
1.lymphatic vessel【解】巴腺, 巴管巴管
2.Eating ice cream, eating ice cream.吃冰淇,吃冰淇
3.following the shore, with streaming garments.身上的水一路漓漓。
4.stranguria during pregnancy子(妊娠小便痛)
5.resembling lymph or lymphatic tissues.类似于巴或巴组织。
6.He was soaked to the skin.他身上浇得湿的。
7.The wet leaves dropped water.湿的树叶滴着水。
8.Of or relating to lymph, a lymph vessel, or a lymph node.巴的巴、巴管或巴结的或与之有关的
9.Ice cream, ice cream, ice cream, Daddy!冰淇,冰淇,冰淇,老爸!
10.Inflammation of a lymph node or gland.巴腺炎巴结或巴腺的炎症
11.He was drenched through with rain.他被雨得全身湿的。
12.Of or relating to lymph or the lymphatic tissue where lymphocytes are formed.巴的,巴细胞的巴、生成巴细胞的巴组织的或与之有关的
13.Of, relating to, or resembling lymphatic glands or lymphoid tissue.巴组织的巴腺或巴组织的,与巴腺或巴组织有关的,类似于巴腺或巴组织的
14.The bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae, which is the causative agent of gonorrhea.球菌病双球菌,是引起病的病原体
15.Lymphoma Any of a group of malignant diseases (see cancer) that usually start in the lymph nodes or lymphoid tissues.巴瘤:一组恶性疾病,常起自巴结或巴组织。
16.We have vanilla, mocolate, and strawberry .我们有香草冰淇,巧克力冰淇、草莓冰淇
17."We have vanilla, maculate, and strawberry. "我们有香草冰淇,巧克力冰淇、草莓冰淇
18.Ice cream? I'm sorry.冰淇?不好意思,

1.The soil pillar mimetic analysis on the changing characteristics of the leaching liquid pollution component of the daily life garbage -Taking the Beitiantang dumping grounds in Beijing City as example;生活垃圾滤液污染组分变化特征的土柱模拟分析——以北京市北天堂垃圾场为例
2.Malic acid leaching investigation on thallium-containing pyrite deposit;苹果酸对含铊黄铁矿的滤实验研究
3.Effect of sewage sludge compost and its Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) on desorption and leaching of Fluoranthene from soil;施用污泥堆肥及其水溶性有机物对土壤中荧蒽解吸-滤的影响
1.Aiming at the possible environmental impacts during mine-fill with the coal gangues from Yanma mine,two dynamic leach experiments were designed under simulation conditions in laboratory for analyzing the control effects: one is to mix coal gangues with clay uniformly,another is to fill the coal gangues and clay into layers seperately.针对演马矿煤矸石矿井填充可能造成的环境影响,在实验室环境中制定了两种动态溶控制实验,来模拟煤矸石矿井回填后的控制效果。
2.The release and leaching characteristics of N, P and K from sewage sludge applied to red soil were studied by field experiment and indoor incubation as affected by type, application method and rates of sewage sludge.通过野外和室内培养方法研究了不同污泥处理方法、污泥施用量和污泥施用方式在红壤条件下N、P的释放和垂直溶特性,主要结果如下:1、施用污泥土壤电导率、N、P、K各元素形态的含量和在剖面各层的累积量随着污泥施肥量的增加而增加,随着培养时间的增加而减小,而释放量却随污泥用量的增加而减小。
3.A lot of industrial solid wastes are brought in karst mountain area every year,these industrial solid wastes arose the secondary water pollution because of rain leaching and the others reason while they are deposited in there,and the secondary water pollution influences surface and ground water environment.中国岩溶山区每年都要产生大量的工业固体废弃物,这些工业固体废弃物在堆存过程中,主要由于降水的溶作用,引起了二次水污染现象,对地表地下水环境产生了很大影响。
1.Performance analysis of flow and heat transfer of spraying cooling for converter gas with high temperature in Venturi tube;转炉高温烟气除尘文氏管喷降温流动与传热性能分析
2.Numerical Simulation of Temperature Decrease and Fluid Flow With Water Spraying in Venturi Tube of Converter Coal Gas Recovery System;转炉煤气回收系统文氏管喷降温与流动数值模拟
3.The paper describes that the quality improving of continuously cast square billet、 decreasing of steel-leaking、 fastening of casting speed and enhancing of economic benefit are the result of the improvement of the second cool-down spraying for continuous casting machine.本文介绍广钢转炉炼钢厂通过对连铸机二冷喷方式进行改进后,提高了连铸坯的质量,减少漏钢,提高 拉速,取得了一定的经济效益。
1.The New Air-Cleaning Equipment with Water Spraying Upward and Drops Second Fining Process;新型的上喷再细化水洗气体净化设备
2.Design Summarization for Conveyor Type Spray-cleaning Machine;输送链式喷清洗机的设计概述
3.Process of spray cleaning for railway tanker by detergent铁路油罐车洗涤液喷清洗

淋淋 淋   病名。小便涩痛,滴沥不尽,常伴见小便急迫、短数者。又称淋病或淋证。出《素问·六元正纪大论》。《医学入门·淋》:“淋,小便涩痛,欲去不去,不去又来,滴滴不断。”因湿热结聚,流注膀胱,或中气下陷,肾虚气化无力形成。其治热者宜清,涩者宜利,陷者宜升,虚者宜补。实证治宜清热通淋,用八正散、五苓散、萆薢分清饮等方;虚证或益气升提,或滋阴补肾,选用补中益气汤、知柏地黄汤、金匮肾气丸等方。淋证古有五淋、八淋及寒热虚实之分。按病因证情特点分,有石淋、膏淋、气淋、血淋、劳淋、痰淋、暑淋、暴淋、卒淋、顽淋不痛、肝热淋滞、精髓枯淋等。淋证伴尿出混浊者,称淋浊。详各条。本证见于泌尿系感染、结核、结石、肿瘤、及前列腺炎、前列腺肥大、乳糜尿等疾患。