徐春甫,Xu Chunfu
1)Xu Chunfu徐春甫
1.The Thesis of Qunshu——Making Commentary on differences between Shu and Xu;群舒略论——兼论舒徐异源

1.The packet stood out to sea.小船往海里远去。
2.My parachute eased me groundward.降落伞载着我下落。
3.That floats along the slowly ebbing wave;飘过退却的波浪;
4.He trickled the water into the container.他将水注入容器中。
5.The breeze fanned our faces.微风吹在我们脸上。
6.A thin column of smoke climbed into the sky.一缕轻烟升入天空。
7.A red flag slowly went up the pole.一面红旗升起。
8.They moved slowly forward, looking to the right and to the left.他们前进,左右观看。
9.My Teacher Mr. Xu Three Strokes三下老师 (节选)
10.Xu Huabei smiled. "That's right.华北笑了:“没错。
11.Darkness was creeping up as I came back to the school.当我回到学校时,夜幕正降临。
12.The cool breeze fanned his hot face.凉风吹在他火热的脸上。
13.Thou watchest the last oozings, hours by hours.你耐心地瞧着滴下的酒浆。
14.Some had not yet wearied of their gentle boat-like paddling.有的还未厌倦那船一样的的划行。
15.Night crept up again through the gorges.夜色再度从谷里升起。
16.Carriage doors began to open as the train drew in火车进站后,车厢门便开始打开。
17.The rising sun lit up the earth, the forest, and the plains.上升的朝阳照亮了大地、林和草原。
18.The road was jammed with rickshaws at the hospital gate.这时车已的转出大门。

1.The Thesis of Qunshu——Making Commentary on differences between Shu and Xu;群舒略论——兼论舒徐异源
3)Xu Yu徐
1.There were obvious tendency of mysticism in Xu Yus aesthetic thinking and literary creation.徐的美学思想及文学创作有着明显的神秘主义倾向。
1.The relationship among the Chinese Plum Flower,Spring,snow and people is reflected in this poem and they are thought of the three basic factors to the creation of literature.何逊的《咏早梅》反映了梅与春、梅与雪、梅与人的关系。
2.Wang Lixian thought"spring"language sourcerighteousness works as is,but non-Xu Shen center pours in"Shuo wen""pushes".《"春"义溯源》一文中,王礼贤先生以为"春"的语源义当为"出",而非许慎在《说文》中释的"推"。
3.Chinese people have deep emotion towards spring because it implies great and deep history and culture connotation."春"具有文字和文化两重意义,中国人对于"春"可谓一往情深,因为它蕴藏着很多而且很深的历史和现实的文化意蕴。
1.Life beliefs of Dufu is in terms of apocalypse;杜甫的人生信仰以及对后人的启示
2.On DuFu s Contradictory Characteristics Revealed in His Poems;从杜诗中的“江湖”看杜甫思想性格的矛盾性
6)Tu Fu杜甫
1.Applying the Principle of Iconicity to the Translation of Poetry comment on three translated versions of the two five-character poems of "Dreaming of Li Bai" by Tu Fu;符号象似性原则在诗歌翻译中的运用——兼评杜甫五言古诗《梦李白》三译
2.Briefly Analyse Tu Fu s Writing Feature of "the Epitaph of Nēe Tu Who Was in Wannian County and Died on Tang Dynasty"--Concurrently Discusses the Effects of "Adoptive Aunt" Nēe Tu to Tu Fu;简析杜甫《唐故万年县君京兆杜氏墓誌》的写作特色——兼论“义姑”京兆杜氏对杜甫的影响

徐春甫徐春甫 徐春甫   明代医学家。字汝元(或作汝源),号思鹤,又号东皋。祁门(今属安徽)人。家世业儒。因多病,乃从师于名医汪宦。博览医书,通内、妇、儿等科。曾在太医院任职。隆庆初(1568年)参与组织成立医学学术团体“一体堂宅仁医会”。编著有《古今医统》、《内经要旨》、《妇科心镜》、《幼幼汇集》、《痘疹泄秘》等书。对李杲的脾胃学说很为推崇,并主张良医应当兼通针药,认为用药不可泥守古方,临证应会变通加减等,他的医论和著述对后世有一定影响。