古代哲学,ancient philosophy
1)ancient philosophy古代哲学
1.The essence of the history of China s ancient philosophy lies in: trinity, impartial integration, and return-to-zero balance.中国古代哲学史上的精华所在有:三元统一、中正和合、平衡归零,但在过去很长时间内,人们误把精华当糟粕,结果被批判和抛弃。
2.All ancient philosophy may be return to an action to look for the origin of the cosmos.无论在东方还是西方 ,全部的古代哲学都可以归结为寻找始基的活动。
3.The main feature of the ancient philosophy was to pursue the universal origin .古代哲学的突出特点是寻找宇宙始基。

1.Relations between Philosophy with Science:A Comparative Study of the Modern Philosophy with the Ancient Philosophy;哲学与自然科学的关系:近代哲学与古代哲学的比较
2.A Tentative Study on the Borrowing of Anciont Chinese Philosophy Essence in Bassic Philosophy Class;哲学常识课程借鉴中国古代哲学思想精华初探
3.The Exploration of Ancient Chinese Philosophy to the Rational Patterns of Philosophical Culture;中国古代哲学对合理哲学文化形式的有益探索
4.The Notion of "Two","Three" and "Many" in Ancient Chinese Philosophy;中国古代哲学中的“二”“三”与“多”的观念
5.Harmonious Society: An Ancient Chinese Philosophical and Cultural View;“和谐社会”的中国古代哲学与文化视角
6.Ancient Chinese Philosophy and the Human-oriented Education;中国古代哲学与“以人为本”的教育
7.Chinese ancient philosophy and the construction of contemporary chinese harmonious society;中国古代哲学与当代中国和谐社会构建
8.Philosophical Ontology determines Theories of Literary Nature --a general view on relationship between ancient Western philosophies and literay theories;哲学本体论决定文学本质论——西方古代哲学与文论关系概说
9.Thinking about the Windup of Chinese Ancient Science and Technology from the Characteristic of Chinese Ancient Philosophy;从中国古代哲学的特征看中国古代科学技术的终结
10.He dipped into ancient history and philosophy他涉猎古代史和哲学。
11.Cynic is the member of a sect of ancient Greek philosophers.犬儒学派是古代希腊哲学学派的成员。
12.The Influence of German Classical Philosophy on Contemporary Western Philosophy;论德国古典哲学对现当代西方哲学的影响
13.On the Turn of Western Modern Philosophy and the Characteristics of German Classical Philosophy;论西方近代哲学的转向与德国古典哲学的性质
14.Philosophical Analysis on the Chinese Ancient Union of Nature and Man;中国古代“天人合一”思想的哲学分析
15.On Ancient Chinese Moral Philosophical Wisdom Manifested in "Taking Man as the Staring Point";论“以人为本”的古代道德哲学智慧
16.A Historical Investigation of "Whether China in the Ancient Times Had Philosophy or Not";“中国(古代)有无哲学”的历史考察
17.Mythical Stories about Eden in Ancient China and their Philosophical Interpretations;中国古代的“原始乐园”神话及哲学解读
18.The periods in the Development of Ancient Chinese historical philosophy;略论中国古代历史哲学发展的阶段性

ancient philosopher古代哲学家
3)ancient Chinese philosophy中国古代哲学
1.The ancient Chinese philosophy has exerted important influence on the research of traditional Chinese medicine by establishing the hardcore of the research of traditional Chinese medicine and providing growing point for the formation and development of the "guard band" of traditional Chinese medicine.中国古代哲学对中医学研究纲领的形成和发展产生了重要影响:一方面直接构建了中医学研究纲领的硬核,另一方面又为其保护带的形成和发展提供了生长点。
2.The theories of the origin of life in traditional Chinese medicine and in ancient Chinese philosophy are discussed and compared in this paper.讨论和比较中医学的生命本原说与中国古代哲学的生命本原说。
3.This paper points out that ancient Chinese philosophy mainly does not in view nature with scientific eyes,but with humanistic eyes.中国古代哲学主要是以人文的眼光看待自然 ,而不是以科学的眼光看待自然。
4)Chinese ancient philosophy中国古代哲学
1.Chinese ancient philosophy s influence on Chinese ancient architecture is explored.分析了中国古代哲学思想一些独特的哲学观念,如“象天法地”,“道法自然”,阐述了在这些哲学思想指导下所形成的中国古代建筑,城市规划、园林等方面所积淀下来的深厚文化内涵,并对如何继承这些遗产进行了讨论。
2.In Chinese ancient philosophy,“Jiao tong”doesn t means“traffic”or“transportation”in our dai- ly sense,but means communication and intercourse between heaven and earth or between all things.在中国古代哲学中,“交通”一词不是指日常意义上的交通运输,而是指天地万物之间的沟通、交流。
5)ancient oriental philosophies古代东方哲学
6)ancient country philosophy古代国家哲学
1.Benevolent government whose main concept runs through the the Confucianism serves as the core of Chinese ancient country philosophy.贯穿于儒学中的"王道"学是中国古代国家哲学的核心,其基本理念是以"王道"为主导,能构建社会乌托邦,能达制"强国之术",最终能使"国、家"达制"世界主义",其基本内涵有"大一统"人间秩序的理想形态及其形上根据,专制君权的正当性判准,国家的法制宪纲,政治伦理与实践原则,立国兴国的改革之道等等,在今天仍然具有重要的借鉴意义。

汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty  日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀