1.The paper presents an analysis on the pathogenesis of thirst described in Chapter on Damp-Heat.对《湿热病篇》中论及口渴的病机进行了归纳分析。
2.PartⅠ:Study on the Related Factors of Thirst and Xerostomia in Maintenance Hemodialysis PatientsObjective:Some maintenance hemodialysis(MHD) patients suffer from thirst(the urge to drink) and xerostomia(the feeling of a dry mouth).第一部分:维持性血透患者口渴及其临床影响因素——横断面研究目的:通过横断面研究,了解维持性血液透析(MHD)患者的口渴情况以及可能的临床影响因素。

1.The thirsty man craved for water.那个口渴的人渴望喝水。
2.Drink and drought come seldom together.有水喝时不口渴口渴时又没水喝。
3.I am tired, thirsty, etc .我感到疲乏,口渴,等等。
4.Her cheeks burned, she was fearfully thirsty.她面颊绯红,口渴得要命。
5.It's very natural that he should be thirsty.他觉得口渴是很自然的。
6.Jane drank thirstily.简口渴大口大口地喝着水。
7.He was very thirsty, his wounds had stiffened, and one of the wounds in his left arm was very painful.他非常口渴,伤口麻木发硬,左臂上有个伤口很痛。
8.They all got up their thirst reaching the destination他们到达目的地时就口渴了。
9.Running around on the beach makes me thirsty .在海滩上东奔西跑使我感到口渴
10."He has noticed frequent urination, increased thirst and unexpected tiredness. "他发觉常常小便,非常口渴和更加疲倦。
11.She was extremely unhappy, and soon became very thirsty.她极不舒服,不一会儿就觉得口渴难熬。
12.But they were thirsty and had only a few dates to eat.但他们口渴了,而且只有几颗蜜枣充饥。
13."Give me drink," said he: "I thirst--I burn!"他说道,“我口渴极了,我浑身象火烧一样
14.He was dying of exhaustion and thirst.他因疲累口渴而濒临垂死边缘。
15.I'm afraid something's wrong with me. I get thirsty very quickly.我有点不舒服,不断地感到口渴
16.It's dry work digging in the sun.在烈日下掘土的工作使人感到口渴
17.Thirsty and eager to get a little rest, he went into the tea-house.由于口渴,又想歇一会儿,他走进了茶馆。
18.Hunger and thirst could wait.饥饿和口渴的问题可以拖延一下。

thirst and non-thirst口渴与不渴
1.There was the discussion that the disease in which the patient suffered from diarrhea,belongs to TaiYin disease,combined with thirst of TaiYin disease formation mechanism and typical cases in the"canon of medicine",the relationship of thirst and non-thirst was analysed.《伤寒论》中有“有利不渴者,属太阴”的论述,结合《内经》中关于太阴病“口渴”的形成机理及典型案例,探析太阴病口渴与不渴的辨证关系。
3)thirst threshold口渴域
5)thirst (nutrition)口渴(营养)
6)Is he thirsty?他口渴么?

口渴口渴 自觉口中干燥而欲饮水的症状。