科技文化,science and technology culture
1)science and technology culture科技文化
1.On the function of science and technology culture in the construction of the harmonious society;论科技文化在和谐社会建设中的作用
2.According to the viewpoint of system theory and taking science and technology culture as a system, the authors made a study on the characteristic, structure and function of the science and technology culture system and pointed out that we should build science and technology culture systematically.运用系统思想和方法对科技文化作了系统研究,探讨了科技文化系统的特点、结构和功能,指出对科技文化建设应作系统建设。
3.The thesis takes that tradition culture self-examination and new model science and technology culture develop strategy as project, emphasize important strategy significance of traditional culture on new .科技文化及其建设是当今国内外学术界讨论的热点之一,科技文化的构建对于存在着几千年历史的中国,在当前和谐社会的建设中具有了更重要的导向性意义。

1.Interaction between Culture, Education and Development of Science and Technology;科技文化与科技教育、科技发展的互动
2.On the Construction of Legal System and Culture of Science and Technology of 60 Years of PRC共和国60年科技法制与科技文化建设
3.Revolution of Rational Civilization--A Reflection on Science and Technology Culture理性文明的变革——对科技文化的反思
4.Influence and Methodology of Scientific Culture on Scientific Innovation;科技文化对科技创新的影响及构建思路
5.Sci-tech Culture--An Inevitable Choice of Chinese Social Modernization;科技文化:中国社会现代化的必然选择
6.Self Examination of Traditional Culture and New Model of Science-Technology Culture Develop Strategy;传统文化的反思与新型科技文化的构建
7.Promote College Students Quality of Scientific Culture through Mathematics Culture;以数学文化提高大学生的科技文化素养
8.Cultural Difference and Science & Cultural Innovation-An Interview on Professor Yang Zhenning文化差异与科技文化创新——杨振宁教授访谈录
9.VI. Progress in Education, Science and Technology, Culture and Health Work六、 教育科技文化卫生事业的进步
10.-- Improving the sci-tech and cultural qualities of the masses in the poor areas.——提高贫困地区群众的科技文化素质。
11.The Influences of Chinese Traditional Culture on the Sci-tech Innovative Culture;中国传统文化对科技创新文化的影响
12.Cultural Industry:Inevitable Outcome of Collision between Science,Technology and Culture;文化产业:科技与文化冲撞的必然产物
13.Institute of Antiquities Preservation Sciences and Techniques, Ministry of Culture文化部文物保护科学技术研究所
14.Stylistic Functions of Norminalization in English Scientific Papers;名词化在英语科技论文中的文体功能
15.Chemical Abstracts and the writing of abstracts of scientific papers;从《化学文摘》检索谈科技文摘的写作
16.Standardization of English Portion for Sci-tech Papers;科技论文英文部分的书写规范化探讨
17.Building up science and technology team with corporation culture;以文化打造科技团队,提升科技服务电力能力
18.The Restricted View on the Relation between the Transmission of Science and Technology and Cultural Restrictions through Modern History of Science and Technology;从近代科技史管窥科技传播与文化制约

scientific culture科技文化
1.The paper analyses the important influence of scientific culture on scientific innovation and constructs an effective scheme for scientific culture.科技文化的创新是科技创新的必然要求,科技创新需要营造一个有利的文化氛围。
2.To see mathematics as a culture,teachers should explore the meaning of mathematics culture from a philosophical,historical,esthetic,social and innovative view,and teach students mathematics culture in math classes to promote their quality of scientific culture.将数学作为一种文化来思考,教师应从哲学观、历史观、美学观、社会观和创新观五个方面探索数学文化的内涵,并将数学文化寓于数学课程中,从而提高大学生的科技文化素养。
3.The development of scientific culture is related closely with the destiny of Chinese nation.我国科技文化的未来发展是关乎中华民族命运的大事。
3)sci-tech culture科技文化
1.The communication of sci-tech culture should lead the public to the right understanding of the cultural features,spirit and values of natural science,supply answers to the questions about the relations between modern science and human culture of moral,life,arts,aesthetics,religion,belief and so on.科技文化传播,应引导公众正确理解自然科学的文化特质、文化精神和文化价值,解答当代科学与道德、人生、艺术、审美、宗教、信仰等人文文化的关系问题;技术文化传播要关注技术创新的人文环境、技术创新的文化评价、技术进步的人性化、全球化时代的文化认同与技术认同等问题。
2.Bush framed the "Science" identity of engineering and the "Researcher" identity of engineer and how he defined the American sci-tech culture and relevant sci-tech classification,i.布什如何使用与此相关的基本概念建构工程的"科学"地位与工程师的"研究者"身份,以及如何建构美国的基础研究—应用研究层级模式的科技文化和科技组织模式;这种研究把话语分析与建构论相结合,着重考察行动者如何通过建构文化来建构社会,这表明该方法在科技史学方法论中具有重要意义。
3.As an unique cultural form derived from the evolution of science and technology,sci-tech culture is regarded as a critical part of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics,as well as a key component and important support of the soft power of national culture.科技文化作为在科技发展的历程中积淀而成的一种独具特色的文化形态,是中国特色社会主义文化的重要组成部分,也是国家文化软实力的组成要素和重要支撑。
4)scientific and technological culture科技文化
1.And the paper claim that scientific and technological culture of Chinese and the West is the result of catastrophe of the steady state of the human unified scientific and technological culture,and that in the process of catastrophe the generative conditions of natural randomness that evokes respective .本文主要用非线性的方法处理中西方传统科技文化的不同发展,认为中西方科技文化首先是人类统一科技文化的定态性质发生突然变化的结果,在突变过程中引发中西方科技文化各自发展的内禀随机性的生成条件不一样,对初始条件的敏感依赖性也不同,从而出现了适应性自稳和适应性重组两种不同的模式。
5)culture of science and technology科技文化
1.In our times,the culture of science and technology are becoming more and more closely related with .科技文化的多元形态是自身发展的基本要素和内在动力。
2.The culture of science and technology originated from the West.发源于西方的科技文化在与我国传统文化的冲突中确立和发展 ,针对我国科技文化发展中存在的问题 ,并依据当代科技发展的新特点 ,文章探讨了我国科技文化进一步发展的途径和对现代化的重要作用。
3.In 60 years of the development of legal system and culture of science and technology,which went through a start-up period,hard development period,abnormal development period,revived development period and prosperous development period,it bore out the mutual relationship between them.共和国的科技法制与科技文化建设经历了初创时期、艰难发展时期、畸形发展时期、恢复发展时期和繁荣发展时期几个阶段,而共和国60年科技法制与科技文化建设的历程表明:当科技法制与科技文化处于良性的互动关系时,中国的科技事业便能稳步向前发展;而当科技法制不被重视尤其被抛在一边时,中国科技事业的发展就会出现波折甚至重创,科技文化建设也就难以为继。
6)the culture technology文化科技
