《辅行诀五脏用药法要》,Auxiliary Verse on Drugs and Methods for Zangfu Organs
1)Auxiliary Verse on Drugs and Methods for Zangfu Organs《辅行诀五脏用药法要》
1.Auxiliary Verse on Drugs and Methods for Zangfu Organs was kept in Dunhuang Mogao Library Cave.《辅行诀五脏用药法要》原藏敦煌藏经洞,1908年为法国伯希和盗掠,守洞道士王圆箓在为伯希和装箱时暗藏之,1918年售予河北省威县张偓南,偓南传其嫡孙大昌,毁于1966年"文革"初,"文革"期间张大昌将抄写本寄赠中国中医研究院,中国中医研究院加以整理,于1975年打印35本内部交流(简称"中研本"),继而王雪苔先生两次亲访张大昌,收集到两个抄本,经整理收录于1988年江西科学技术出版社《敦煌古医籍考释》(简称"考释本");二十世纪九十年代中国中医研究院中国医史文献研究所派王淑民先生陶广正先生再访张大昌,收集到3个抄本,经整理收录于1998年江苏古籍出版社的《敦煌医药文献辑校》(简称"辑校本")。
2)《Fu Xing Jue Zang Fu Yong Yao Fa Yao》辅行诀脏腑用药法要
1.The Research of 《Fu Xing Jue Zang Fu Yong Yao Fa Yao》;《辅行诀脏腑用药法要》的文献研究

1.The Research of 《Fu Xing Jue Zang Fu Yong Yao Fa Yao》;《辅行诀脏腑用药法要》的文献研究
2.Essentials of Professor Deng Tietao's Five-viscera Correlation Theory and Correlative Research of Zang-fu Herbal Medicine Dialectical Usage Recorded in "Case Reports for Clinical Practice";中医五脏相关学说述要与《临证指南医案》脏腑辨证用药的相关性研究
3.Support Vector Machine and It s Application in Viscera Syndrome Differentiation of TCM;SVM算法研究及其在中医脏腑辨证中的应用
4.The Research of Viscus Syndrome and Viscus Discrimination of the Two Han Dynasty;两汉时期脏腑证候与脏腑辨证方法的研究
5.The entrails, however, and the legs he shall wash with water.但脏腑与腿要用水洗,祭司就要全然奉献,烧在坛上。
6.Because if he'd had one she'd a burnt him out herself! She'd a roasted his bowels out of him 'thout any more feeling than if he was a human!"它要是有姨妈,那肯定会不考虑它的感情,给它灌药烧坏它的五脏六腑不可
7.She'd a roasted his bowels out of him'thout any more feeling than if he was a human!给它灌药烧坏它的五脏六腑,不管它是不是人
8.Importance and the Related Issues of Pharmaceutical Care for Application of Warfarin in Patients with Mechanical Valve Replacement对机械性心脏瓣膜置换患者应用华法林进行药学服务的重要性及相关问题
9."But the inside parts and the legs are to be washed with water; and the priest will make an offering of all of it, burning it on the altar: it is a burned offering, an offering made by fire, for a sweet smell to the Lord."但脏腑与腿要用水洗,祭司就要全然奉献,烧在坛上。这是燔祭,是献与耶和华为馨香的火祭。
10."But its inside parts and its legs are to be washed with water, and it will all be burned on the altar by the priest for a burned offering, an offering made by fire, for a sweet smell to the Lord."但燔祭的脏腑与腿要用水洗。祭司就要把一切全烧在坛上,当作燔祭,献与耶和华为馨香的火祭。
11.The Pattern of Case Study Method in Chinese Pedagogy and its Key Procedures语文教育学运用案例教学法的程式要诀
12.Applied Research on Xingyi Boxing Teaching by Formula Method口诀法在形意五行拳教学中的运用研究
13.He shall then cut it into its pieces with its head and its suet, and the priest shall arrange them on the wood which is on the fire that is on the altar.利1:13但脏腑与腿、用水洗.司就要全然奉献烧在坛上.是燔祭、献与耶和华为馨香的火祭。
14.Tips on English Body Language使用英语肢体语言要诀
15.The temperature of the human body and the ability of the zang-fu organs and tissues to perform their physiological activities are dependent on the warming function of qi.(3)人的体温,各脏腑、官等一切组织进行生理活动的能量,都属于气的温煦作用。
16.In TCM syndrome differentiation system of viscera and the important position脏腑辨证在中医辨证体系中的重要地位
17.Discussion on the Relationship between the Whole-hearted Failure and the Viscera from the Five Elements Theory从五行学说探讨全心衰竭与脏腑的关系
18.Effects of acupuncture combined with herbal medicine on detoxication and purging fu-organ for treatment of patients with constipation of Phlegm-heat and Bowel-repletion in acute cerebral infraction针药结合排毒通腑法治疗脑梗死急性期痰热腑实型便秘

《Fu Xing Jue Zang Fu Yong Yao Fa Yao》辅行诀脏腑用药法要
1.The Research of 《Fu Xing Jue Zang Fu Yong Yao Fa Yao》;《辅行诀脏腑用药法要》的文献研究
3)Fu Xing Jue辅行诀
1.The book of Fu Xing Jue · The Guideline to use medicine of Zang Organs and Fu Organs (simply called Fu Xing Jue as follows) was written by Tao Hongjing.《辅行诀·脏腑用药法要》(下简称《辅行诀》),作者题为陶弘景,据云来自敦煌遗本,辗转流传于民间。
1.On the knack and application of the surface-shape analytical method;论面形分析法读图的要诀与应用
2.Through the discussion with Jiang Nan,author of A Tentative Study of TCM Dietetic Therapy Translation,this article focuses on the "rhyme" in dietetic therapy knack translation.通过与《药食同源——小议中医食疗的翻译》作者江楠的商榷,讨论了英译中医食疗要诀"韵"的问题。
6)Newly Usage of Yang Hui's Rhymed Formula杨辉口诀新用法
