1.Establishment of Chinese Modern Monetary Units—Systemof Yuan,Jiao and Fen;论我国现代货币单位“元、角、”体系的确立
2.Fen has a plenty of meanings in different aspects in Xunzi\'s theory,the partition of heaven and human beings,the discrimination of gentle and simple,the identification of profession,the judgement of reign,and so on.“”在荀子理论中有着丰富的涵义,天人之、贵贱等、定明职、听政之大……作为社群秩序的基本原则在其所建立的社会架构中为人划定了界限。

1.fractional differentiation数微(法),数次微
2.To divide and dispense in portions.发,配,成并发成几个部
3.Rejection reaction was not observed in all of laboratory tests.疼痛评术前8、6,术后3、2
4.To divide into constituent parts.成几个组成部
5.A forked device or part.叉装置,叉部
6.separate or apportion into sections.开或者配成部
7.obtain 81 marks out of a maximum of 100满为100而获得81
8.The dance is divided into two parts.表演为一般两部
9.extraction fractionation提取级(离),萃取
10.cell fractionation细胞[组的]
11.composition analysis组成析,成
12.a fraction with a numerator smaller than the denominator.子小于母的数。
13.separable suffix可后缀, 可后加成
14.serving to distribute or allot or disperse.用以配、派或者散。
15.Divide between在(二者间)配,享,
16.Divide among在……中配,享,
17.a fraction whose numerator is larger than the denominator.子大于母的数。
18.The act or an instance of breaking up, as a division, dispersal, or disintegration.散,离的行为或实例,如裂、散或

1.On Integration and Division of Rule by Virtue and Rule by Law;考察人类社会治理的历史过程, 作为社会治理手段的德治和法治以及二者的相互关系, 事实上存在着一个从“合”到“”又到新的“合”的辩证运动过程。
1.The custom level tone pronunciation of "dividing"causes some sorts of puzzled and contradictory comprehension about this proposition today:Proposition has the logical contradiction in itself,the proposition structure antithesis has been unbalanced and it is difficult to find the coordinated explanation for "dividing" in the modern glossary."理一殊"是朱熹伦理思想中一个重要命题,""的平声习惯读音导致这一命题在今天解读中的种种困惑和矛盾:命题本身存有了逻辑矛盾、命题结构上的对仗失衡以及现代词汇中无法找到""的对等解释语等。
1.At the meantime he brought up"All things by meansof the Dao are united and becameone",thus to ach-ieve the goal one must exprtience both distinction and construction.同时庄子提出“道通为一”的思想:为达其目标必经解合同之途。
2.At the mean time he brought up “ all things by means of the Dao are united and became one", thus to achieve the goal one must experience both distinction and construction.同时庄子提出“道通为一”的思想 :为达其目标必经解同合之途。
5)A scoreA分

分分 分   ①指肌肉的纹理。见肌腠条。   ②旧度量衡,十厘等于一分,一分约合0.3125克。