整体观念,Concept of Wholism
1)Concept of Wholism整体观念
1.The theory about“concept of wholism”“equilibrium between yin and yang”“preventive treatment of disease”provide a basis for treating sub-health,and“cultivate the spirit,balance heart-state”“regulate the life”“the intervention of traditional athletic sports”“qigong”“therp.中医学的“整体观念”“阴平阳秘”“治未病”等理论为亚健康状态的防治提供了理论依据,而“调摄精神,平衡心态“”生活调理”“传统的体育运动干预“”气功“”针灸疗法”以及“中药的辨证论治”为亚健康状态的防治提供了丰富的手段。
2.Characteristic of Traditional Chinese Medicine(CTM)is concept of wholism and differentiate treatment .卒中单元是目前治疗卒中的最有效的方法 ,中医的特色是整体观念和辨证论治 ,把二者结合起来 ,建立有中医特色的卒中单元模式 ,从而提高我国脑卒中病人的生存率和生活质量。

1.Misunderstanding on the Concept of Wholism of Traditional Chinese Medicine:An Analysis on Basic Cognizance Methods of TCM towards Human Body中医整体观念的错误——分析是中医认识人体的基本方法
2.This course gives the students a whole concept for incineration, which includes principle, calculation, practice, operation and control.本课程将授与学生焚化的整体观念,其中包括:原理、算、务、作与控制。
3.Traditional Chinese medicine is a medical science; it persists in the holistic viewpoint and the pattern identification and treatment.(1)中医学是一门医学科学,它坚持整体观念,坚持辨证施治。
4.The Lack of Entirety and its Harm-Analysis,the Dominant Way of Thinking;分析方法独占思维方式的王位:整体观念的缺失及危害
5.Based on the seasons and theory of the traditional Chinese medicine, proper amount of medicinal herbs are added into the spa water for improving the bather's health.根据季节变化,依据中医整体观念,在温泉中加一定量的中药,能提高人体适应力。
6.Creation of Statistical Idea & Playing the Full Function of Statistics;创新统计观念 发挥统计整体功能
7.From the notion of individualism right to the notion of collectivism right--Study on the right theory of Hegel;从个人主义权利观念到整体主义权利观念——黑格尔权利思想探微
8.Concept Renewal Is the Key to the Integral Reform of the Physical Education in Higher Education Institutions;观念更新是高等学校体育整体化改革之关键
9.Correlative Analysis of Whitehead s and Hegel s Conception about Wholeness;怀特海与黑格尔的整体性观念的相关分析
10.Conflict And Intergrowth:The Meeting Of Two Kinds Of Literary Value--the Analysis of Xia -Zhi qing s Literary Concept;冲突与共生:两种文学价值观的交遇——夏志清的文学理念整体观
11.Construct Human Settlement Green System Base on the Holisttc Concept基于整体系统观念的人居环境绿地系统体系构建
12.He viewed mind as an organized, unitary, and dynamic interplay of ideas.他把心理看成是各种观念有机的,整体的和能动的相互作用。
13.Construction of Elective Courses at Medical Colleges and Universities with Serious Attitude and Holistic Concept;以认真的态度和整体的观念构建医学院校选修课
14.Building up a Comprehensive Architectural Conception --Discussion on Pedagogical Reform on Architectural Design Curriculum;整体建筑观念的培养——对建筑设计类课程教学改革的思考
15.Establishing a New Idea: Personnel Training Is an Investment Facing with a New System: Adjustment and Closing up Are Needed;一种新观念:员工培训是一种投资 面对新体制:需要调整和全面跟进
16.Moist concept and whole intervention for radioactive injury:report of 1 case湿性理念加整体干预治疗1例放射性伤口的效果观察
17.take a global view of...整体 [综合] 地观察…
18.The Macro -concept in the Micro -behavior of Land Consolidation;论“中国土地整理微观行为的宏观理念”

holism concept整体观念
1.On the base of systemic clearing up literatures about the theory and its clinic applications , We discuss the substance foundations of which from holism concept,noble Qi, theory of five elements and doctrine of body constitution.在系统整理有关异病同证理论及临床应用的文献基础上,从整体观念、精气、五行理论及人体发生学出发探讨异病同证的物质基础,讨论比较相同证在具体疾病中的临床表现异同,及其所导致的治疗异同,建构异病同证的网状三维立体结构。
2.Holism concept and holism of human beings and universe thought that TCM on one hand stressed on holism,but on the other hand it had omnibearing openness.整体观念和天人合一思想认为中医一方面讲求整体、注重传承,另一方面又具有全方位的开放性;阴阳平衡方能进行正常的生理活动,若将其玄学化,将增加对中医的误解;脏腑理论有助于认识和把握机体各种功能活动的实质和规律,经络是促进人体气血流通、协调脏器组织生理的信息网线;藏象学说规定了中医理论体系的性质和走向,论治过程是根据全息进行的整体调整,不是针对局部某个细胞、分子、基因进行调整。
3)holistic concept整体观念
1.The personnel taking part in the reforms should work together and the selections and designs of courses should be based on the holistic concept.整体观念是系统论的主要思想之一 ,护理教学改革是一个系统工程 ,因此在护理教学改革过程中应注意到 :参与教学改革的人员是一个整体 ,各门课程的选择和设计是一个整体 ,教学安排、教学方法、教学评价、课堂教学和临床教学等全部教学活动是一个整体 ,学生知识的传授与能力的提高和素质的培养是一个整
4)idea of holism整体性观念
5)concept of viewing the world as a whole整体化观念
6)comprehensive architectural conception整体建筑观念
1.Based on an analysis of our present architectural education, the paper discusses the importance of helping the students to build up a comprehensive architectural conception, and gives some advice for the teaching reform.在比较教学现实与《全国高等学校建筑学专业本科(五年制)教育评估标准》之间差距的基础上,结合教学实践,论述培养建筑学与城市规划专业学生的整体建筑观念的重要性,并对设计类课程教学改革提出系列建议。

整体观念整体观念concept of wholism  强调人体自身整体性并与外环境相统一的思想。