老老恒言,Laolao hengyan
1)Laolao hengyan老老恒言
1."When you felt well,you should stop doing that":discussion on the health cultivation of Laolao hengyan当于快意处发猛省——小议《老老恒言》养生观

1."When you felt well,you should stop doing that":discussion on the health cultivation of Laolao hengyan当于快意处发猛省——小议《老老恒言》养生观
2.The oldest stars in the Galaxy exhibit a metal deficiency relative to hydrogen.银河系中最年老的恒星表现出一种对氢而言的贫金属性。
3.The love poem is an ancient language expressing human feelings. When a poem is recited, the moment becomes eternal.情诗是一种表达情感的古老语言,经由诗歌的传唱,刹那的也就变成了永恒。
4.By diligence and patience, the mouse bit in two the cable.苦干再加恒心,老鼠也能把钢索咬断。
5.Ancient culture is the bedrock of all.古老的文化蕴孕着时代永恒的文明。
6.In Memory of Mr. Bai Shouyi;永恒的薪火──怀念我的老师白寿彝先生
7.Design of constant temperature control system in circuit aging test chamber电路老化试验箱恒温控制系统的设计
8.In other words, when teaching,换言之,老师教育时,
9.Proverbs are short sentences drawn from long experience谚语言短简,得自老经验
10.An old man's sayings are seldom untrue不听老人言,吃亏在眼前
11.The old prophecy has come true.这古老预言应验了。”
12.His teacher predicted that he will come a terrible cropper.他的老师预言他将惨败。
13.Heng On Social Centre for the Elderly [Hong Kong--Macao Conference of Seventh Day Adventists Church]恒安老人中心〔基督教复临安息日会港澳区会〕
14.Everlasting Harping on the Same String--An analysis of the narration of The Misfortunes of Virtue by Marquis de Sade;永恒的老调重弹——萨德《贞洁的厄运》叙事分析
15.ZHOU Heng-gang,Smiles in the Paradise--Memorial Paper of Liquor Master-ZHOU Heng-gang;周老,他在天堂里微笑——祭“白酒泰斗”周恒刚先生
16.Shi Hengjun's Thinking Ways of Treatment Based on Differentiation of Symptoms and Signs to Advanced Stage Nonsmall-cell Lung Cancer in Gerontism史恒军辨治老年晚期非小细胞肺癌的思路
17.A Survey on Loss of Permanent Teeth among the Middle-aged and Elderly in Urban and Rural Areas of Fujian Province福建省城乡中老年人群恒牙缺失情况调查
18.English is a modern language and Latin is an old language.英语是现代语言,拉丁语是古老的语言。

The Research of 《Lao Lao Heng Yan》《老老恒言》研究
3)air aging恒温箱老化
4)air oven老化恒温箱
1.On the StructureAnd Semantic Color of theAffix “Lao”;词缀“老”的结构及语义色彩
2.On the Grammaticalization of the Chinese Prefix "老" (lao) and Its Meanings;试论前缀“老”的语法化历程及其意义
3.Adverb of degree "lao" in northeast dialect belongs to sub-advanced absolute adverbs of degree.东北方言中的程度副词"老"属于次高级绝对程度副词,其意义相当于普通话中的"极其、特别",它的使用在句法、语义、语用方面都与普通话有许多不同之处,具有自己的鲜明特色。
6)2000 word Laozi《老子》二千言

《老老恒言》《老老恒言》 《老老恒言》   老年养生专著。又名《养生随笔》。清·曹庭栋撰。五卷。前二卷叙起居动定之宜,次二卷列居处备用之物,末附粥谱一卷,借为调养治疾之需。主张养生要适应日常生活习惯,不可勉强求异;养生实践要寓于日常生活起居琐事之中;重视调摄脾胃,推崇食粥,列粥谱达一百方(自创14方),强调老年养生要重省心养性。全书所论,多有独到之处,而又浅近易行,切于实用。其引证书目遍及经史子集,凡307种。本书为清代重要养生专著,甚为后人称道。