手抄本,codex book
1)codex book手抄本
1.With its sacred and religious implications,the 3-D structure of the external shape of the medieval time codex book lies in its inherent nature of religion.中世纪手抄本外部形态构造的三维化在于其内在的宗教性,是宗教神圣性与教徒虔诚性的物化体现;是建筑艺术的宗教象征性与手抄本物华工巧、独具匠心的"天授人造";是书体外观以三维实体形式将圣灵具体化、丰富化、精确化的现实反映。

1.A book, document, or other composition written by hand.手抄本由手写成的书、文件或其它作品
2.Yesterday, I saw any amount of old manuscripts in the museum.昨天,我在博物馆看到了大量的古代手抄本
3.On the 3-D Structure of External Shape of the Medieval Time Codex Book论中世纪手抄本外部形态构造的三维化
4.Before long it published, all sorts of hand-written copies and prints were gone around among folks, even the palace wasn't exception.成书不久,各种手抄本和印本很快在民间流传开来,连皇宫也不例外。
5.he was able to raise six million dollars for peace by handwriting his 1905 research paper为了和平,他筹集到六百万美元,通过他的1905年研究论文手抄本
6.The annals of the Linjiang County (a hand-written copy stored in the cultural bureau of the county) actually contains a poem written by Sun Liang.在旧《临江县志》(县文化馆藏手抄本)中刊有孙良的一首自述诗:
7.Piero laid down the book and went to look among some paintings, propped with their faces against the wall.彼埃罗放下手抄本,在几幅画稿里寻找,把它们正面翻过来靠在墙上。
8.and then I was sent to the political instructor's office for a lecture, where I was interrogated about whether I had read a hand-copied version of the pornographic A Young Girl's Heart接着被叫到教导处训话,并被追问是否看过黄色手抄本《少女之心》
9.The chief sources for the Greek mathematical works are Byzantine Greek codices.希腊的数学著作主要取材于拜占庭的希腊文手抄本
10.The Sound Systems and Table of Ming Dynasty Manuscript Rhyme Tune in North Min明闽北韵书手抄本《六音字典》音系性质及其声韵调配合表
11.We can give you the text on computer disk, or as hard copy, ie as writing or printing on paper.我们可以给你一份计算机磁盘的文本, 也可以给你一份硬拷贝(手抄本或打印本).
12.Tibetan classics, which only existed in hand-written and engraved forms and were neglected for several hundred years, now, for the first time, have been printed in copies with exquisite binding.数百年来只有手抄本、木刻本,被禁锢、埋没的藏文典籍,第一次有了各种装帧精美的印刷版本。
13.A copy, as of a book.抄本如一本书的抄本
14.A variant reading or transcription of a text or copy.异文一文本或抄本的变体读本或抄本
15.A Comparative Study on Wanli Qijuzhu of Ming Dynasty s transcript preserved in Tianjin and Transcript preserved in Japan;天津明抄本和日本藏抄本《万历起居注》
16.I found an old copy of the Housewife's Handbook and copied out six or seven lines every week, then gave them to her before she came.所以我找到一本旧的‘主妇手册’,每期抄七八条,不等她来就送给她。
17.A manuscript volume, especially of a classic work or of the Scriptures.抄本一种手稿书籍,尤指经典著作的或权威性著作的
18.He wrote the words on the board and some of the students automaticaly wrote them down in their notebooks.他把这些词写在黑板上,有些学生随手把它们抄在笔记本上。

manuscript delivery分发手抄本
3)Wang Ruzun's hand-written copy王如尊手抄本
4)illuminated manuscript手抄本装饰画
5)underground handwritten copies地下手抄本小说
1.As a special kind of phenomenon in the Great Cultural Revolution,the underground handwritten copies can be classified into the following two types."文革"地下手抄本小说是"文革"期间出现的一种特殊的现象,主要分为两类,一类是带有现代启蒙色彩的小说,一类是传奇娱乐类的小说。
6)manuscript delivery;manuscript editing.分发手抄本;手稿整理
