医史,medical history
1)medical history医史

1.Museum of Medical History, Shanghai College of Traditional Chinese Medicine上海中医学院医史博物馆
2.Concern for TCM History and Classics in the Context of Humane Quality Education;关注人文素质教育语境下的中医医史文献
3.the law, medical, history school法学院、 医学院、 历史系
4.Good evening, Dr. Smith. Good evening, Dr. Johnson.晚上好,史密斯医生。晚上好,约翰逊医生。
5.Dr Smith attended her in hospital.史密斯医生在医院中给她治病.
6.On the Past,Present and Future of Traditional Chinese Medicine from the History of Abolition Traditional Chinese Medicine;从废医历史看中医的昨天、今天和明天
7.Penetration of Medical Moral Education through Medicine History Teaching;试论医学史教学过程的医德教育渗透
8.At the hospital, the chip will tell doctors his or her complete medical history.在医院,芯片能够告诉医生小患者的医药史。
9.The doctor's talk covered the complete history of medicine.这位医生的讲座涉及了医学的全部历史。
10.Dr Smith is known in Birmingham as a good family doctor.史密斯医生是伯明翰公认的好家庭医生。
11.Cross-cultural Research on the History and Present Status of Traditional VIETNAM and Chinese Medicine越南传统医学历史、现状及中医药的比较研究
12.The Role of Medical History Education in Cutivating the Humanistic Spirit among Medical Students;试论医学史在医学生人文精神培养中的作用
13.Hospital Medicine Management System History Data Excavation and Application Research医院医药管理系统历史数据的挖掘及应用研究
14.The Historiography Methods and Application Sample in Medical History Research几种史学方法及其在医学史研究中的应用举隅
15.a discovery that made medical history载入医学史册的重大发现.
16.That was a history-making discovery in medicine.那是一项载入医学史册的重大发现。
17.How long have you been a vet, Mr Smith?史密斯先生,你做兽医有多长时间了?
18.SKINNER at SCULLY's bedside in the hospital.(斯金纳在医院中的史高丽旁边。

medical history医学史
1.Situation and revolution of the education of medical history;医学史教育现状与改革初探
2.The article discusses the relation between humanities and history, and the role of medical history education in cultivating humanistic spirit among the medical students.文章通过对人文与历史关系的阐述,对医学史在培养医学生人文精神中的作用的论述,说明了医学史教学在医学课程中的重要性,以及在医学生人文精神培养中的重要意义,从而论述了医学院校中开设医学史课程的必要性。
3)history of medicine医学史
1.History of medicine plays an important role in education of humanistic quality in higher medical colleges.医学史作为历史学和医学的交叉学科,不仅涉及到医学的各学科,而且与社会人文学科有着广泛的联系。
2.The theoretical system and disciplines became more attractive based on the syncretism of medicine history and traditional history,and then the social history of medicine has greatly developed up to now.医学社会史首先是在医学史内部孕育并诞生的,是医学史研究社会化的必然结果,其研究者也大多为医学史家而非专业的历史学家。
4)History of medical professionalism医德史
5)history of TCM中医史
6)study on medical history医史研究

医史医史  医史著作。10卷。明李濂(川父)约纂辑于正德八年(1513年)。此书收辑自春秋战国至明以前68名医学家传记。其中录自《左传》、《史记》等史志有传者有医和、扁鹊、淳于意、华佗等52人;采自散见于诸家文集所载之医学家10人;又收史传文集不载而著名于世的医学家,如张仲景、王叔和、王冰等。李氏指出“皆医之宗也,良不可无传”,予以补传者6人。其所收录医家,皆“方术醇正者”;而“绝无事实如巫咸,巫彭……之类则阙之”,对“颇涉幻诞,悉黜之不录,恐滋后人之惑”,可知其治学及内容之严谨。现有明正德年间刻本,日抄本(尾台榕堂评点)及其他抄本。