阴毒,yin toxin
1)yin toxin阴毒
1.It listed some special descriptions about yin toxin and yang toxin, recorded in detail the clinical appearance ofthem and suggested the corresponding medicine prescription.通过对相关文献的整理剖析,认为《阴证略例》堪称毒论思想大家,列专篇论述了阴毒与阳毒,详细记载了阴毒与阳毒的临床表现,并提出了相应的药物方剂。

1.diabolic plan, trick, etc阴毒的计划、 诡计等.
2.There were something strange about his boredom: between the eyes is shadow of something evil.他的厌烦还有点古怪,眉宇间微显阴毒
3.Harmful or malignant in intent or effect.阴毒的,邪恶的意指或意图上恶意或险恶的
4.as well as the sinister landlord Huang Shiren.以及黄世仁的阴险、毒辣
5.Clinical Study on Treating Viral Myocarditis with Yi-Qi-Yang-Yin-Jie-Du-Fang;益气养阴解毒方治疗病毒性心肌炎的临床研究
7.He knows the wiles of the serpent.他知道阴险毒辣的人的种种诡计。
8.What is behind flowery and the purity is the sinister and malicious.在华丽、洁的背后都是阴险、毒。
9.a serpent that has betrayed your brother一个出卖了你兄弟的阴险毒辣的人
10.Restrain circulation, get rid of toxin and improve complexion.调气血,滋阴养颜,改善微循环,排除毒素。
11.She was wicked, rotten through and through.这个女人阴险歹毒,腐化堕落。
12.Machiavellian and manipulative, the Lords are often maligned.权谋与操控,阴影议员常常是恶毒的。
13.Full-length cDNA Clonging of Trichomonas Vaginalis Virus;阴道毛滴虫病毒基因组全长cDNA克隆
14.Analysis of Globefish Poisoning from 1977 to 2007 in Jiangyin City江阴市1977~2007年河豚中毒分析
15.Construction of TVV Transfer Vector and EGFP Expressed in Trichomonas Vaginalis;阴道毛滴虫病毒转染载体的构建及EGFP在阴道毛滴虫内的表达
16.A Clinical Study on the Treatment of Active Lupus Nephritis with the Method of Yin-Nourishing, Detoxifying and Promoting Blood Flow (YNDPBF);滋阴解毒祛瘀法治疗阴虚内热型狼疮性肾炎的临床研究
17.Study on Acute Toxicity and Vaginal Irritation of Metronidazole In-Situ Vaginal Gels甲硝唑阴道用原位凝胶的急性毒性及阴道刺激性研究
18.Influence of Nourishing Yin Antitoxic Capsule on adrenocortical cell apoptosis and TNF-α in Yin deficiency rats induced by hydrocortisone养阴抗毒胶囊对阴虚大鼠肾上腺皮质细胞凋亡及TNF-α的影响

vaginal irrigation阴道消毒
1.Clinical comparative study on two different ways of vaginal irrigation for patients undergoing per vagina gynecological operation;经阴道妇科手术两种阴道消毒方法的临床对比研究
3)Yin-yang toxin syndrome阴阳毒
4)vulvar disinfection会阴消毒
5)sinister and ruthless阴险恶毒
1.The image of Wang Xi-feng is a succession and development of the image of Pan Jin-lian in《Jin Ping Mei》,and both are eager for wealth,selfish,clever and pretty,sinister and ruthless,and having a ready and eloquent tongue in common,but are different in conducting themselves,temperament and interest and style due to the difference in times and authors artistic accom- plishment and aesthetic taste.《红楼梦》中的王熙凤是《金瓶梅》中潘金莲形象的继承和发展,两者有着对金钱的强烈欲望、自私自利、聪明漂亮、能言善辩而又阴险恶毒的相似之处,但由于时代的不同及作者的艺术修养及审美趣味等的不同,从而使她们在为人处世、情趣、格调等方面存在着显著的差别。
6)Yin-poison causing the illness阴毒致病

阴毒1.阴险毒辣。 2.中医学病症名。症见面目发青﹑四肢厥冷﹑咽喉疼痛﹐以及身痛﹑身重﹑背强﹑短气呕逆等。又背疽﹑脑疽﹑瘰疬﹑鹤膝风等之不红﹑不热﹑不痛﹑不肿者﹐亦称"阴毒"。