中医名词,Terms (TCM)
1)Terms (TCM)中医名词

1.Morpheme-level Translation in the Standardization of TCM Terminology;词素层译法在中医名词术语翻译中的应用
2.A Discussion on the Standards and principles of English Translation of TCM Terms中医名词术语英译的原则和标准探析
3.Standardization History of English Terms of Chinese Medicine in Last 30 Years;近30年中医名词术语英译标准化的历程
4.Application of Three Basic Ways in English Translation of TCM Terms3种英译基本方法在中医名词术语翻译中的应用
5.Wasting and Thirsting Disorder: TCM term nearly equivalent to Diabetes. Characterized by frequent urination, excessive thirst a/or hunger, and possibly emaciation.消渴:在中医名词中相当于糖尿病.表现为尿频,烦渴,或者善饥,并可能伴有消瘦.
6.Criticism of “English Translation of Common Terms in Chinese Medicine";对《中医药常用名词术语英译》的一些意见
7.The structures of basic theoretical system of Chinese medicine and terms call for criterion;中医基础理论体系结构及名词术语亟待规范
8.Metaphoric Function and Translation of Nominalization in English Medical Discourse医学英语语篇中名词化隐喻的功能及翻译
9.First Probe into Noun-semantic Features in "Degree Word+Noun" Structure;“程度词+名词”结构中名词语义特征初探
10.Bounded and Unbounded Noun Phrases in English;英语中的有界名词词组与无界名词词组
11.N-movement and NP-movement in Chinese Nominal Phrase;汉语名词性短语中的名词移位与名词短语移位
12.Abstract nouns are usually uncountable nouns in English.英语中的抽象名词通常是不可数名词。
13.A Tentative Thesis on the Transformation of the Traits of Verb or Noun in Gerund;试论动、名词性特征在动名词中的转化
14.On Noun semantic Features in "Degree Word + Noun Structure;试论“程度词+名词”结构中的名词语义特征
15.Characteristics of the Nouns in."num. + da + noun" Phrases;“数词+大+名词”短语结构中的名词特点分析
16.On Standard Usage of Animal Medicine Terms;动物医学规范名词的使用情况及问题
17.Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Ancient and Modern Chinese Geographical Names中国古今地名大词典
18.The Role of Semantic Radicals of Chinese Characters in Grammatical Categorization of Chinese Visual Words;义符在中文名词和动词分类中的作用

Chinese Terms in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy中医药学名词
1.Comments on the English Equivalents of Chinese Terms in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy;评《中医药学名词》中的对应英文名词
3)TCM terms中医名词术语
1.The significance of morpheme-level translation in the standardization of English translation of TCM terms was discussed, and in order to seek out an effective way for remembering them, a further probe was given to the mnemonics of the new words produced from it.简要论述了词素层翻译在中医名词术语翻译规范化进程中所起的作用,并进一步探讨了词素层翻译所生成的新造词的记忆方法问题,旨在提高中医英语学习者的词汇记忆效果。
2.The structures of"V+-ing+N"and"N+V+ed+N"were proposed,and their charac- teristics and advantages as well as practical application were introduced aiming at the existent problems in the pres- ent translation of TCM terms and solving them.针对目前中医名词术语翻译中存在的问题,探讨"V+-ing+N"和"N+V+ed+N"结构特点,分析其应用在中医名词术语翻译中的优点,以及该结构在中医名词术语翻译中的具体应用,以解决目前中医名词术语翻译中存在的问题。
4)Terminology Standardization (TCM)中医名词规范化
5)TCM disease name中医病证名词
6)Western medical term西医名词
1.Wiseman believes that Western medical terms chosen as equivalents of Chinese medical terms should be the words known to all speakers and not requiring any specialist knowledge or instrumentation to understand or identify, and strictly technical Western medical terms should be avoided regardless of their conceptual conformity to the Chinese terms.魏氏编写的《实用英文中医辞典》是以“一般认知”、“不需要任何专业知识或设备便能加以了解或确定”作为界定西医名词用于中医英文词汇的标准,“严格的专业名词”即使与中医概念吻合也不得使用。

汉英双解常用中医名词术语汉英双解常用中医名词术语  中医工具书。帅学忠等编译。收集中医常用名词术语3400余条,分阴阳五行、脏象、经络腧穴、病因病理、诊法、治则、方药、针灸、内儿科、妇产科、外伤科、五官科、医史等13类予以解释并英译。英译部分使用现代科技英语。书末附有“针灸穴位名称”、“汉语拼音与威托玛式拼音法音节对照表”等。1983年由湖南科学技术出版社出版。