扶阳学派,Supporting Yang School
1)Supporting Yang School扶阳学派
1.A Historical Study on the Revival of Supporting Yang School从历史角度谈中医“扶阳学派”的复兴

1.A Historical Study on the Revival of Supporting Yang School从历史角度谈中医“扶阳学派”的复兴
2.WU Pei-heng’s academic thought of warming yang传承吴佩衡学术思想 践行温阳扶阳大法
3.The mechanism of therapy of Sini Fuyang in preventing HBP从四逆扶阳防治高血压的原理求证医学的本源
4.The Study of the Relation about the Seven-Person School and Yang Ming s Hsin Hsueh;七子派文学理论与阳明心学关系研究
5.A comparative study of the Yangming school of moral education in China and Japan;中日阳明学派道德教育理念比较研究
6.Study on the Assisting Yang Academic Thoughts and Clinical Practice of the Four Masters in Exogenous Febrile Disease in Modern Times in South China;岭南近代伤寒四大家扶阳学术思想及其临床运用研究
7.Association of Nourish Yin or Warm Yang and Yin-yang Personality-constitution Theory on Academic滋阴温阳两派医家阴阳人格体质特征与其学术思想相关性的分析
8.The Sociolinguistical Investigation on the Differences of Yiyang Dialect between the New Variety and the Old Variety in Hunan Province;湖南益阳方言新老派差异的社会语言学调查
9.Treating severe diseases by the therapy of Wenyang Fuyang from WU Peiheng运用吴佩衡温阳扶阳法治疗危急重症
10.Vulgarization and Secularization of Confucianism:On the Transcendence of Wang Yangming School by Taizhou School;儒学的民间化与世俗化——论泰州学派对“阳明学”的超越
11.A large number of doctors were sent to the earthquake-stricken district, who would save the dying and help the wounded.大批医生被派往地震灾区,去救死扶伤。
12.Defamiliarized Techniques and Unconventional Images--Appreciation of Donne’s Metaphysical Love Poem The Sun Rising陌生化的手法,另类的意象——邓恩的玄学派艳情诗《上升的太阳》赏析
13.116 Cases of Cor pulmonale on Plateau Treated with Modified Fuyang Decoction扶阳汤加减治疗高原地区肺心病116例
14.Clinical application of the theory of Fuyang in treating inflammation“容平”含义之再思与扶阳治燥法之应用
15.Hong Kong Rotary Club Students' Loan Fund香港扶轮社贷款助学金
16.Tripod steady. Run up the bank with sun coming fast behind him.扶稳三脚架,跑上岸去,身后的阳光迅速追上来。
17.Application of the fuyang theory in applying therapy of Dafang Fuzhi用扶阳理论指导大方复治法的具体运用
18.Discuss on method of supporting yang in treating angina pectoris试论扶阳在心绞痛治疗中的地位及含义

warming yang school温阳学派
1.The origin and modern utilization of warming yang school in pediatrics;儿科温阳学派的起源与现代应用
3)Yangming school阳明学派
1.A comparative study of the Yangming school of moral education in China and Japan;中日阳明学派道德教育理念比较研究
2.Demoted and exiled to Guizhou Province, Wang Yangming understood the truth and gave lectures to his students, which directly promoted the forming of the Guizhou Yangming School, the earlier regional school of the Will Theory.王阳明贬谪贵州,悟道讲学,直接推动了较早的地域性心学派别——贵州阳明学派的形成。
4)The Yin Yang School阴阳学派
5)Supporting yang扶阳
6)Yangming School and Gong an School阳明学派与公安派
