中医基础理论,Basic theory of TCM
1)Basic theory of TCM中医基础理论
1.Modern research of the basic theory of TCM should persist in the principal character of TCM and pharmacology,develop modern multi disciplinary study of the basic theory of TCM and notice the direction and method of research and perform muliti disciplinary study.中医基础理论之现代研究应当坚持中医药学科的主体性,开展中医基础理论的现代多学科研究,并注意研究角度与方法的多角度、多样化。
2.It offers modern scientific expression of the five fundamental elements in the basic theory of TCM.对中医基础理论中的阴阳平衡、阴阳、气、经络及思维的物质性等 ,在现代科学物质观及系统论方法上进行了讨论 ,给出了中医基础理论中上述五个基本概念的现代科学表述。

1.How to Re-recognize Existing Basic Theory System of Traditional Chinese Medicine;如何重新认识中医基础理论现有体系
2.Academic thought of constructing data bank of basic theories of Chinese medicine;中医基础理论数据库的学术建构思路
3.Survey of the Study on Teaching Transformation of Basic Theory of Chinese Traditional Medicine Course;《中医基础理论》课程改革研究现状分析
4."Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine" Experimental Teaching Reform《中医基础理论》实验课的教学改革思路
5.The Gate of Life as An Important Category to Construct Basic Theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine命门是构筑中医基础理论的重要范畴
6.Approaches to Guiding Clinical Study with Fundamental Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine试论中医基础理论指导临床研究的思考与途径
7.The "Research Character" of the Building of Discipline of the Basic Theory about Traditional Chinese Medicine;中医基础理论学科建设中的“研究性”探讨
8.Charaters of Science and Art Coexist in TCM试论中医学的科学性与艺术性——关于中医基础理论研究方法的思考
9.Dare to Ask Where the Way Is? --A Pen Talk on Reform of Teaching Materials of "Basic Theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine敢问路在何方?——《中医基础理论》教材改革笔谈
10.Reforming Chinese Medicine Rationale in the application of Modern Scientific Experiment应用现代科学实验方法改革《中医基础理论》教学
11.The structures of basic theoretical system of Chinese medicine and terms call for criterion;中医基础理论体系结构及名词术语亟待规范
12.Considerations and measures of creating the fine course of basic theories of Chinese medicine;创建中医基础理论精品课程的思路与举措
13.Design and Manufacture of Multimedia Courseware for Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine《中医基础理论》多媒体课件的设计与制作
14.The contents include two parts: the basic theory of TCM and the diagnostics of TCM.教学内容包括两部分:中医基础理论与中医诊断学。
15.A Discussion on Basic Methods, Priorities and Working Mechanisms of Modern Study of Fundamental Theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine论中医基础理论现代研究的基本方法、研究重点与工作机制
16.Ideological Exploration during the Formation of Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine;中医学基础理论形成过程的思想探源
17.Historical Research of The Forming of The Basic Principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine;中医学基础理论形成过程的历史研究
18.Philosophical basis for TCM Psychology in Canon of Medicine;试论《内经》中医学心理思想的哲学基础

basic theories of Chinese medicine中医基础理论
1.Brief remarks on learning transference in teaching organ manifestation of basic theories of Chinese medicine;浅谈中医基础理论藏象教学中的学习迁移
2.Application of students cognitive manner in the teaching of basic theories of Chinese medicine;学生的认知风格在中医基础理论教学中的应用
3.Enhancing research on bilingual teaching of basic theories of Chinese medicine;加强中医基础理论教学中的双语教学研究
3)basic theory of traditional chinese medicine中医基础理论
1.Bovine Colostrum Powder(BCP) has some immunological function to human body, In this article we give an account of BCP with basic theory of traditional chinese medicine in order to provide a new vision to search BCP more deeply.牛初乳粉对人体有一定的免疫功效,运用中医基础理论从邪正学说、藏象学说的角度对其进行认识,旨在对牛初乳粉功能的进一步探索提供另一种视角。
2.The essence of traditional Chinese medicine is ecological medicine,so that the research of gastrointestinal flora microecology should be combined with the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine.中国传统中医学的本质是生态医学,胃肠道菌群的微生态学研究应注重与中医基础理论的结合。
3.A comparison between discussion in class and conventional teaching mode was made in study of the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine.中医基础理论教学在中医教学中占有重要地位。
4)TCM basic theory中医基础理论
1.Some Thoughts on TCM Basic Theory Based on Philosophy of Science;对于中医基础理论的科学哲学思考
5)basic theories of traditional Chinese medicine中医基础理论
1.Exploration into Teaching of the Basic Theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine with Integrated Knowledge of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine;中西医结合本科中医基础理论课教学探索
2.The basic theories of traditional Chinese medicine are the basis for the modernization of the whole traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacology.中医基础理论现代化是整个中医药学现代化的基础 ,其研究方式可以从文献学角度、实验角度、中西医结合角度等多方面展开 ,当务之急是统一中医理论中一些最基本的概念和术语 ,用现代精确的科学术语来表述它们 ,使之规范化、标准化。
6)textbook of "Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine"中医基础理论教材

中医基础理论中医基础理论 ?基础理论著作。甘肃省新医药学研究所编。此书列绪论、阴阳五行、脏腑、经络、诊法、辨证论治、治则等7章。简述中医发展史、阴阳五行的基本内容;脏腑经络的生理病理以及四诊、辨证等。系初级中医人员之参考书。1976年由人民卫生出版社出版。?基础理论著作。于己百等编。此书系甘肃省西医学习中医试用教材之一。书中列绪论、阴阳五行学说、脏腑、经络、诊法、辨证论治、治则7章。论述较有条理,文字浅显易懂。1979年由甘肃人民出版社出版。?基础理论教材。印会河等编。此书是在1978年以前上海科技出版社历次出版《中医学基础》的基础上,根据全国高等中医院校教学计划和教学大纲的要求,对《中医学基础》中有关基础理论部分进行充实、修订而成的第五版教材。列绪论、阴阳五行、脏象、气血津液、经络、病因与发病、病机和防治原则8章,并删去了诊断学内容。书中汲取了前几版教材的重要内容,既对本学科的理论、知识和基本技能予以较全面的阐述,同时又尽量减少各学科间教材内容不必要的重复和某些脱节,突出了中医基础理论的独立性、完整性和连贯性。1984年由上海科学技术出版社出版。?基础理论著作。刘燕池等编。《中医自学丛书》之一。书中系统介绍有关中医理论的哲学思想、整体观念、阴阳五行、脏象经络、病因病机及预防治则等内容。1987年由江西科学技术出版社出版。