肝功,Liver function
1)Liver function肝功
1.Influence on the liver function,blood lipid and the expression level of leptin in liver tissue of liver fibrosis rat model with Chinese Medicine Baoganning;保肝宁对肝纤维化大鼠肝功、血脂及肝组织瘦素表达水平的影响
2.The animal survival rate,the changes of liver function and histopathology were observed.方法将18只正常小型猪随机分为A组(肝血流阻断90min)、B组(肝血流阻断100min),在肠腔分流的条件下,观察2组动物的术后存活情况、入肝血流阻断前后,再灌注0、1h、1~5d时肝功能及组织病理改变。
3.objective:through relative researches of the change of the liver function, blood calcium and blood lipid of AP and its TCM syndrome patterns, trying to find some peculiar indexes and leading them to the TCM differentiation of AP.目的:通过对急性胰腺炎肝功、血钙及血脂变化与中医证型相关性的研究,试图找出一些特异的指标,将这些客观指标引入中医对急性胰腺炎的辨证,以使辨证更为客观,从而有利于统一辨证标准,并为论治提供可靠的依据;同时也可得出急性胰腺炎的中医证型分布规律。

1.Assessment of hepatic fibrosis and liver function indices in 310 patients with hepatitis B乙型肝炎患者310例肝纤维化与肝功能指标分析
2.You have to test the functioning power of your liver.你得检查一下肝功能。
3.Next time we'll study the action of the liver.下次我们将研究肝功能。
4.Ask: so how to determine the hepatic failure in England?国际肝病》:肝功能衰竭的终归是什么?
5.The Characters of Liver Function Disorder in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease;非酒精性脂肪性肝病肝功能改变特点
6.Impaired liver function induced by sorafenib in the patient with liver transplantation(a case report)索拉非尼引起移植肝肝功能异常1例
7.Value of the Conventional Liver Function Tests in the Assessment of Hepatic Reserve常规肝功能检查在肝储备功能评估中的价值
8.The Relationship of Cardiac Function and Child-Pugh Grade in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis肝硬化患者心功能与Child-Pugh肝功能分级的关系
9.The condition can lead to hepatitis, fibrosis, cirrhosis and liver failure.这种情况可能导致肝炎,肝纤维化,肝硬化和肝功能衰竭。
10.Correlation between Liver Volume and Liver Reserve Function in Virus-induced Cirrhosis Patients: Findings with 16 Slices Helical CT;16层螺旋CT肝炎后肝硬化肝叶体积变化与肝功能相关性研究
11.The Relationship between Morphological Indexes and Hepatic Functional Reserve of Posthepatitic Cirrhosis;慢性肝炎肝硬化病肝形态学指标与肝功能的关系
12.Routine urinalysis and tests of the liver and kidney functions showed normal findings.尿常规、肝功能、肾功能等检查正常
13.Determination of coagulation function and liver function in patients with craniocerebral injury颅脑损伤患者凝血功能和肝功能测定
14.Studies suggesting that sesamin is able to protect live and improve liver function.研究显示芝麻素可以「保护肝脏及改善肝功能」。
15.(6)the liver function and the organs adjoin the liver was monitored.(6 )密切观察肝功能及邻近肝脏脏器的损伤情况。
16.Almost anything that impairs liver function can cause hepatitis.任何有损于肝功能的因素,几乎都会引起肝炎。
17.The Effect of ESSENTISALE (EPL) in Protecting Liver Function during Chemotherapy of Malignant Tumors肝得健预防肿瘤化疗期肝功能损伤的效应
18.Protective Effect Liver Function by the Treatment of Distant Liver and Clearing Away Heat-Removing Damp in Obstructive Jaundice;疏肝清热利湿法对阻黄肝功能及相关因子影响

Hepatic function肝功能
1.Clinical retrospective investigation in relationship among HBV-DNA,HBV-SM and hepatic function analysis;血清HBV-DNA与HBV-SM及肝功能分析相关性的临床回顾性研究
2.Correlation between circulating endothelial cell and hepatic functional status in rat model of sepsis;脓毒症模型大鼠循环内皮细胞与肝功能状态间关系的相关性研究
3.Relationship of glycometabolism disorder and liver fibrosis indicatrix and hepatic function in liver cirrhosis;肝硬化患者糖代谢异常与肝纤维化指标及肝功能的关系
3)Liver function肝脏功能
1.Liver function of beating heart surgery during cardiopulmonary bypass;心脏不停跳心内直视手术对肝脏功能的影响
2.Liver function in obstructive jaundice patients by diffusion-weighted MR imaging;磁共振扩散成像评价梗阻性黄疸患者肝脏功能
3.Objective To evaluate the prognostic value of liver function in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma after hepatic resection.目的评价肝脏功能指标对根治性肝切除肝细胞癌(HCC)术后长期存活的影响。
4)Liver function肝功能
1.Effects of pneumoperitoneal pressure on liver function after operation in patients undergoing laparoscopic operation;腹腔镜手术术中气腹压对肝功能的影响
2.Analysis on electrolytes and liver function indexes of patients after undergoing hepatic arterial chemoembolization;肝动脉化疗栓塞后电解质和肝功能指标的变化
3.Liver function analysis of the HBV positive man after the right lung transplantation;乙肝病毒携带者肺移植术后肝功能变化分析1例
5)hepatic and renal functions肝肾功能
1.[Objective]To observe the influence of hemolysis degree of the blood samples on the determination of common hepatic and renal functions indexes.目的观察血液标本不同的溶血程度对常用肝肾功能指标测定的影响。
2.Objective: To study the effects of different concentrtion of enflurane on partial blood biochemical parameters,and to evaluate the influence of this drug on hepatic and renal functions.目的:观察不同浓度的安氟醚对部分血生化指标的作用,探讨该药对肝肾功能的影响。
6)hepatic function肝脏功能
1.Objective:To investigate the influence of intra-abdominal hypertension(IAH)on hepatic function.目的:研究腹内压升高对肝脏功能的影响。
2.Objective To detect the effects of salvia miltiorrhize to hepatic function in patients with acute obstructive suppurative cholangitis.目的 观察丹参对急性梗阻性化脓性胆管炎患者机体一期术后肝脏功能变化的影响。

肝功能肝功能liver function  肝脏是人体的重要器官之一,人体许多重要的物质在肝脏内进行代谢,如养分的消化、吸收和贮存;凝血因子的合成;代谢产物的解毒、排泄;酶的调节;体内水和电解质平衡的维持;激素的代谢;胆汁的生成代谢和机体的免疫功能等。实验室通过蛋白质、糖、脂肪、胆红素的代谢功能试验及临床酶学检查,来了解肝脏各项功能有否损害及损害程度,判断预后,进行药物的筛选及疗效观察,进行健康检查和对术前病人耐受力的评价。常用指标为血清总蛋白及A/G比值的测定;TTT、GPT及血清胆红素的测定。