1.Clinical Observation on 76 Insomnia Cases of Menopause Treated by Herbal Medicine and Psychotherapy;中药配合心理疗法治疗妇女更年期不寐76例临床观察
2.Five Zang-organs Can All Lead to Insomnia Treated from the Liver;五脏皆有不寐及从肝论治法
3.Acupoint Application for Insomnia of Heart-Kidney Disharmony in 42 Cases;穴位贴药治疗心肾不交型不寐42例

1.Observations on the Efficacy of Auricular Point Double-seed Plaster Therapy in Treating Refractory Severe Insomnia of Heart-kidney Disharmony Type双籽耳压治疗心肾不交型不寐症疗效观察
2.Treatment of 86 Cases of Insomnia Following Stomach Disorders by"Shugan Hewei Huayu Anshen Decoction"疏肝和胃化瘀安神汤治疗胃病不寐86例
3.Clinical Effect of Bo's Abdominal Acupuncture Combined with Psychological Persuation Curing Insomnia for Menopausal Women薄氏腹针配合心理疏导治疗更年期不寐
4.Effect of Footbath Therapy by Using Sedating Reyanbao on Insomnia due to Renal Diseases安神热奄包足浴治疗肾虚不寐疗效观察
5.Senile Insomnia Epidemiological Investigation in Wuchang District of Wuhan City武汉市武昌区老年不寐的流行病学调查
6.Clinical Study of Lung Tan Hsieh Kan Tang Jia Wei on Treating Liver Stagnation Transforms Fire of the Insomnia Syndrome龙胆泻肝汤加味治疗肝郁化火型不寐证的临床研究
7.Clinical Observation on Treatment of Insomnia by Menopause with Geng Nian an Shen Decoction自拟更年安神汤治疗更年期不寐的临床疗效观察
8."As the poem from the Book of Odes goes, 'The noble young lady,/ Waking and sleeping he sought her;/ He sought her but could not find her,/ Waking and sleeping he longed for her.'方鸿渐笑道:“《毛诗》说:‘窈窕淑女,寤寐求之;求之不得,寤寐思服。’
9.Was this a pet project you've wanted to do for a long time?这是不是你一直梦寐以求的执导计划?
10.When I read this article, thoughts thronged my mind and I couldn't sleep.读了这篇文章后, 我浮想联翩, 夜不能寐。
11.At night the noise from the zipping and the unzipping was enough to keep a man awake.夜阑人静紧松拉链的声音就足以使人夜不成寐。
12.This was his dream of many years that he held in his hand. It was as precious as a child.这是他多年来梦寐以求的东西,如同新生儿降临人世,令他爱不释手。
13.If it was the love she dreamt of, nothing could destroy it.如果这是她梦寐以求的爱,那么任何力量也破坏不了。
14.I get scared, and am unable to sleep at night, but I usually perform at my best under this stimulating(刺激) kind of pressure and enjoy my job the most.我变得惴惴不安,而且夜不能寐。但在这种极有刺激的压力下,我的表现最佳,也最喜欢我的工作。
15.His allies neither let him give the Russian peasants the land for which they craved nor peace beyond their frontiers.他的盟友既不让他把土地交给那些梦寐以求的俄国农民,也不让他把境外的和平给予他们。
16.Almost word for word, Soames repeated a story which he had committed to heart in the watches of the night.索姆斯把他在午夜间不能成寐时所记熟的故事,几乎是一字不错地重述了一遍。
17.It's a fine balance that not a long of song writers seem to have found between not being obvious but not being completely obtuse either.这简直就是完美的平衡点,一个许多创作者梦寐以求的境界——既不那么赤裸,又不那么生涩。
18.He had been full of the idea so long, dreamed it right through to the end, waited with his teeth set, so to speak, at an inconceivable pitch of intensity.这件事他长年朝思暮想,梦寐以求,简直是咬紧了牙关期待着,感情强烈到不可思议的程度。

1.Senile sleeplessness refers to the morbid state with insomnia of people over sixty years old.老人不寐 ,是指 6 0岁以上的老年人以失眠为主的疾病。
3)Prescription for treating insomnia不寐方
4)Could not sleep all night通昔不寐
5)Disquieted and unable to sleep耿耿不寐
6)Lie awake with something on mind, and worried寝寐不安
