历代名医药证、方证学术体系,the theoretical system of historical great doctors in medicine-syndrome and prescription-syndrome
1)the theoretical system of historical great doctors in medicine-syndrome and prescription-syndrome历代名医药证、方证学术体系
2)formula to syndrome方证医学
3)the methods of EBM循证医学方法

1.Applying the Approach of Evidence-based Medicine to Treatment of SARS in Decision-making;借鉴循证医学方法 促进SARS治疗决策科学化
2.Evaluating the efficacy of interferon for condyloma acuminatum with EBM method循证医学方法评价干扰素治疗尖锐湿疣
3.Adopt Evidence-based Medicine to Evaluate the Regulation of Chinese Medicine Clinical Trials of Liver Regeneration采用循证医学方法评价中医药调控肝再生的临床试验
4.Schierhout G,Roberts I.Mannitol for acute traumatic brain injury(Cochrane Review)循证医学方法评价急性颅脑损伤治疗中甘露醇的应用
5.Preliminary Application of Evidence-based Medicine in Making Treatment-Decision of Intertrochanteric Femoral Fracture;循证医学方法在股骨粗隆间骨折外科治疗决策中的初步应用
6.Analysis of the characteristics of Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome by evidence-based medicine method用循证医学方法分析我国Vogt-小柳-原田综合征的特点
7.Evaluation of Evidence-Based Medicine Prescription Blood-activating and Stasis-resolving Medicinal Treatment on Cerebral Hemorrhage Acute Phase;应用循证医学方法评价活血化瘀方药治疗脑出血急性期的临床疗效
8.On Forensics,Evidence-based Medicine and Evidence-based Forensics;浅谈法医学、循证医学与循证法医学
9.Methodological Revelation and Ethical Significance of Evidence-based Medicine循证医学的方法学启示和伦理学价值
10.TO Understand and Apply Correctly The Thinking Method of Evidence-based Medicine;正确理解和应用循证医学的思维方法
11.Evidence-based medicine and therapeutic choices of early prehnancy termination循证医学与早孕终止妊娠方法的选择
12.Development of optimal search strategies for clinically sound studies on EBM循证医学证据文献最佳检索策略的制定方法
13.Use the EBM Principles and Methods to Improve the Quality of New Drug Approval in China借鉴循证医学理念方法,提高我国新药审评质量
14.Research on the Categorization Methods of EBM Web Documents and Its Application;循证医学网络文献的分类方法及其应用研究
15.Research on the Construction Methods and Retrieval Strategies of Evidence-based Medicine Database循证医学数据库建库方法和检索策略研究
16.Influence of EBM on medical periodicals: a bibliometric analysis用文献计量学方法浅析循证医学对医学期刊的影响
17.The TCM handbook of AIDS diagnosis and treatment based on evidence-based medicine用循证医学模式及方法制定《艾滋病中医诊疗指南》
18.Evidence-based medicine (EBM) reflects the tendency and the future of modern medicine.循证医学反映了现代医学的发展趋势和方向。

formula to syndrome方证医学
3)the methods of EBM循证医学方法
4)syndrome named by formulas以方名证
5)Academic Certificate学历证书
1.It is a modern and new management system in our country to carry out electronic registrationin for academic statues and academic certificate in higher education,which bring forword new and more challenge to students status archives management.高等教育学籍、学历证书电子注册是我国现代化新型的学籍学历管理制度,给高校学籍档案管理提出了新的更高的要求。
2.From the analysis of actual facts on linking vocational qualification and academic certificates as well as the successful experience of foreign countries,the article discusses the required conditions needed for the linking and development of vocational qualification certificate system and .从分析职业资格和学历证书衔接的现实基础以及国外成功的经验出发,探讨实行职业资格证书制度与学历证书制度的衔接与并举所必须具备的条件,建立合理的职业资格证书制度与学历证书制度衔接与并举机制,加强各类教育之间的衔接,构建教育体系的"立交桥"。
3.E-registration system of higher-education academic certificates must be set up to strengthen the academic certificate management of higher education and enforce the system of academic certificates.为了加强高等教育学历证书管理 ,维护国家学历制度和学历证书的严肃性 ,必须建立高等教育学历证书电子注册制度。
6)diploma certificate学历证书
1.<Abstrcat> Mutual recognition between diploma certificates and professional credentials is the key issue for RTVUs to further develop the reform of training modes of professionals.学历证书与职业资格证书互通,是以深化人才培养模式改革为核心,以课程体系和教学内容为重点的教学改革,它有利于实现两种教育形式的优势互补,有利于人才培养模式的改革,是电大继续教育发展的重要保证,也是电大继续教育发展的新的增长点。

祖国医学方法论祖国医学方法论  医论著作。黄建平著。全书列“医学与方法论”、“关于阴阳学说”、“关于脏象学说”、“关于辨证论治学说”,以及“探讨祖国医学方法论的科学意义”等5篇,着重讨论中医药学的研究方法。作者认为:中医理论的方法,因形成于应用整体直观方法的古代,故某些内容存在一定的直观性、朴素性和猜测性。但不存在形而上学的抽象性而保留着整体系统的优点。1979年由湖南人民出版社初版,1982年经修订后再版。