帛书,silk manuscript
1)silk manuscript帛书
1., Impartiality) of silk manuscript, discriminates and analyzes it in detail.承接前文,本文系对《衷》篇后半部分的解读,作者对这部分文字作了详细的辨析疏理,比照贯通今本《易传》及汉魏诸家之说,揭示出帛书《衷》篇丰富的易学内涵和学术价值。

1.A Three-Dimension Study of Four English Versions of Laotzu Based on the Silk Edition;帛书本《老子》四英译本的三维审视
2.The Study of the Phonetic Loan Characters of Silk Book One Excavated from Ancient Tombs of Han Dynasty in Ma Wangdui;《马王堆汉墓帛书[壹]》假借字研究
3.A Study of the Characters of Folk Forms Written on Silk Books Excavared from Ancient Tombs of Han Dynasty in Ma Wangdui;《马王堆汉墓帛书》“肆”俗字研究
4.A New Explanation on Chapter Yao of Silk Manuscript;帛书《要》篇“夫子老而好易”章新释
5.On the Term "Heng xiao li" in the Zhouyi of Silk Manuscript by the Distinctions between Characters Xiao and Shao;从帛书《周易》“小”“少”的区分释“亨小利”
6.Confucius Hermeneutic Approach to Zhouyi and the Change of His Orientation by the Silk Manuscript of Yi Zhuan;从帛书《易传》看孔子易学解释及其转向
7.A contrast of the Dao of heaven and the Dao of governance between Xi ci zhuan and Huang lao bo shu;《系辞传》与《黄老帛书》天道与治道之对照
8.The “Master” in Miaohe and Zhaoli copied on silk unearthed refers to Confucius;帛书《缪和》《昭力》中“子”为孔子考
9.Four issues related to hexagrams Qian and Kun in both the received and silk versions of Zhouyi;帛书与今本《周易》之乾、坤二卦四题
10.Ancient Verb-complement Structure Reflected in the Silk Book in Mawangdui Han Dynasty Tomb;《马王堆汉墓帛书》所反映的上古动补式
11.The Contrast and Compare of Chu-Jian Version, Bo-Shu Version and Current Version of Laozi;《老子》楚简本、帛书本、通行本比较研究
12.The theoretical basis for bedroom art in Mawang Boshu Dui texts (1);马王堆帛书房中术的理论依据(上)
13.A Study on Shengmu(声母) of the Variants Recorded in the Current Edition and Silk Text Edition of Zhou yi(周易);《周易》通行本与帛书本异文声母研究
14.On the real meaning of Wen Yan by studying Yi Zhuan copied on silk;从帛书《易传》考察“文言”的实义
15.On the character of "Ma" in Xi Ci copied on silk again;再论马王堆帛书《系辞》中的“马”
16.An Analysis and Exposition on Confucius Academic Ideology at His Old Age from Yi-Zhuan Copied on Silk;从帛书《易传》析述孔子晚年的学术思想
17.The Explanation of the Six Tax Supervisors and the Five Senior Officials in Yao of Yizhuan Copied on Silk;释帛书易传《要》篇之“六府”、“五官”
18.An Analysis of Robert G.Henricks' Translation of Lao-Tzu Te-Tao Ching--A New Translation Based on the Recently Discovered Ma-wang-tui Texts帛书本《道德经》韩禄伯英译本刍议

Silk Book帛书
1.Silk Book Yi Zhuan says that criminal act is caused by the avarice arising from selfadvantage, while accomplishment in ethics is the effective way to bind the avarice.帛书《易传》认为 ,犯罪行为是由利己心产生的贪欲引发的 ,而约束贪欲的有效途径是道德修养。
3)silk manuscripts帛书
1.Nine notes on the silk manuscripts similar to the Yi zhuan;《易传》类帛书零札九则
4)Silk medical book简帛医书
5)chapter Yao of silk manuscript帛书《要》
6)Huang lao bo shu黄老帛书
1.A contrast of the Dao of heaven and the Dao of governance between Xi ci zhuan and Huang lao bo shu;《系辞传》与《黄老帛书》天道与治道之对照
