医疗体系,medical system
1)medical system医疗体系
1.Through years of research,the author of this paper has applied the theory and method of medical anthropology to the analysis of the causes of diseases,medical system,traditional belief and treatments in Tibetan medicine,and concluded that Tibetan medicine is a unique medical system under t.笔者在对云南藏区多年田野调查的基础上,运用医学人类学的理论与方法对藏族传统医学中的病因观念、医疗体系、传统信仰与疾病、治疗方式与仪式等方面进行研究与分析,论述了藏医是在藏族社区特有的藏传佛教文化习俗影响下形成的一个独特的医疗体系,藏文化对当地人的病因观念、求医行为和治疗方式产生了重要影响。
2.The paper analyzes the present medical situation and problems in Ningbo,and presents five suggestion on Ningbo\'s medical system construction.发展城市社区医疗服务,建立城市社区医疗体系,既是政府的重要决策,也是广大群众的期望和需求。

1.Consider the explosion of costs in the health care system.我们看到医疗体系存在着巨大的支出。
2.Deepening the Reform of Medical Insurance and Improving Medical Security System深化医疗保险改革 完善医疗保障体系
3.Design of Medical Health Technical Staff Training System for SCC Hospital;SCC医院医疗卫技人员培训体系设计
4.Significance of Commercial Medical Insurance in Social Medical Security System;商业医疗保险在医疗保障体系中的作用研究
5.Medical Service Market Failure and Perfection of Medical Regulation System in China;医疗服务市场失灵与我国医疗规制体系的完善
6.The Position of Business Medical Insurance in the Multi-pillar Medical Insurance System;多层次医疗保障体系中的商业医疗保险的定位
7.How to Establish the Supervise System of Medical Services Under the Medical Insurance System;医疗保险制度下医疗服务监督指标体系的建立
8.Differences in Chinese and Western Culture:Medical System,Ethics and Security of Medical Care中西文化差异:医学体系、医学伦理及医疗保障
9.The Best Choice for the Rural Medical Security System Pattern:The Multi-level Rural Medical Security System;农村医疗保障体制构建模式的选择——多层次农村医疗保障制度体系
10.The complete medical facility treatment, outstanding doctor and the nurse, complete medical examination system.齐全的医疗设施、秀的医师和护士、备的就诊体系。
11.Study of Constructing the Evaluating Target System of Medical Quantity;医院医疗质量评估指标体系研究与实践
12.Establishing quality-control system for medical devices in gross medical institutions构建基层医疗卫生机构医学装备质量控制体系
13.Establishing Harmonious Mutual-action Relationship Between Medical Insurance Organization and Hospital;医疗保险与医疗服务体系间良性互动关系的构建
14.medical gas pipeline system喉管式医疗气体供应系统
15.hospital buildings will be built or renovated to meet the requirements of the Paralympic Games.加强医疗救援体系建设,健全急救网络;
16.Obesity will cost healthcare system a lot.肥胖将给医疗保健体系造成很大压力。
17.The Study of Medical Waste Management System and Strategy for Tianjin;天津市医疗废物管理体系及对策研究
18.An Economics Analysis on the Rural Medical System in Rural China;中国农村医疗保障体系的经济学分析

diagnosis and treatment system of TCM中医药诊疗体系
3)medical care system医疗服务体系
1.The major factors which affect rural residents medical care conduct are years of schooling,income,individual medical insurance condition,and medical care system.影响农村居民就医行为的主要因素有文化程度、经济收入、医疗保障形式和医疗服务体系。
4)medical security system医疗保障体系
1.Analyzing two-layer medical security system for internal rural transmigrant;农村移民双层医疗保障体系的结构分析
2.Studying the Six Influencing Factors to Develop the Medical Security System;建立我国医疗保障体系六个影响因素的研究
3.Establishing the countyside social security system has already become the urgent task for the goal that our country comprehensively realizes well-off,and the medical security system which is one of the social security system s contents,is a weak link.建立农村社会保障制度已经成为我国实现"全面小康"社会奋斗目标的一项十分现实而紧迫的任务,而作为社会保障体系内容之一的医疗保障体系更是一个薄弱的环节。
5)NHS[英][,en e?t? 'es][美]['?n 'et? '?s]国民医疗体系
1.Health inequalities have been an outstanding problem for NHS recent years and been the focus of the social attention6To tackle and amend it will be an important part and developing direction of the reform of NHS for the future,will also contribute to the equality and justice of the social development.医疗不公是英国国民医疗体系近年来出现的比较突出的一个问题,受到了各界的广泛关注。
2.NHS is an important part of the comprehensive social security in UK and its responsibility of good corporate citizenship will deepen increasingly as times go forward.英国的国民医疗体系是其完善的社会保障制度的重要组成部分,随着时代的进步,其良好企业公民的行为责任也将日益深化,不仅在医疗服务方面,而且在地区经济建设、社会的凝聚与融合、保护自然环境等方面都将做出自己的贡献。
6)first-aid medical system急救医疗体系
1.Status quo and prospect of first-aid medical system for accidental disasters;突发性灾害急救医疗体系现况及展望

戴丽三医疗经验选戴丽三医疗经验选  临床医著。戴慧芬等整理。本书分两部分:前为论著,收录戴氏有关方证研究论文6篇;后为医案,选辑戴氏内、妇、儿等科病证82题,每题有医案若干例,经方时方并用,且能灵活化裁。1980年由云南人民出版社出版。