《伊尹汤液经》,Yi Yin Tang Ye Jing
1)Yi Yin Tang Ye Jing《伊尹汤液经》
1.Research on Academic Thoughts of Yi Yin Tang Ye Jing《伊尹汤液经》学术思想初探
2)Yi yin伊尹
1.Universal Axiom Reflected from Cuisine——The Representative Significance of Yi Yin & Pao Ding;寓大道于庖艺之中——伊尹、庖丁形象的典型意义

1.Yiyinshuo and Yuzishuo Recorded by Hanzhi:Verification;《汉志》著录之小说家《伊尹说》《鬻子说》考辨
2.Universal Axiom Reflected from Cuisine--The Representative Significance of Yi Yin & Pao Ding;寓大道于庖艺之中——伊尹、庖丁形象的典型意义
3.Analysis of "the Yin s Tunes" of the Famous Han Opera Artist Yin Chunbao;汉剧名家尹春保之“尹派声腔”艺术探析
4.Shanghai Yinjia Sanitary Wares Co., Ltd.上海尹佳卫浴有限公司
5.Yin Xueyan:Is "Death" or "Wizard"?尹雪艳:是“死神”还是“精灵”?
6.He would always inform the incoming minister on all the details of the prior government.What do you think of him?"Confucius said, "He was loyal."旧令尹之政,必以告新令尹。何如」子曰:「忠矣。」
7.The research of extant teaching of Guanyin关尹遗说考——兼论关尹学说与《太一生水》的关系
8.Tzu Chang asked: "The Chief Minister Tzu Wen was appointed three times, But never showed any sign of pleasure. He was fired three times, But never showed any sign of disappointment.9子张问曰:「令尹子文三仕为令尹,无喜色;三已之,无愠色。
9.A Comparative Study of the Character of Yin Zhiping in Luis Chas’ Heroes on the Desert and The Legend of Condor Heroes;金庸《射雕英雄传》《神雕侠侣》中的尹志平与历史上的尹志平之比较
10.The Enlightment from the Han Dynasty Slips,Kaojibu,Found in Yinwan:A Note of Reading(Part Ⅲ);尹湾汉简《考绩簿》所载给我们的启示──读尹湾汉简札记之三
11.YIN MINGSHAN is a Chinese tightrope walker.尹明善是一个善于走钢丝的中国人。
12.Wan Lap Keung Social Centre for the Elderly [Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society]尹立强敬老康乐中心〔乐善堂〕
13.Mongolian Modern Atheistic Thinker-Inzannashi近代蒙古族无神论思想家——尹湛纳希
14.Area code 03, telephone number 453-5311.尹: 地区号码03,电话号码453-5311。
15.The Documentary Research on the Yinwan Note of the Han Bamboo Slips about "a Fu on the Spiritual Crow";尹湾汉简《神乌傅(赋)》文献学研究
16.Mr.Yin Da s Academic Road:from the Study of Archaeology to the Study of Historiography;尹达先生之路:“从考古到史学研究”
17.The Founder of the New Poems in Modern China;秩序之外——也论沈尹默的新诗创作
18.The Elegance And Beauty that Follows Closely to that of The Jin And Tang Dynasty--Discussing Shenyinmo s calligraphy;纯熟秀雅 直追晋唐——试论沈尹默书法

Yi yin伊尹
1.Universal Axiom Reflected from Cuisine——The Representative Significance of Yi Yin & Pao Ding;寓大道于庖艺之中——伊尹、庖丁形象的典型意义
3)Sayings of Yi Yin伊尹说
4)Tang Bingyin edition汤宾尹本
5)《Tang Ye Jing Fa》汤液经法
6)the Chart of Tangye principle《汤液经法》图
1.the Chart of Tangye principle is an illustration of the reinforcing and reducing principle to the five internal organs,the five elements and the five flavors.《汤液经法》图是《法要》中阐述五脏五行五味攻补原理的图示,也是五脏疾病遣方用药的原则。
