兵家思想,Thinking of Military School
1)Thinking of Military School兵家思想

1.Ancient Chinese Militarists' Thoughts and Chinese Medicine中国古代兵家思想与中医学关系研究
2.Enlightenment of Military Strategists' Thought for Modern Business Management--From the Perspective of Military Management兵家思想对现代经营管理的启示——基于战略管理视角
3.From of Old, Grasping the law of War and not Warlike-the Dialectical Thought about Peace of Military Strategist in Ancient China;自古知兵非好战——中国古代兵家和平思想辩证观
4.Comment on the Thought of Management Psychology of the Confucianists、Taoists、Legalists and Military Strategists of Pre-Qin Period先秦儒家、道家、法家、兵家管理心理思想评述
5.A Comparative Probe Into the Ideological Systems of the Militarist and Legalist School in the Periods of the Spring-Autumn and Warring States;春秋战国时期兵、法两家思想体系比较研究
6.A Probe into the Theory of Yin-and-Yang by Military Commanders--Taking the Calamity,Divining and War from Zuozhuan as Study Cases;从《左传》灾异、占卜、战争记载看兵家阴阳思想
7.An Investigation into the Cultural Root of Ancient Chinese Militarists Thoughts on Peace;中国古代兵家和平思想的文化根源探析
8.The Integration of Tao of Government between Confucians and Military Strategists and its Historical Influence;儒家和兵家治道思想的整合及其历史影响——从“儒兵家”看《十一家注孙子》
9.On the Integration of Confucianism and Sun Tsu s Strategies of State Administration in Annotations on Sun Tsu from Eleven Researchers;论《十一家注孙子》对儒家和兵家治国战略思想的整合
10.It is the strategy for ancient strategist to make war victory and regulate the family and rule the state.本文以辩证的观点,挖掘了古代兵家和平思想的主要内容。
11.An Expert System Used to Guide Recruits Polities Thinking Work and Based on Fuzzy Reasoning and Datamining;基于模糊推理及数据挖掘的新兵政治思想工作指导专家系统
12.The Dynamic and Strategically Flexible Thinking of Suntzu's Art of War《孙子兵法》的动态思维与战略柔性思想
13.Such management ideas as Confucianism,Legalism,Daoism and Military Tactics originated from the Spring and Autumn Period were subjected to the restraint of Chinese traditional thinking.发轫于春秋战国时代的儒、法、道、兵诸家管理思想受到中国传统思维模式的制约和陶范。
14.In the view of dialectics, the author taps the main contents of peace idea of military strategist in ancient China.这些打着中华传统文化烙印的古代兵家和平思想,在今天依然有着深远而巨大的影响。
15.a radical politician, thinker, writer, etc思想激进的政治家、 思想家、 作家等
16.On the Thoughts of Management Mentality in the Art of War;试析《孙子兵法》中的管理心理思想
17.Military Thought of Peace and Harmony in Military Science of Sun Tzu and Its Current Significance;《孙子兵法》“和合”军事思想及其现代意义
18.Universal Significance of the Thoughts of Strategic Management in Military Science of Sun Tzu;《孙子兵法》战略管理思想的普世意义

military commander兵家阴阳思想
1.According to the calamity,divining and war described in Zuozhuan,the theory of Yin-and-Yang represents such forms as natural calamities,medicine and interaction between man and nature,which are significant for the historical development of the theory of Yin-and-Yang by military commanders.阴阳思想在《左传》记载的灾异、占卜、战争活动中有自然灾害、医学、天人感应等表现形态,对于兵家阴阳思想发展历史有着重要意义。
3)military strategists' thoughts in the Pre-Qin Times先秦兵家思想
1.As a fundamental part of the traditional Chinese culture, the military strategists' thoughts in the Pre-Qin Times encompass affluent management traits and demonstrate infinite vitality.先秦兵家思想是中国传统文化的重要组成部分,具有丰富的管理思想和无穷无尽的生命力,直到今天仍然深深地影响着中国现代企业管理,特别是企业战略管理实践。
4)the art of strategies兵学思想
1.On the reasons behind the climactic development of the art of strategies in the periods the Spring and Autumn and Warring states;春秋战国时期中国兵学思想的发展
5)thought of strengthening the military强兵思想
1.Only by analyzing Su Shi s political thought,essepecially his thought of strengthening the military and facin.分析苏轼的政治思想特别是强兵思想 ,正视当时的政治、军事背景和苏轼的处境、心态 ,才能真正明白该词的主
6)Confucian thought儒家思想
1.The Early Northern Song Dynasty Poem Theory of Confucian Thought;北宋初期诗学理论中的儒家思想
2.On value of Confucian thought in building harmonious society;论儒家思想在构建和谐社会中的价值
3.The social value of confucian thought under new historical conditions;儒家思想在新的历史条件下的社会价值

人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)people's army, thought of  renmin iundui sixiQng人民军队思想(pe叩le’s~y,thought(毛泽东关于建设一支由无产阶级政党领的、以马克思列宁主义作指导的新型人民队问题的理性认识,是毛泽东军事思想的要组成部分。见毛泽东军事思想。、,声.2﹃了‘j