阴阳学说,Yin-yang theory
1)Yin-yang theory阴阳学说
1.Review on experimental studies on Yin-yang theory of traditional Chinese medicine;中医阴阳学说的实验研究回顾
2.Yin-yang theory and Chinese world outlook;阴阳学说与中国人的宇宙观
3.Yin-yang theory is an ancient philosophy which enrich Materialism and Dialectics,which is the important part of the creed of Chinese medicine research.阴阳学说是中医研究纲领的重要组成部分,阴阳学说属于富含唯物论和辩证法的古代哲学思想。

1.Yin-yang throry and the implication of reality in Zhouyi;《周易》的阴阳学说及其对实在的理解
2.Yin-Yang? is a very important theory in the history of Chinese philosophy.阴阳学说在中国哲学史上占有重要的地位。
3.Application of Yin-yang theories of Chinese medicine in the teaching of simplified Taiji boxing中医阴阳学说在简化太极拳教学中的运用
4.How to use the theory of yin-yang to analyze things happened around us?如何用阴阳学说来分析在我们周围发生的事呢?
5.How did the ancient Chinese people apply the theory of yin-yang into the traditional Chinese medicine?古人是如何把阴阳学说应用到中医中去的?
6."I would like to know something more about the concepts of Yin and Yang, and the relationship between qigong and the martial art."我还想知道阴阳学说以及气功和武术的关系。
7.Combination of Image and Spirit, Unity of Inside and Outside──Yin Yang and Martial Art;武术“形神兼备、内外合一”与阴阳学说之关系
8.Theory of "Yin" and "Yang": Studying the Theory of Russian Grammar from a New Perspective;阴阳学说:俄语语法理论研究的全新视角
9.Discussion on Doctrine of Yin-Yang Sleep and Dream from the Medicinal Classical Theroy to Scientific Frontline从阴阳二十五度论中医阴阳睡梦学说
10.There are bisexual persons in traditional Chinese medicine.中国中医学上就有阴阳人这种说法。
11.The Longitudinal Dissemination and Historic Evolvement of Yin-Yang and Five Phases Theory;阴阳、五行学说的纵向传播与历史演变
12.The Formation and Its Application in NeiJin's Tripartition of Yinyan Theory《内经》三阴三阳学说的形成及其运用
13.Harmony of Yin-Yang and Expiation of Five Elements--Ecological Significance of Universe,Yin-Yang and Five Elements theory of Tung Chung-shu“阴阳之平”与“五行变救”——董仲舒天地阴阳五行学说的生态意蕴
14.Comparison of Yeats′ mystical philosophy with Chinese Yin-yang and Five Elements theory;叶芝的神秘哲学与中国阴阳五行学说之比较
15.An analysis of the influence of Yin-yang and Five Elements theory on the literary view of Wen Xin Diao Long试论阴阳五行学说对《文心雕龙》文学观的影响
16."Taiji is used to mean the origin .of yin (negative, or female), yang(positive, or male) and of universal changes."太极是表示阴阳太极的哲理和宇宙变化的学说。
17.Comment on the Influence of the Theory of Yin-Yang on Ancient Chinese Criminal Law;阴阳五行学说对古代中国刑法的影响浅谈
18.On the Absorbing of the Theory on YinYang and the Five Elements by Dong zhongshu’s Political Philosophy;试论董仲舒政治哲学对阴阳五行说的吸收

theory of Yin and Yang阴阳学说
1.The theory of Yin and Yang as well as five elements is one of the traditional culture characteristics of China disˉtinguished from other countries,is important composing part of ancient natural philosophy.阴阳学说起源于《易经》,五行学说起源于《尚书》,中医阴阳五行学说起源于《内经》 ,中医学科学结构是通过长期的医疗实践吸收中国传统文化中阴阳五行学说作为逻辑构架。
2.Yet limitations exist in this application, and the theory of yin and yang should be viewed sci.然而 ,中医理论运用矛盾分析法也有一定的局限性 ,应科学地看待阴阳学
3)Yinyang theory阴阳学说
1.We decide to probe and set up the correlation of symmetry theory between Yinyang theory and physiology in the mathematics and physics field through comparing method.中医药学的阴阳学说不仅是一种理论,更是一种思维工具和方法。
2.The Yinyang theory is an important theory of the Chinese traditional culture.而阴阳学说又是中国传统文化中的重要思想理论,阴阳学说在太极拳产生、发展的漫长过程中对太极拳的拳理、盘架、推手等方面都有深刻的影响和指导作用。
4)Yin Yang theory阴阳学说
1.This essay studies this concept with Yin Yang theory and analyses the methods of developing comprehension of martial art training.《阴阳学说》的理论能帮助我们正确理解“形神兼备、内外合一”这一武术精髓 。
5)YingYang theory阴阳学说
1.It s origin is NeiJing YingYang theory.陈意教授的膏方闪烁着中医理论和临床经验的光辉,其渊源在于《内经》的阴阳学说
6)Yin-Yang hypothesis阴-阳学说

阴阳学说阴阳学说yin-yang doctrine  在阴阳概念基础上建立起来的中医学基本理论,认为阴阳对立统一、消长转化、相反相成的关系,贯穿于自然与人体等一切事物之中,是人体生理和病理发生、发展、变化的根源及规律。