西医反思,speculation on western medicine
1)speculation on western medicine西医反思
2)A Re-examination of the Expedition to the West by Zheng He郑和下西洋反思
3)Modern western trend of anti-science现代西方反科学思潮
4)Western Aesthetic Schools Criticism西方美学流派反思
5)Reflection on the Western Strategy of Equilibrium西方均势战略反思
6)western medicine西医
1.On the similarity and difference between Chinese medicine and Western medicine from the viewpoint of human cognizing process together with education of Chinese medicine;从人的认知过程谈中西医异同及中医教育
2.A Discussion on the Phenomenon of Hybrid in the Translation of TCM and Western Medicine;中西医译文中“杂合”现象谈
3.Study on the origins of Chinese traditional medicine and western medicine;中西医学差异起源的历史比较与分析

1.Combine Chinese traditional medicine with western medicine.使中医与西医相结合。
2.The Coming of the Western Medicine in China and the System of Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine Come into Being in the Late Qing Dynasty;晚清西医来华及中西医学体系的确立
3.Paying Attention of Difference between Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine and Abolishing Standardizing Chinese Medicine with Western Standards;正视中医西医差异,革除中学西范时弊
4.Research among TCM Students and West Medicine Students in Guangzhou Medical Colleges about Their Knowledge of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine;广州医学院校中医学生与西医学生对中西医结合认识的调查报告
5.On Medical Concepts in Canon of Medicine --Also on Medical Concepts in Chinese and Western Medicine;论《黄帝内经》的医学观念——兼评中西医的医学观念
7.Comparative Study on Medical Models of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Modern Western Medicine现代西医与传统中医医学模式之比较研究
8.The Role of Integrative Medicine in the Innovation and Development of Chinese Medicine中西医结合医学在中医药创新发展中的作用
9.Integrate traditional Chinese medicine with western medicine将中西医结合起来。
10.China Society of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine中国中西医结合学会
11.Western medicine stresses the scientific method.西医讲求科学实证。
12.China Association for the Integration of Traditional Chinese Medicine & Western Medicine中国中西医结合研究会
13.complementary medicineph.1. 补充性医疗(指西医之外的疗法)
14.Traditional Chinese medicine has been promoted through its integration with Western medicine.中医在同西医的结合中得到了提高。
15.Journal of Shanxi Medical University(Preclinical Medical Education Edition)山西医科大学学报(基础医学教育版)
16.Comparing with Techniques of Chinese Tuinal Medicine on Spine and Westem Medicine中医脊柱手法与西医手法的对比研究
17.Linguistic-cultural Differences between Chinese and Western Medicine and English Translation of Chinese Medicine;论中西医学语言文化差异与中医英译
18.Comparing Superiority of Chinese Medicine with Western Medicine from the Thinking Way;从思维方式论中医较之西医的优越性

A Re-examination of the Expedition to the West by Zheng He郑和下西洋反思
3)Modern western trend of anti-science现代西方反科学思潮
4)Western Aesthetic Schools Criticism西方美学流派反思
5)Reflection on the Western Strategy of Equilibrium西方均势战略反思
6)western medicine西医
1.On the similarity and difference between Chinese medicine and Western medicine from the viewpoint of human cognizing process together with education of Chinese medicine;从人的认知过程谈中西医异同及中医教育
2.A Discussion on the Phenomenon of Hybrid in the Translation of TCM and Western Medicine;中西医译文中“杂合”现象谈
3.Study on the origins of Chinese traditional medicine and western medicine;中西医学差异起源的历史比较与分析

西医1.从欧美各国传入的医学。与中医学相对而言。 2.运用西医学的理论与技术治病的医生。