1.Sanjiao connotation and its impact on the evolution of the Tibetan form of the theory as inspiration;三焦内涵演变及其对藏象学说形成的启示
2.Misreading of Sanjiao s Invisibility——in the Environment of Long-time Loss of Xiang Thinking;从象思维的“迷失”看历史中对三焦无形说的“误读”

1.Having three focal lengths.三焦距的有三个焦距的
2.Eyeglasses having trifocal lenses.有三焦距镜片的眼镜
3.The Study on the System of Differential Diagnosis According to the Theory of Triple Warmer--The History of the Triple Warmer Diagnosis System is Discussed Also;宋代三焦辨证学说的研究——兼论三焦辨证发展史
4.The six hollow organs:gallbladder,stomach; small intestine; large intestine; Bladder and san jiao六腑:胆、胃、小肠、大肠、膀胱、三焦
5.The Study of the Relationship between Gasification of the Triple Warmer and Metabolism of the Body Fluid;三焦气化与人体水液代谢关系的研究
6.The Research on the Generalized Elliptic Curve with Three Foci;“三焦点”广义椭圆曲线及其传动特性
7.The Treatment of Chronic Heart Failure from Sanjiao by Professor YANG Xiang-kun杨祥坤教授从三焦论治慢性心力衰竭
8.The Research on the Generalized Elliptic Curve with Three Foci“三焦点”广义椭圆曲线及其传导特性
9.Approach to metric reconstruction based on trifocal tensor一种基于三焦点张量的度量重建方法
10.The Anatomical entity of Sanjiao in NeiJing论《黄帝内经》中三焦的实体解剖结构
11.The Improving Measure of Guiding Coke Grate of 6.3metre Interception Coke Tractor六米三拦焦机导焦栅装置的工艺改进
12.There are three types of focusing - guesstimate, rangefinder and autofocus .有三种对焦方式-猜估,用测距仪及自动对焦。
13.There're three types of focusing guesstimate, rangefinder and autofocus.有三种对焦方式——猜估,用测距仪及自动对焦。
14.There are three types of focus- guesstimate, rangefinder and autofocus.有三种对焦方式??猜估,用测距仪及自动对焦。
15.Status of anxiety of students in grade three of senior middle school attending the entrance examination for college高三学生高考焦虑状况的调查研究
16.Study on the Influence of Anxiety on the English Learning of Grade Three Students in High School;高三学生英语学习焦虑因素影响研究
17.Study on Senior Three Students Test Anxiety and Strategies;高三学生考试焦虑状况与对策的研究
18.A Research on Test Anxiety and Coping Style of the Students of Senior 3;高三学生的考试焦虑与应对方式探究

1.The relation between tri-jiao and the monarch was discussed through the pathogenesis of non-digestion in middle-jiao,the difficult of the movement in upper-jiao and the difficult of the circulation in lower-jiao,the meaning of tri-jiao in the fever because of the deficiency of Qi was observed through physiologic,pathology and treatment.从“中焦不化,上焦不行,下焦不通,郁而发热”的病机入手,探讨三焦与君相之火的关系以及从生理、病理、临床治疗方面看三焦在“气虚发热”中的意义。
3)triple energizer三焦
1.The authors point out that the passages include meridians, the triple energizer and the biliary tract, and the transporting mode include "from the center to the peripheral" and "from the lung".分析了《内经》中有关水谷精微和水液输送通道和方式的论述 ,指出水谷精微和水液的输送通道有经脉、三焦和胆道 ,其输送方式有“中央土以灌四傍”及“由肺转输”两种。
2.So infection complication of senile primary nephrotic syndrome should be treated from dampness-heat,with respective treatment of triple energizer,reinforce the healthy qi and eliminate the pathogenic factors,to improve the balance.介绍曹式丽教授治疗老年原发性肾病综合征感染并发症的经验,认为脾肾亏虚,湿热合邪是导致感染反复发作,缠绵难愈的关键,治疗宜从湿热入手,三焦分治,祛邪扶正,以调求平。
3.Taking advantage of computer retrieval and statistical techniques,the authors analyzed the items of febrile disease of triple energizer and accompanying pattern in Systematized Identification of Warm Diseases to summarize the characteristics and law of clinical symptoms,pathogenesis,treatment and drug use in it.利用计算机辅助检索统计技术,分析研究《温病条辨》中三焦发热病证及发热兼其他证候诸条目,归纳总结了其临床症状、病因病机、治法及用药四方面的临床证治特点和规律。
4)Triple warmer三焦
1.The differential diagnosis according to the theory of triple warmer is an important apart of the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) differential diagnosis system.三焦辨证是中医学丰富多样的辨证体系的重要组成部分,在中医临床中有着极高的实践价值。
5)Jiao's three-needle technique焦三针
1.Objective To study the clinical research literature about ischemic cerebrovascular diseases treated by various acupuncture techniques, namely "brain arousing and resuscitation inducing technique","needling Baihui(DU20) through Qubin(GB7)","Jiao's three-needle technique" and"temporal three-needle technique" to analyze their combinative effect.目的对"醒脑开窍""百会透曲鬓""焦三针"和"颞三针"等针法治疗缺血性脑血管病临床研究文献进行联合疗效分析。
6)determining treatment based on differentiation of triple warmer三焦论治
1.Briefly analysis on determining treatment based on differentiation of triple warmer mechanism in treating Sicca Syndrome;干燥综合征从三焦论治机制浅析
