1.Professor Ling Yaoxing’s Contributions to Neijing and Nanjing Research;凌耀星对《内经》《难经》研究的贡献
2)Classic of Questioning难经
1.Original ideas of Five Elements interpromotion and interrestraint concept in Classic of Questioning;《难经》五行生克制化观的创见
3)Nan jing ben yi (Gist of the Classic of Questioning)《难经本义》
1.Review on fragmentary volume of original block-printed edition of Nan jing ben yi (Gist of the Classic of Questioning);《难经本义》原刻残卷考察
4)financial difficulties经济困难
1.Jealousy bane is obvious,especially to the influence of the university students with financial difficulties,such as interpersonal relationship.嫉妒是一种消极情绪体验和行为表现,既影响个体感受,也涉及社会文化,它的危害是显而易见的,特别是对经济困难大学生的影响,如人际关系等造成极大的障碍,因此,应该积极采取各种有效措施来疏导淡化嫉妒这种消极情绪,以保证大学生特别是经济困难大学生的身心健康。

1.We'll see you through(your trouble [financial difficulties]).我们将帮助你度过困难[经济困难]。
2.Discussion on helping with the spiritual poverty of poor students in colleges and universities;浅析高校经济困难学生的精神“解困”
3.In the 1980s, American farmers entered a period of economic difficulty.80年代美国农民进入经济困难时期。
4.Please help me to solve my financial troubles.请帮助我解决我的经济困难
5.Spending less money is the obvious answer to his financial problems.他经济困难, 明摆着的出路是少花钱.
6.Spend less money is the obvious answer to his financial problem.他经济困难, 明摆著的出路是少花钱。
7.Spending less money is the obvious answer to his financial problem.他经济困难,明摆著的出路是少花钱。
8.Spend less money be the obvious answer to his financial problem他经济困难, 明摆著的出路是少花钱
9.Spending less money is the obvious answer to his financial problems他经济困难, 明摆著的出路是少花钱.
10.Ever since Green was dead, the Greens have been hard up.格林去世后,他们全家一直经济困难
11.On the Construction of the Working System for Distressed Students in Colleges and Universities;论高校经济困难学生工作的体系建设
12.The cognizance research of college students with economic difficulties;高校家庭经济困难学生认定问题探析
13.Discussion about the Financial Aid to the College Students from Poor Families;对高校家庭经济困难学生资助的探讨
14.Method for Financial Aid Means Test;高校学生经济困难程度评估方法研究
15.A Perliminary Study of Grant-aiding Students in Financial Difficulties inInstitution for Higher Teacher Education;高师院校经济困难学生助学问题初探
16.We are now faced with financial difficulties, and the difficulties are considerable.我们目前存在着经济上的困难,而且困难比较大。
17.difficulties encountered by some of state-owned enterprises in their production and management, as was reflected by the still poor economic efficiency of such enterprises;部分国有企业经营困难,经济效益不好;
18.his support kept the family together; they gave him emotional support during difficult times.他们在他困难时期给他经济支持。

Classic of Questioning难经
1.Original ideas of Five Elements interpromotion and interrestraint concept in Classic of Questioning;《难经》五行生克制化观的创见
3)Nan jing ben yi (Gist of the Classic of Questioning)《难经本义》
1.Review on fragmentary volume of original block-printed edition of Nan jing ben yi (Gist of the Classic of Questioning);《难经本义》原刻残卷考察
4)financial difficulties经济困难
1.Jealousy bane is obvious,especially to the influence of the university students with financial difficulties,such as interpersonal relationship.嫉妒是一种消极情绪体验和行为表现,既影响个体感受,也涉及社会文化,它的危害是显而易见的,特别是对经济困难大学生的影响,如人际关系等造成极大的障碍,因此,应该积极采取各种有效措施来疏导淡化嫉妒这种消极情绪,以保证大学生特别是经济困难大学生的身心健康。
5)management difficulties经营困难
1.At present,management difficulties are common phenomenon that domestic seed companies facing.目前,国内种子公司普遍存在经营困难,在加入WTO的大背景下,种子公司要在竞争日益激烈的市场中走出困境,必须树立良好信誉,以质取胜;同时,重视市场调查、搞好市场预测、积极开发拳头产品、以品牌占领市场;此外,应规范公司管理、完善内部机制,走产业化发展道路,并积极开拓国际市场。
6)Nan Jing Ji Zhu难经集注
1.Literature Study of the Book Nan Jing Ji Zhu;《难经集注》的文献研究
