1.Though there are great achievements in annotation, differentiation and collection of Zhanghu’s poetry in academia, some amendments still need to be made.张祜是中晚唐著名诗人,对其诗歌的注释、辨伪、辑佚工作,学术界已经取得了不少成绩,但也存在一些不足。

1.Reappraisal of Apocryphal Differentiation and History--A Survey of History of Apocryphal Differentiation in China by Gu Jiegang;辨伪学与辨伪史的再评价——顾颉刚《中国辨伪史略》读后
2.The Ideas and Contribution of Zhang Xincheng Falsehood Discrimination in his A Complete Collection of Ancient Books of Dubious Authenticity;从《伪书通考》中考寻张心澂的辨伪学思想及贡献
3.A Textual Research on NO.065 DM House in Zhejiang Museum-Discussing on The Question of Identify the Fake DM;浙敦065文书伪卷考——兼论敦煌文献的辨伪问题
4.The Effect of Edition Study and Identification Study to Junzhai Dushu Zhi;《郡斋读书志》对版本学与辨伪学的影响
5.The Clarification of Some Historical Materials in Liang Qichao s The Autography of Tan Sitong;梁启超《谭嗣同传》中有关史料辨伪
6.On the Identified Falsehood of Classical Chinese Writing the Book of Filiality Confucian Commentary of Japan by Zheng Zhen;论郑珍对日本《古文孝经孔氏传》之辨伪
7.Overview on OUYANG Jian Distinguishes the Zhi Yan Zhai Version;欧阳健“辨伪”脂本研究主要观点述要
8.Identifying the Falsehood of the Text of Li Hua s The Epigraph and Its Preface To the Tomb of Academician Li Bai;李华《故翰林学士李君墓志并序》辨伪
9.Discrimination of Li Bai s Pu Sa Man (A Name of Melody) --Simultaneous Discussion on the Origin of Ci (A Song Form in Chinese Poetry);李白《菩萨蛮》辨伪——兼及词的起源问题
10.An Essay on Cognitive Aesthetics;“美是什么”命题辨伪──认知美学初论
11.He can't tell the real from the false.他不能分辨孰真孰伪。
12.I believe he is able to tell the true from the false.我相信他能辨别真伪。
13.winnow truth from falsehood去伪存真, 辨别真假
14.I was less capable than Mary of telling truth from falsehood.辨别真伪,我不如玛丽。
15.Sometimes it's not easy to discern between the true and the false.有时辨别真伪并不容易。
16.The Doctrine of “Pseudo Conception” Is False Theory --A Critical Study of Pseudo Conception of Writing Methods(Ⅲ);“伪概念”之说系伪说——创作方法伪概念辨之三
17.True or False Distinguishing of Mao Zedong's Original Handwriting "Ooze the Spring of the Garden" Changsha毛泽东手迹《沁园春·长沙》真伪辨
18.Edward Ⅲand ItsIdentification as Shakespeare Canon莎士比亚历史剧《爱德华三世》真伪之辨

handwriting distinguishing笔迹辨伪
3)literature discrimination studies辨伪学
1.He was the founder of study of literature discrimination studies and the history of Chinese classical bibliography.胡应麟是明代著名的文献学家,大力倡导并践行"会通"的研究方法,在文献学研究方面取得了巨大成就,是辨伪学、古典目录学史研究的奠基人。
2.The literature discrimination studies of Ming dynasty was a bright pearl in the long history of Chinese literature discrimination studies, possessing remarkably outstanding status in the history of Chinese academy.明代辨伪学是中国辨伪学历史长河中一颗璀璨的明珠,在中国学术史上占据了相当显著的地位。
5)identification of fake books辨伪书
1.On the relations between identification of fake books and catalogs and editions;浅谈目录与版本及辨伪书的关系
6)discrimination history辨伪史
