编纂体例,compiling style
1)compiling style编纂体例
1.The creativity and demonstration of compiling styles in " Zhongzhouji";《中州集》编纂体例的开创性和示范性
2.The compiling style of this book is careful and precise.该书编纂体例谨严 ,内容丰富 ,包罗万象 ,全面反映了清代新疆地区政治、经济和自然地理情况 ,同时在国家意识、边疆意识、民族观等方面亦具有进步的思想倾向。

1.The creativity and demonstration of compiling styles in " Zhongzhouji";《中州集》编纂体例的开创性和示范性
2.Brief Analysis of Several Problems in Our Country s Civil Law Code Editing and Compiling Layout;浅析我国民法典编纂体例的几点问题
3.The Innovations in Compilation Style of Han Shu Compared with Shi Ji;《汉书》与《史记》相比较在编纂体例上的创新
4.On the Structure of Civil Code of the P.R. China --In the center of the dual structure of imperium and relevant rights;中国民法典编纂体例之我见——以绝对权与相对权的二元结构为中心
5.The Compiling Style and Structure Feature of the Ancient Chinese Penal Code--Concurrently on the action and influence of traditional Chinese penal code culture;中国古代刑法典的编纂体例和结构特点——兼论中国传统刑法文化的作用和影响
6.Compiling Principles and Style Designing of Export-oriented Dictionaries of Confusable Words;外向型易混淆词辨析词典的编纂原则与体例设想
7.On the Issue of Legislative System of Intellectual Property Right in the Compilation of Civil Code of China;关于我国民法典编纂中的知识产权立法体例问题
8.On the compiling of popular words dictionary and examples choosing;试述流行语词典编纂与例句选择问题
9.Illustrations from A Comprehensive Bibliography of Chinese Dialectology (1900-1999);《汉语方言研究论著索引(1900—1999)》编纂举例
10.My Experience on Compilation of Records of Literature in Ming and Qing Dynasties,A Branch of Great Dictionary of Chinese Culture;编纂《中华大典·明清文学分典》的体会
11.The principle and system of Origin of Chinese Characters compiled by Xu Shen许慎《说文解字》的编纂思想及其体系
12.Some dictionary writers use citations to show what words mean.有些辞典的编纂者用引文作例证以解释词义.
13.Some dictionary writer use citation to show what word mean.有些辞典的编纂者用引文作例证以解释词义。
14.Some dictionary writers use citations to show what words mean有些辞典的编纂者用引文作例证以解释词义
15.A research between the study method of confucian classics and the ancient agricultural study from Qi Min Yao Shu;经学方法与古代农书的编纂——以《齐民要术》为例
16.The Article About The Writing Of The Taoism Books In Yuan Dynasty;论元代道教典籍的编纂——以仙传和宫观山志为例
17.Ou yang Xiu s Compilation of History Records and Its Meaning for the Study of Historical Materials;欧阳修编纂史书之义例及其史料学意义
18.Study of Archival Documents Compilation《档案文献编纂学》

compilation style编纂体例
1.The third part or chapter probes into the compilation styles of Jin Shi Wen Zi Ji.第三部分即第三章《金石文字记》的编纂体例
3)the framework of the criminal code compilation刑法典编纂体例结构
4)the stylistic rules of the compilation史纂体例
5)compiling thoughts编纂体会
6)compiler group编纂群体
1.The thesis tries to analyze the main members of compiler group, bring out the Jing-shi thought and research on great significance to late age.本文主要从《明经世文编》的编纂群体入手,揭示其经世思想内涵,探讨其对后世的影响。

《档案文献编纂学》  中国高等学校文科教材。曹喜琛主编,中国人民大学出版社1990年 4月出版。全书设导论和14章,分别叙述档案文献编纂学产生和发展的历史,档案文献编纂工作的内容、意义、性质和基本原则;系统论述编纂选题和档案文献查找、挑选、考订、转录、点校、标题、编排、出版的原则和方法;详细介绍档案文献汇编中注释、按语、序言、凡例等各种辅文的作用及其编制要求、方法。该书体例较为严谨,内容多有创新,体现了档案文献编纂的特点。