中国传统的直觉思维方式对研究生创造性思维生成的启示
11.A Study on the Development of Students Mathematical Intuitive Thinking Ability in Classroom Teaching Practice;课堂教学中培养学生数学直觉思维能力的研究
12.Application of the Method of Intuitive Thought in Establishing Investigational Hypothesis;直觉思维方法在形成侦查假说中的应用
13.Cultivation of Intuition Thinking in Higher Mathematics Teaching;论高等数学教学中学生数学直觉思维的培养
14.The Preliminary Inquiry into the Training of Intuition Thinking in Teaching Higher Mathematics and Its Application;直觉思维在高等数学教学中的培养和运用
15.On fostering students intuitive thinking ability in physics instruction;论物理教学对学生直觉思维能力的培养
16.Preliminary Study on Cultivating Students Ability of the Audio-visual Thinking in Teaching Mathematics Analysis;数学分析教学中学生直觉思维能力的培养
17.Talk About Maths Intuition Thinking and Training for Use in the Teaching;浅谈数学直觉思维训练在教学中的运用
18.The Intuition Thinking and Strategy of Ability Cultivation in Physics Teaching;物理教学中直觉思维及其能力培养策略

intuition thinking直觉思维
1.On theories of physical chemistry and development of student′s intuition thinking;物理化学理论与学生直觉思维培养
2.The Intuition Thinking in the Mathematical Problem Solving;数学问题解决中的直觉思维
3.Since 1960 s, a lot of animal and human experiments have proved that the two Hemispheres have respective functions, function of the left Hemisphere dealing with verbal information, and performing abstract thinking and logic thinking, whereas the right Hemisphere dealing with concrete information, and performing non-logic thinking and intuition thinking.如果教育能致力于平衡语言和直觉思维 ,努力开发右脑的功能 ,我们就可能培养更多的在科学活动中具有创新思维的优秀人才 。
3)intuitive thought直觉思维
1.On how to train intuitive thought ability in math s teaching;论数学教学中直觉思维能力的培养
2.“Energy” of Intuitive Thought——A reflection upon intuitive thought and its methodology from the discoveries of Einstein and Femi;直觉思维的“能量”——从爱因斯坦、费米的发现反思直觉思维及其方法论意义
3.Moreover,intuitive thought is helpful in arousing inspiration as it helps us see clearly the essence and regularity of things.在设计构思环节中 ,发散性思维能使设计思路流畅、灵活 ;收敛性思维能使构思有准确的定位 ;直觉思维能加速认识事物的本质和规律性 ,产生设计灵感 ;通过想象能使设计摆脱现状 ,实现超越 ,得到最新意境的浮现和展
4)intuitional thinking直觉思维
1.Teachers must play the leading function,pay attention to train students initiative spirit and creationary thinking ability,namely training students aggregate thinking ability,emanative thinking ability and intuitional thinking ability.教师应发挥主导作用,注重培育学生的主动精神,培养学生创新性思维能力,即培养学生的聚合思维能力,发散思维能力和直觉思维能力。
2.Image thinking,intuitional thinking and dialectical thinking are major thinking modes of traditional China,which can reflect and actively act on the objects w.意象思维、直觉思维和辩证思维是中国传统思维方式的重要类型,它们以特有的认知特征反映并能动地作用客体。
3.Creative thinking quality will come into being, when intuitional thinking and logical thinking are combined together to internalize the intuitional thinking.直觉思维方式是中国传统思维的重要组成部分,它内含着重要的创造性品质,这种创造性品质对于当代研究生提高创造性思维能力具有重要意义。
5)intuition thought直觉思维
1.Finding out the Beauty of Maths, Cultivating Students intuition thought;挖掘数学美 培养直觉思维
2.And then ,it put some ways of developing the capacity of students, solving mathematical problems ,creating problem circumstances and developing intuition thought ,revealing the process of solving a mathematical problem ,excavating ways of thought .文章阐述了当前数学教学中存在的问题,并从创设问题情景、发展直觉思维、揭示解题过程、挖掘思想方法方面提出和论述了培养学生数学问题解决能力的方法。
3.The proper application of Mathematics intuition thought in mathematics teaching ,can improve the student s creative thinking .数学直觉思维在数学教学中的恰当运用,可以提高学生数学创造性思维的能力。
6)instinctive thinking直觉型思维

直觉思维直觉思维intuitive thinking  直觉思维(intuitive thinking)一般指根据有限的信息、资料,迅速地作出结论或判断的思维过程。它的主要特点是认识过程的直接性、简约性及其结论的或然性。在直觉思维过程中,无严格的逻辑顺序,无明显的推理步骤,而是一种跳跃式的认识活动,常常抓住一点线索就快速地解决问题,在直觉思维时人常常说不清楚某个观念是怎样产生或问题是怎样解决的。它不受常规思维方式的约束,容易产生新的、异乎寻常的观念或构思,在创造发明中具有重要的意义。但又由于其根据不足,结论常带有猜测的性质,不完全可靠。它的完善化及效能,有赖于人的知识经验和逻辑思维的发展。在许多情况下,逻辑推理思维经过多次练习而变得非常熟练,这个过程就会压缩、简化,省去许多中间环节,转化为直觉思维。它的可靠性,最终要经过逻辑论证和实践活动加以检验。在皮亚杰的认知发展理论中,直觉思维指以知觉到的形象为依据的思维,属于儿童智力发展中从前运算阶段到具体运算阶段间的一个过渡环节。 (古茂盛撰王启康移璐龄市)