1."DongYiBaoJian" is the great work of a famous Korean doctor Jun Xu and the essentialpart of Korean medicine.《东医宝鉴》是许浚的主要著作,是韩医学的精华部分,是最能反映东医学特色的一部医学大百科辞典,也是中医学的延伸。

1.A Comparative Study of Formulas and Originals Recorded in Dongyi Baojian (Precious Mirror of Eastern Medicine)《东医宝鉴》方剂引文与主要中医原著比较研究
2.A Survey of Shandong Provincial State-run Enterprise Hospitals;宝贵的卫生资源 巨大的历史贡献——关于山东省国有企业医院的调查
3.Gemologists usually sell jewelry and provide appraisal services.宝石学家通常出售珠宝并且提供鉴定评估服务。
4.Dong Guan Xinbao Fine Chemical Co., Ltd.东莞新宝精化有限公司
5.The Comparison and Research of Medical Malpractice s Expertise by Medical Association and Forensic Medicine;医疗纠纷医学会鉴定和法医学鉴定的比较研究
6.Human Mind Behind Human Behavior--On the Description of Marketplace Life in Beauties in the Precious Mirror;以世情鉴人心——浅说《品花宝鉴》关于市井的描写
7.Application of Clustering and Discriminating Analysis in the Identification of Gem;聚类与判别分析在宝石鉴定中的应用
8.The Male Imagination And Expectation To The Love--On The Book To Size up Lizzie Actors;男性情爱的想象与期待——论《品花宝鉴》
9.Exploration and Practice of Gems Identification Course Construction;珠宝鉴定课程教学改革的实践与探索
10.Proofreading Errors in Wei Sheng Bao Jian by Commercial Press;商务版《卫生宝鉴》文字句读校误举隅
11.Textual research into the original of Tu Hui Bao Jian in Si Ku Quan Shu;《四库全书》载《图绘宝鉴》底本考原
12.The Time Characteristics of artistic Flavor of Pin Hua Bao Jian;试论《品花宝鉴》艺术品位上的时代特色
13.Analysing the Factors Contributing Sexual Inversion Phenomenon in Treasured Book for Judging Actors;《品花宝鉴》性别倒错现象成因分析
14.The baby was in a high fever and the mother called for a doctor.因为宝宝发高烧,所以他母亲请医生来看。
15.If you' re worried that your baby might have meningitis, see your doctor right away.如果你担心宝宝也许得了脑膜炎,立刻寻求医治。
16.The baby has worms. The doctor advised him to take some piperazine.宝宝肚子里有虫了, 医生建议让他吃些哌嗪。
17.committee on medical appraisal of labor fitness医务劳动鉴定委员会
18.expert testimony of forensic medicine司法医学的专家鉴定

gem identification宝石鉴定
1.Gem identification is a special extension of the ores identification, in the long-term development process it is affected by the human’s ability and understanding of science and technology development, and other factor.宝石鉴定是岩矿鉴定的特殊延伸方向,在长期的发展过程中受到人的认识能力和科学技术发展等多种因素影响。
3)Gemstone Identification宝石鉴定
1.A long-distance education technological platform for net education of gemstone identification is to be set up in order to advance with the times of knowledge economy and make full use of IT, especially the net technology, so as to have information resources of the gemstone knowledge spread widely.(中国地质大学(武汉)珠宝学院,武汉430074)摘要:为使宝石鉴定课程能顺应知识经济时代的潮流,充分利用信息网络技术,建立远程教育技术平台,进行宝石鉴定的网络化教育,使宝石知识资源的信息和教育能得到更广泛的传播。
4)The Wei Sheng Bao Jian《卫生宝鉴》
1.On academic characteristics of acupuncture and moxibustion in The Wei Sheng Bao Jian;试论《卫生宝鉴》的针灸学术特点
5)To Size up Lizzie Actors品花宝鉴
1.The Male Imagination And Expectation To The Love——On The Book To Size up Lizzie Actors;男性情爱的想象与期待——论《品花宝鉴》
2.Innovation of To Size up Lizzie Actors from the Mode of Gentleman and Lady Novel;《品花宝鉴》在才子佳人小说模式之外的创新
6)jewelry identification珠宝鉴定

《东医宝鉴》《东医宝鉴》 《东医宝鉴》   医学全书。二十三卷。朝鲜·许浚等撰于1611年。作者选摘我国明以前医籍予以分类编纂而成。全书内景篇、外形篇、杂病篇、汤液篇、针灸篇五篇,前三篇均详分细目,记述了多种病证的症候、病因和治法等内容。汤液篇则论述本草,针灸篇则介绍针灸法及经络腧穴。本书内容宏富而有条理,在朝鲜医家所撰的汉方医著中最负盛名。现存明刻本、明季朝鲜刻本,十多种清刻本及石印本。1949年后有影印本。