医学交流史,history of medical exchange
1)history of medical exchange医学交流史

1.The spread and practice of smallpox inoculation in western world was an important event in the history of intercommunication between eastern and western medicines, which is worth emphasizing and further studying.人痘接种向西方的传播及实践,是中西医学交流史上的重要事件,值得予以重视并深入的研究。
2.Smithsonian Science Information Exchange史密森科学资料交流所
3.The Achievements in Historiography Obtained by Chinese Scholars on Both Sides of Taiwan Straits since the 20th Century;加强两岸学术交流 发展民族传统史学
4.Preliminary exploration of training mode of doctor-patient communication skills for medical students医学生医患沟通交流技能培养模式初探
5.International Association for Medical Research and Cultural Exchange国际医学研究和文化交流协会
6.ZHU Dan-xi and Communication between South and North in Yuan Dynasty;元代南北文化交流对丹溪医学的影响
7.Construction of the Communicating Platform for Training the Innovative Medical Graduate;构建交流平台,培养创新型医学研究生
8.On the Spread of Catholicism and the Exchange of Historiography Between China and the West in the Early Years of the Qing Dynasty以史证教与以史驳教——清初天主教传播与中西方史学交流
9.Communication of Han and Tibetan Historiography & Relationship of Dunhuang Academic Tradition and Tubo Historiography;汉藏史学的交流以及敦煌学术传统与吐蕃史学的关系
10.The Theory and Practice of Academic Communication in Establishing Learning Type Hospital;学术交流促进学习型医院形成的理论与实践
11.Model of academic exchange platform for medical information--BMJ website医学信息化学术平台交流的典范——BMJ网站
12.The Exchange of Balladry during the Song, Liao and Jin Dynasties: Some Facts and Their Significance in Literay History;宋辽金俗文学交流若干事实的文学史意义
13.The Eastern Civilization Spread Out to the West and the Western Civilization Taking over the East;“东学西被”与“西学东渐”——中西文化交流的历史考察
14.An Intercultural Course Design for TCM International Exchange Students面向中医药国际交流学生的跨文化课程设计
15.Functions of international communication and cooperation in Hospital discipline construction国际交流与合作在医院学科建设中的重要作用
16.Investigation of Communication between Medical Students and Old Patients医学生与老年患者交流/沟通问题的调查分析
17.Balance and Difference: On the History of the Exchange between Chinese and Japanese literature;平衡与差异:五四时期中日文学交流史论
18.Intercommunion of Legal Science Between Mainland China and Hong Kong内地与香港的法学交流:成功实践与历史经验

the communion of the historiography史学交流
3)medical exchange医学交流
4)history of academic exchange between China and Japan中日学术交流史
5)the history of the Chinese-French academic communication中法学术交流史
1.These two books exerted a great influence on the history of the Chinese-French academic communication in the 18th century.代表儒家思想的重要经典《书经》和《易经》深受法国耶稣会士和学者的重视,在十八世纪中法学术交流史上产生了巨大影响。
6)literary communion history of Japan-China中日文学交流史
1.On the basis of proofreading the tome word for word,its value-studying is discussed from two aspects of the Book of Songs s philology and the literary communion history of Japan-China.在对残卷逐字校读的基础上,从《诗经》文献学和中日文学交流史两方面,论述了其可贵的研究价值。

中国医学百科全书·医学史中国医学百科全书·医学史 医史著作。《中国医学百科全书》编辑委员会编。此书为《中国医学百科全书》中的一卷,内容包括中西医学史两部分,共收条目837条。中国医学史491条,世界医学史346条。按断代医学发展史、学科、专题、医学教育、学术团体、军事医学的发展、中外医学交流、医史人物、医学著作等为序编写。书末附录包括中西医药刊物,中西医药院校基本情况,中医学术团体、中国医学史年表、世界医学史年表等。书后附有索引。1987年由上海科学技术出版社出版。