1.Brief discussion on the relationship between emotion and viscera of woman and the therapeutic character in Traditional Chinese Medicine;浅论妇女情志致病与脏腑关系及中医治疗特点
2.Discussion on the Relationship between the Whole-hearted Failure and the Viscera from the Five Elements Theory从五行学说探讨全心衰竭与脏腑的关系
3.Guan Zi s theory of Yinyang-wu- xing was used to describe human viscera,which was the primal Wuxing s viewpoint of the five internal organs.《管子》在自然观上提出精气说 ,并较多地从人的生命构成上论述精气 ,从而把精气看作是生命的物质基础 ,形成了精气生命观 ;《管子》提出的阴阳五行说 ,也较多地与人体的脏器组织联系在一起 ,形成了初步的五行脏腑观 ;《管子》还在精气论和阴阳五行说的框架之下 ,在养生方面提出了不少合理的观点 ,在古代气功学方面提出了许多见解。

1.The Research of Viscus Syndrome and Viscus Discrimination of the Two Han Dynasty;两汉时期脏腑证候与脏腑辨证方法的研究
2.The Research of 《Fu Xing Jue Zang Fu Yong Yao Fa Yao》;《辅行诀脏腑用药法要》的文献研究
3.Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment of Insomnia from Yin-Yang Waxing and Waning以阴阳消长脏腑虚实理论辨治失眠症
4.Clinical Study of Treating Ulcerative Dolitis with the theory of Curing Viscera and Bowels Simultaneously“脏腑同治”溃疡性结肠炎的临床研究
5.The Theory of the Lung Function and the Relationship between Lung and Zang-fu中医肺脏功能的理论及其与脏腑的相关性研究
6.Fluid syndrome refers to retention of thin fluid in the viscera and tissues, usually caused by decline or disturbance of visceral functions.饮证指水饮质地清稀,停滞于脏腑组织之间所表现的病证,多由脏腑机能衰退或障碍等原因引起。
7.Qi, blood, and body fluid, are the material basis for the functional activities of the zang-fu organs, their formation and circulation depend upon the normal functions of the zang fu organs.气血津液是脏腑功能活动的物质基础,它们的形成和循行依赖于脏腑功能的正常。
8.They revealed many secrets of life evolution.脏腑命名原则,透视着生命演化最本质的秘密。
9.The Function Model of Digital Zang and Fu Organ Based on Chinese medicine organ picture theory基于中医藏象理论构建“数字脏腑”功能模型
10.Zang-organ and fu-organ, are kinds of special names called in TCM.脏腑是中医概念中特有的有差别的器官称谓。
11.Investigation of Correspondence of Intraocular Contents to Zang and Fu with the Theory of Zang and Orifice;以“藏窍理论”探讨目内组织的脏腑归属问题
12.Study on TCM Zang-Fu Syndrome Differentiation System Based on Data Mining;基于数据挖掘的中医脏腑辨证系统研究
13.Support Vector Machine and It s Application in Viscera Syndrome Differentiation of TCM;SVM算法研究及其在中医脏腑辨证中的应用
14.Role of Regimen through exercise of new developments in contemporary lifestyle;脏腑运动训练在现代生活方式中的新发展
15.The Movement of Heart and Blood and the Engine of Viscera--On Harvey s Scientific Philosophy Thought;心血运动与脏腑机械——论哈维的科学哲学思想
16.Vascular Cognitive Impairment-related Organs in Chinese Medicine Research血管性认知功能障碍的中医相关脏腑研究
17.In TCM syndrome differentiation system of viscera and the important position脏腑辨证在中医辨证体系中的重要地位
18.Discussion on the Relationship between the Whole-hearted Failure and the Viscera from the Five Elements Theory从五行学说探讨全心衰竭与脏腑的关系

Zang-fu organs脏腑
1.Relationship between plasma protein expression profiles and states of Zang-Fu organs in patients with phlegm or blood stagnation syndromes due to hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis;高脂血症和动脉粥样硬化不同痰瘀证候患者血浆蛋白质差异表达谱与脏腑功能的关系
1.The article summarized the vital movement periodicity in Qi and blood, entrails and color and pulses, and expounded the effect of vital movement periodicity to body and raised the life-cultivation and therapeutic principle of accustomization nature and concordance period.《内经》从多方面论述了生命运动的周期性,包括日周期、十日周期、月周期、年周期等,笔者以气血、脏腑、色脉为纲对其进行总结,阐述生命运动周期性对人体的影响,凸显生命运动周期的重要性,并提出顺应自然、协调周期的养生、治疗原则。
2.The treatment combined ocular acupuncture therapy with the relation of entrails and meridian could investigate senile dementia coursed by the variation of organ and meridian.结合眼针疗法与中医脏腑和经络的关系,可以更深入地研究由于部分脏器和经络发生变化而引发的老年性痴呆这一病症。
4)zang-fu viscera脏腑
1.Gross conception of anatomical structure of zang-fu viscera in Huangdi Neijing;论《黄帝内经》脏腑的实体解剖观
5)internal organs脏腑
1.Progress of study on relative effect between meridians and internal organs;经脉(穴)与脏腑相关效应规律的研究进展
6)viscera syndrome differentiation脏腑辨证
1.This lecture has reviewed the clinical reports about treating myasthenia gravis in viscera syndrome differentiation during the latest 5 years.中医学在本病的诊断与治疗上形成了一整套比较完整的理论体系,从脏腑辨证的角度,对近5年来中医药治疗本病的临床报道加以综述。
