刀耕火种,Slash and burn
1)Slash and burn刀耕火种
1.The change in structure and diversity of soil arthropod communities of secondary forest after the simulated process of slash and burn was studied in Xishuangbanna.通过模拟刀耕火种过程 ,对热带次生林土壤节肢动物群落结构及多样性在刀耕火种过程中的变化进行了初步研究。

1.In those remote mountains people used to farm by the slash and burn method.那个偏僻山区, 过去是刀耕火种
2.ash farming; Burn-Beating; Burning : Cutting and Burning rough fallow on land to prepare for tillage.刀耕火种:在杂草丛生的荒地上割草焚烧以备耕作。
3.Slash and burn cultivation and the burning of grass to fertilize land were still customs retained in a few localities.在少数地方,还保持着“刀耕火种”、“烧荒肥田”的原始耕作方式。
4.In anthropological and ethnological documents, slash-and-burn cultivation is also termed shifting cultivation, burn cultivation of mountain slope fields, primitive agriculture, horticulture, agriculture relying on raining, etc. .在人类学、民族学的文献中,刀耕火种也称游耕、山田烧垦、初耕农业、园艺式农业、降雨农业等。
5.Ecological Orientation of Slash-and-burn Cultivation of Mountain Nationalities in Yunnan Province and Sustainable Use of Forest Resources in Mountainous Regions云南山地民族刀耕火种生态学定位与山地森林资源可持续利用
6.The two long knives remind them of the difficulties they overcame in farming and hunting, so that when they begin to dance happily,那两把长刀,则寓意他们的祖先曾经用它刀耕火种、开辟荒山野地,用它狩猎和战胜过各种困难,
7.Therefore, for a long time its economy was in a primitive and backward state. Wooden plows were used for agricultural production and yaks were used for threshing. In some places the slash-and-burn method of farming was common.农业生产基本上为木犁耕地、牦牛踩场脱粒,有的地方还保持着“刀耕火种”的生产方式。
8.Through activities and displays, guests experience what life was like on a Tennessee plantation in1799.通过旅游活动与展示,客人们可以体检到田纳西1799年前,刀耕火种的生活状况。
9.They used to live a traditional agricultural life, but their life style has greatly changed due to the changes in their living environment.过去他们大都以刀耕火种方式为生,现在由于生活环境的改变,其生活方式也发生了变化。
10.Think on the Vicissitude of Economical and Cultural Type in Southwest Ethnic Minorities Area--Take the slash-and-burn cultivation agriculture in Yunnan ethnic minorities for instance;对西南少数民族地区经济文化类型变迁的思考——以云南少数民族刀耕火种农业为例
11.Research of the Anti-blocking Equipment with Two-way Helix Reamer for a Wheat No-tillage Drill小麦免耕播种机双向螺旋刀防堵装置的研究
12.An extended octagonal ring transducer is designed for measuring the forces on a rotary blade.设计了一种供旋耕刀测力用的延伸八角环传感器。
13.ground-working disk blade切土圆盘刀,耕耘圆盘
14.Land fit to be cultivated.可耕地适于耕种的土地
15.turned or stirred by plowing or harrowing or hoeing.被耕种、耕耘或锄的。
16.A tool with a flat blade attached approximately at a right angle to a long handle, used for weeding, cultivating, and gardening.锄头一种其平坦刀面成直角并与一手柄相连的工具,用于割草、耕作及园艺
17.Variety including flame, the root of fangfeng, washing directly, music, desk-top, pendant, reaction, bright sound of machines, weapons etc. are all kinds of.品种包括明火、防风、直冲、音乐、台式、挂件、感应、朗声机、刀枪等各类。
18.He farms 100 acres of land.他耕种100 英亩地。

shifting cultivation刀耕火种
1.This study focused on two types of land use practices: shifting cultivation and cardamom (Amomum villosum) plantation under the native rainforest.以自然林为对照 ,研究了云南省西双版纳热带地区刀耕火种农业 (旱稻 )和林下种植砂仁 ( Amomumvillosum) 2种不同土地利用方式对土壤弹尾、螨和线虫 3类土壤动物个体数量的影响。
2.The increased population,shortened fallow,and declined soil fertility produce a wide range of local strategies to cope with the problem related with the shifting cultivation in Xishuangbanna southern Yunnan,including Hevea brasiliensis plantation as fallow management.在云南南部的西双版纳长期进行着传统的刀耕火种农业 。
3)slash-and-burn cultivation刀耕火种
1.On She Nationality s "Slash-and-Burn Cultivation";畲族“刀耕火种”生产习俗述论
4)slash and burn刀耕火种法
5)slash-and-burn agriculture刀耕火种的农业 SABA

刀耕火种  又称 "刀耕火耨"、"火耨刀耕"。 指砍倒树木,经过焚烧,空出地面以播种农作物的一种原始耕作方法。中国史籍多有记载。《旧唐书·严震传》载:"梁汉之间,刀耕火耨。"中华人民共和国成立前,在独龙、拉祜、 布朗、基诺、 佤、傈僳、怒、景颇、黎、苗、瑶、彝等民族的部分地区,都不同程度地采用这种耕作法。现今世界上一些农业生产不发达的国家和民族,也保留这种原始耕作法。    刀耕火种农业最早是火种,使用石制工具。发明冶铁术以后,就以铁刀、铁斧砍伐树木,焚烧后直接在火烬上播种。随着氏族或村社人口的增加,生产经验的积累,出现了轮作技术和休耕制。         由于刀耕火种农业耕作技术原始落后,所以在生产中普遍存在互相协作的组织。这种协作既盛行于同一氏族、同一家族或家族的各家庭之间,也存在于同一村社各家庭之间。刀耕火种农业对农业的发展曾起过积极作用,是农业民族初期开辟耕地和获取生活资料的主要方式。随着生产工具的进步和天然林地的减少,刀耕火种农业逐步过渡到锄耕和犁耕农业阶段。