中医古籍,ancient books of TCM
1)ancient books of TCM中医古籍

1.Ancient Literature Record of TCM on Pulmonary Distention Symptoms中医古籍对肺胀相关症状的文献记录
2.Exploiting Obstacle of Information and Setting up the Digital Information Platform of Chinese Medical Ancient Books;中医古籍信息利用障碍与数字化信息平台构建
3.Research on Free Indexing for the Image Ancient Literature of Traditional Chinese Medicine;中医古籍图像文献的自由标引方法研究
4.The Research on the Method of Ontology-based Construction of the Thesaurus of Traditional Chinese Medicine Classics;基于本体的中医古籍叙词表构建方法研究
5.Academic Probing and Philosophy Reflecting on Information Characteristics of Chinese Medical Ancient Books;中医古籍信息特征的学术探源与哲学思考
6.Special Pronunciation and Meanings of Ancient Chinese Medical Words Wrongly Treated in Great Dictionary of Chinese Language;《汉语大字典》未收的中医古籍用字特殊音义(上)
7.Study on TCM Ancient Books' Metadata on the Basis of Knowledge Element in Information Technology基于知识元信息技术的中医古籍元数据研究
8.Study on Ancient TCM Document and Primary Demonstration of COPD Combined with Pneumocardial Disease;关于COPD合并肺心病患者主症中医古籍的整理与研究
9.Study of Ancient Chinese Medical Book Cited by Euibangyoochui;《医方类聚》所引中国古代医籍研究
10.A Thorough Theorizing is Unattainable without Adequate Clinical Experience--A Preliminary View of the Readership of Chinese Medical Classics;“然非有力 不能尽写”——中古医籍受众浅论
11.Explorative Learning of Ancient Medical Literature - a Must for TCM Undergraduate Students;论中医专业本科生应探索性学习古医籍
12.Cultural Connotations and the Translation of Traditional Chinese Medical Texts: With the titles of some ancient rare books as a case in point;论中医文化内涵对中医英译的影响——中医药古籍善本书目译余谈
13.Problems in management and protection of ancient traditional Chinese medicine books and their solution measures中医药古籍管理与保护中存在的问题及其对策
14.Research on Orthopedics & Traumatology of Chinese Medicine Ancient Books Ontology-Based Information Retrieval System;基于中医骨伤古籍本体的语义检索研究
15.The Libraries in TCM Colleges Should Strengthen the Digitization Construction of TCM Ancient Books中医药院校图书馆应加强中医药古籍数字化建设
16.Brief Discussion on the Utilization and Management of the Newly Printed Ancient Medical Literature in Traditional Chinese Medical Colleges简述高等中医院校图书馆新印古医籍的管理与利用
17.Discussion on the Protection and Exploitation of Ancient Book in Library of Higher Learning of Traditional Chinese Medicine--Take Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Library as Example简述高等中医院校图书馆古籍保护与开发利用──以南京中医药大学图书馆为例
18.Publishment of Chinese Monggol Language Ancient Books Comprehensive Table of Contents and Exploitation of Monggol Language Ancient Book and Documents;《中国蒙古文古籍总目》的出版与蒙古文古籍文献的开发利用

TCM Ancient Books中医古籍
1.Digital is not only an effective way to achieve conservation and utilization of TCM ancient books, but also the foundation of deep development and knowledge discovery.中医古籍承载着中医学数千年来积累的丰富理论知识和临床经验,是中医学的文化价值和学术价值的载体。
3)Ancient books/Traditional Chinese Medicine古籍/中医药
4)ancient Chinese medical book中国古医籍
5)ancient TCM books中医药古籍
1.Certain constructive suggestions for the collection,repair,management and protection of ancient TCM books,as well as training of librarians and management persons were put forward from the view points of protecting and carrying forward of this cultural heritage,promoting the healthy development of TCM course.分析了中医药古籍的馆藏现状及存在的问题,从保护中医药古籍文化遗产,弘扬和传承中医药文化,促进中医药事业健康发展的角度出发,对古籍的收藏、修复、人员培养等方面提出了不少建设性意见,强调了中医药古籍保护的重要性,并对中医药古籍的管理与保护及管理人员与研究人员的培养等提出了建议。
6)ancient Chinese medical philology中医古籍文献学

上海中医学院中医图书目录上海中医学院中医图书目录 中医工具书。上海中医学院图书馆编。此书共收截止至1979年6月底以前上海中医学院图书馆所藏中医图书9034种。全书分20类编排,即医药卫生的方针政策、中国医学史、中医学基础、中医诊断学、中草药学、方书方剂学、经络针灸学、推拿学、中医骨伤科学、中医内科学、中医妇产科学、中医儿科学、中医外科学、中医五官科学、外治及其他治法、综合性医书、医案医论医话、中医法医学、中医兽医学、工具书、丛书全书。著录方式按书名、卷数、撰年、作者(包括字、号、别名)、著述方式、作者籍贯、版本等项。书末附有书名索引、人名索引。1980年上海中医学院印行。