中医特色,TCM characteristics
1)TCM characteristics中医特色

1.Giving full play to TCM-characterized advantages and developing education for in ternational students at TCM colleges and universities;发挥中医特色优势发展中医院校的对外教育
2.Mentality and Methods for Chinese Medicine Characteristics in Basic Traditional Chinese Medical Hospital基层中医院发挥中医特色优势的思路与方法
3.Based on Characteristics of Traditional Chinese Medicine to Develop the Study of Prevention and Treatment of Insomnia立足中医特色 开展失眠症防治研究
4.The management mode of building a tumour patients community with traditional Chinese medicine characterics构建有中医特色的肿瘤患者社区管理模式
5.Analysis on development advantages of health food with Chinese medical feature具有中医特色的保健食品研发优势分析
6.Highlight the characteristics of Chinese Medicine to promote the development of Chinese Medicine hospital突出中医药特色 推动中医院发展
7.One of the service features of this hospital of TCM is home delivery of herBal medicine prepared for the patients. (TCM: traditional Chinese medicine)代客煎药送上门,是本中医医院的服务特色之一。
8.Training high quality TCM personnel with Xin'an medical characteristics突出新安医学特色 培育高素质中医学人才
9.Study of school-running characteristics in Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine(Part One)广州中医药大学办学特色研究(上)
10.To Strengthen the Study for Healthy Characteristics of TCM and Promote the Level of Research on TCM Health Preserving加强中医养生特色研究 提升研究水平
11.Exerting Feature and Advantage of TCM,Expediting Development of Hospital of Integrated TCM and Western Medicine发挥中医药特色和优势 加快中西医结合医院建设
12.A brief analysis on the cultivation of Chinese traditional ophthalmology postgraduate浅谈“中医有特色、西医不滞后”的临床型中医眼科研究生的培养
13.Research on Features and Classification Evaluation of Tongue Color in Traditional Chinese Medicine中医舌色颜色特征及其分类评价的研究
14.Bringing into play school-running characteristics conducting teaching reform to build super university of Chinese medicine;发挥中医办学特色 实行教学改革 创建优秀中医药大学
15.The treatment of infant asthma with a comBination of Chinese and Western medicine is the specialty of our hospital.中西医结合治疗小儿哮喘病,是本院特色专科。
16.Superiority and Characteristics of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Treating Viral Communicable Diseases中医药治疗病毒性感染性疾病的优势和特色
17.Considerations on strengthening practice of major characteristics among college students of Chinese medicine中医药大学生加强专业特色实践活动的思考
18.Basic Research on Carrying Out Characteristic Management & Health Industry in TCM Hospital;中医院进行特色经营,发展健康产业的基础研究

distinctive traits of TCM中医药特色
3)characteristic of the way of think-ing of Traditional Chinese Medicine中医思维特色
4)TCM educational characteristic中医教育特色
1.The TCM educational characteristic must be studied in order to see its special educational law clearly,and to develop TCM education and let it into its own development track.为了认清中医药教育规律,促进中医药教育的发展,必须研究中医教育特色,使中医教育走进自己的发展轨道。
5)ascendancy of TCM feature中医特色优势
6)therapy of Chinese medicine中医特色疗法
1.This article is to introduce a special therapy of Chinese medicine in treating Prostate hyperplasia.介绍治疗前列腺增生症的一种中医特色疗法,是中医的综合性外治方法。

上海中医学院中医图书目录上海中医学院中医图书目录 中医工具书。上海中医学院图书馆编。此书共收截止至1979年6月底以前上海中医学院图书馆所藏中医图书9034种。全书分20类编排,即医药卫生的方针政策、中国医学史、中医学基础、中医诊断学、中草药学、方书方剂学、经络针灸学、推拿学、中医骨伤科学、中医内科学、中医妇产科学、中医儿科学、中医外科学、中医五官科学、外治及其他治法、综合性医书、医案医论医话、中医法医学、中医兽医学、工具书、丛书全书。著录方式按书名、卷数、撰年、作者(包括字、号、别名)、著述方式、作者籍贯、版本等项。书末附有书名索引、人名索引。1980年上海中医学院印行。