阴阳平衡,balance of yin and yang
1)balance of yin and yang阴阳平衡

1.Keep the balance of yin and yang, keep the good health.保持身体阴阳平衡,就能保持身体健康。
2.Discussing Functional Condition Disorder and Imbalance Between Yin and Yang in Chinese Medical Science论机能状态紊乱与中医阴阳平衡失调
3.The Ideology Reflected in Xu-gua of the Balance & Mutual Complementary of Yin and Yang and Changing with Changes of Seasons;《序卦》卦序中的阴阳平衡互补与变通配四时思想
4.The ultimate goal of TCM is to balance the yin and yang in our lives through promoting the natural flow of qi中医的最高目标是通过促进气血流动实现阴阳平衡
5.Therefore, reducing the excessive and replenish the deficient can adjust excess or deficiency between yin or yang and restore the balance between them.因此,补虚泻实适用于阴虚或阳虚之证,从而使阴阳重新建立平衡。
6.Clinicle Observation on the Balance of Yin and Yang in Acupuncture Therapy of Spasticity for Stroke Patients;平衡阴阳法治疗中风偏瘫痉挛状态的临床研究
7.Changing Dietary Cation-antion Balance for Dairy Cows & the Evaluation of Thermal Environment;奶牛日粮阴阳离子平衡调节及温热环境评价
8.Effects of DCAB on Parameters of Rumen Metabolism in Goat阴阳离子平衡对山羊瘤胃代谢参数的影响
9.D: Sure. According to CTM theory, the occurrence of diseases is the incoordination between Yin and Yang and the treatment of diseases is the reestablishment of the equilibrium between them.医生:没问题。根据中医理论,疾病的发生是阴阳失调所致。而疾病的治疗就是阴阳的平衡。
10.Effects of Dietary Cation-anion Balance on Heated-stressed Dairy Cows and Ruminant Digestion and Metabolism;日粮阴阳离子平衡对热应激奶牛及瘤胃消化代谢影响的研究
11.Effects of Dietary Cation-anion Balance on Heat-stressed Dairy Cows in Different Lactating Period;日粮阴阳离子平衡对不同泌乳阶段热应激奶牛的影响研究
12.Effects of Low Level Dietary Cation-Anion Difference on Preventing Milk Fever in Transition Dairy Cows日粮阳阴离子负平衡对预防奶牛围产期产褥热的影响(英文)
13." Chinese medicine, traditional :System of medicine at least 23 centuries old that aims to prevent or heal disease by maintaining or restoring yin-yang balance."中医:至少拥有两千三百年以上历史的医疗体系,藉由维持和回复阴阳的平衡来预防或治疗疾病。
14."Chinese medicine, traditional :System of medicine at least 23 centuries old that aims to prevent or heal disease by maintaining or restoring yin-yang Balance."中医:至少拥有两千三百年以上历史的医疗体系,藉由维持和回复阴阳的平衡来预防或治疗疾
15.Often humans will run too much yin or yang energy leading to imbalance, which causes the field to unground or wobble.经常的,人们会运作过多的阴或阳能量,带来不平衡,这导致能量场不能锚定或摆动。
16.Effect of Dietary Cation-anion Balance on Production Performance and Blood Biochemistry Indicators of Diary Cows in the Condition of Heatstress;热应激条件下日粮阴阳离子平衡对奶牛生产性能及血液生理生化指标的影响
17.Effect of Urea, Urease Inhibitor and Dietary Cation-Antion Balanceon Parameters of Rumen and Plasma, Nutrients Digestion and Metabolism of Sheep;尿素、脲酶抑制剂及阴阳离子平衡对绵羊瘤胃内环境、血液参数及养分消化代谢的影响
18.The Significance of Vaginal Microecological Balance for Therapy of Bacterial Vaginosis;阴道微生态平衡在细菌性阴道病治疗中的意义

Yin and Yang balance阴阳平衡
1.On the Chinese Concept of Yin and Yang balance and Psychological adjustment;中医阴阳平衡观与心理调适
3)Balancing yin and yang平衡阴阳
4)The balance of yin and yang in acupuncture therapy平衡阴阳法
5)cation-anion balance阴阳离子平衡
1.The influence of different level of dietary cation-anion balance(DCAB)to digestive metabolism of sheep fed a wheat stover based TMR diet was researched by feeding and digesting test.试验采用3×3拉丁方试验设计,选用6只绵羊,通过饲养和消化试验来研究饲喂不同阴阳离子平衡的麦秸+苜蓿型全混合日粮对绵羊消化代谢的影响。
2.The influence of different level of dietary cation-anion balance(DCAB)to parameters of plasma and nitrogen metabolism of sheep fed a wheat stover based TMR diet was researched by feeding and digesting test.试验采用3×3拉丁方试验设计,选用6只绵羊,分为3组,通过饲养和消化试验来研究饲喂不同阴阳离子平衡的麦秸全混合日粮对绵羊血液生化指标及氮平衡的影响。
6)imbalance between yin and yang阴阳平衡失调
1.It belongs to imbalance between yin and yang in Chinese medical science.应用中医的理论的观点它属于"阴阳平衡失调",《内经》认为阴阳二气是宇宙万物和人体生命的根本。
