道德经,Tao Te Ching
1)Tao Te Ching道德经
1.The More Laws,the More Theft:A Jurisprudential Understanding of Tao Te Ching;法令滋彰 盗贼多有——关于《道德经》的法学解读
2.A New Explanation of "Experiences without abstraction,accomplishes without action" from Tao Te Ching;《道德经》中“处无为之事,行不言之教”新解
3.Basic Category of Tao Te Ching and the Study of Chinas Traditional Cultural Value Orientation──From the Sentence Periodicals of the First Chapter of Tao Te Ching;《道德经》基本范畴与中国传统文化价值取向研究——从《道德经》第一章断句谈起

1.Study in Ethics of Market Economy--Ethics of economy and economy of ethics;市场经济的道德拷问——经济道德与道德经
2.The Thought of Psychological Health Implied in “Respecting Truth and Stressing Morality”in Dao De Jing of Laozi;《道德经》“尊道重德”蕴涵的心理健康思想
3.Morality as Noble as Valley and Water--Ethical Standard of “Classic of the Virtue”of Laozi;上德若谷 上善若水——老子《道德经》之道德修养标准
4.The Reasonable Core of "Governing by Doing Nothing That Goes against Nature" from Tao Te Ching;《道德经》“无为而治”思想的合理内核——读《道德经》随笔
5.Zur Laozi-Rezeption in Deutschland Am Beispiel Dao De Jing以《道德经》为例看德国对老子的接受
6.The Logic Starting Point of Moral Need--Rationality of Moral-Economic Person论道德需要的逻辑起点——“道德经济人”理性
7.Taoistic thought emulates nature--Analysis of Tao Te Ching from the perspective of legal philosophy;道法自然——关于《道德经》的法哲学解读
8.A Trial Talk of the War Outlook of Military Humanism in 《The Classic of the Virtue of the Tao》;试论《道德经》军事人道主义战争观
9.The Analysis of the English Translation of the Core Concept of"Tao"in"Dao Te Ching"《道德经》核心概念“道”的英译的分析
10.Cultivating College Students' Morality via Tao Te Ching发扬《道德经》的德育教化功能提高大学生的思想道德素质
11.On the morals of being government leaders in "Dao De Jing" of Lao Zi and their present age s value;论老子《道德经》中的为官之德及其当代价值
12.The Concept of De in the DAODEJING and the Ethics of Chinese Metaphysics;《道德经》中的“德”概念与中国形而上学伦理学
13.Analysis on the Value of John Heider's Traslation of Taode Jing from the Perspective of Adaptation Theory从顺应论角度析约翰·海德《道德经》译本的价值
15.Ethics of Economic Action:An lnner Agreement between Economic Action and Ethics;经济运行道德:经济运行与道德的内在契合
16.The Logic of Moral Advance;道德进步的逻辑——兼及市场经济条件下的道德抉择和道德建设
17.Talk about Morals State and Morals Construction under of Our Country Market Economy Terms;论我国市场经济条件下的道德状况和道德建设
18.The Expansion and Extension of Traditional Morality in Modern Economy;传统道德教育向现代经济道德的拓展与延伸

Tao Te Ching《道德经》
1.Returen to the Nature:Explain the Health-preserving in Tao Te Ching;“返朴归真”——解读《道德经》的养生学
2.Taoistic thought emulates nature——Analysis of Tao Te Ching from the perspective of legal philosophy;道法自然——关于《道德经》的法哲学解读
3.The Ecology Aesthetics Thought and Enlightenment of Tao Te Ching;《道德经》体现的生态美学思想及其启示
3)operating ethics经营道德
1.This paper analyzes the various kinds of conducts of some bad businessmen during the SARS period, the serious damages caused by their lack of operating ethics, and puts forward some measure taken to develop operating ethics.剖析了"非典"疫情期间,一些不法商家的种种行径,分析了这种经营道德缺失会造成的严重危害,提出了建树经营道德的措施。
4)Dao de jing《道德经》
1.Chaos Thoughts in Dao De Jing;浅析《道德经》的混沌学思想
2.Harmonious Construction: Laozi s Dao De Jing and Corporate Management;和谐构建:老子《道德经》与企业管理
3.On the Implication of Dao in Dao De Jing;试论《道德经》中“道”的意蕴
1.Analysis on the logistics in the environment of EB;基于企业非道德经营的管理理念分析
6)economic morality经济道德
1.In essence, economic morality is not only some kind of moral standards and nature, but also a dialectical movement of economic pattern value.经济道德在其本质上,不仅是某一经济形态的道德规范与道德本性,它可以被看作是经济形态价值维度的辩证运动。
2.Reviewing the track record of the economic reform over the past twenty years in China, this article maintains that one of the causes for the slow reform is the ambiguity of humanity and economic morality in knowledge and behavior.本文回首中国 2 0年的经济改革 ,认为改革速度较慢的原因之一是人性与经济道德在认识上和行为中的模糊性所致。
