2)gouty kidney痛风肾

1.Pathomorphologic observation and apoptosis of renal in growers with gout induced by high dietary calcium高钙日粮诱发鸡痛风肾脏病理学变化及细胞凋亡的研究
2.The Clinical Study on Treating Gouty Nephropathy with Shen Kang Jiang Suan Granules;肾康降酸颗粒治疗痛风性肾病的临床研究
3.Gouty nephropathy is usually a late manifestation of severe gouty arthritis.痛风性肾病变通常是一个严重性痛风关节炎的晚期表现。
4.The Effect of Tongfengning Granule on Xanthine Oxidase、Blood Urea Nitrogen、Creatinine in Gouty Arthritis Hens;痛风宁颗粒对鸡痛风模型血清黄嘌呤氧化酶活性和肾功能的影响
5.Clinical Study on Gouty Arthritis Treated with Eliminating Turbid, Resolving Blood Stasis, Regulating and Reinforcing Spleen and Kidney Following Traditional Chinese Medicine;泄浊化瘀调益脾肾法治疗痛风的临床研究
6.The Clinical Investigation of Shen Qin Granule Added up to Liu Wei Di Huang Wan in Treating Gouty Nephropathy伸秦颗粒加味治疗痛风性肾病临床研究
7.Clinical Study on Gouty Arthritis Treated with Bushen Jianpi, Qingre Huoxue Law Following Traditional Chinese Medicine补肾健脾、清热活血法治疗痛风的临床研究
8.Renal excretion of uric acid is reduced in patients with primary gout原发性痛风患者肾脏排泄尿酸减少分析
9.Assisting role of Zhengqing Fengtongning tablet in the treatment of idiopathic focal segmental glomerulosclerosis正清风痛宁治疗特发性局灶节段性肾小球硬化
10.Clinical Study on Effect of Therapeutics of Invigorating Spleen and Kidney,Removing Dampness and Clearing Away Turbidness in Treating Gouty Nephropathy健脾益肾、利湿泄浊法治疗痛风性肾病的临床研究
11.Gout, especially of the big toe.痛风,足痛风痛风,尤指大脚趾的痛风
12.Making and Aplication of Audio-visual Teaching Material of Gouty Nephropathy Patients with Cardiac Insufficiency in English;痛风性肾病合并心功能不全英语视听教材的制作与应用
13.Clinical Study of the New Governing Law in the Treatment of Recurrent Gout泄浊祛瘀健脾益肾法治疗痛风反复发作的临床观察
14.Clinical Observation on the Effect of Kidney and Blood Detoxification in Treatment of Patients with Gout at the Remission Stage滋肾补血解毒合剂对缓解期痛风患者治疗的临床观察
15.Curative Effect of Xi's Gout Killer-2 on the Experimental Rats of Urate Nephropathy奚氏痛风灵2号对慢性高尿酸血症肾病大鼠尿酸代谢的影响
16.Clinical Study on Qilingjiangsuan Granules and Tablet Allopurinol Treatment on Gouty Nephropathy.芪灵降酸颗粒联合别嘌醇治疗痛风性肾病的临床研究
17.Effects of Prescription Herba Siegesbeckiae Capsule on Rats Hyperuricemia and Uratic Renal Injury;复方豨莶草胶囊对大鼠高尿酸血症及痛风性肾损伤的影响的实验研究
18.Effects of Diet with High Calcium and /or Protein on Function of Liver and Kidney and Acid-Base Balance of Pullets and Study of Mechanism of Avian Gout;高钙高蛋白日粮对鸡肝肾功能与酸碱平衡的影响及痛风形成机理研究

gouty kidney痛风肾
3)Gouty nephropathy痛风性肾病
1.Effect of Jiawei Glutinous decoction on gouty nephropathy;加味地黄汤治疗痛风性肾病临床观察
2.Clinical observation of Xiezhuo Huayu Xingqi Lixshui decoction on gouty nephropathy;泄浊化瘀行气利水汤治疗痛风性肾病临床观察
3.Objective Gouty nephropathy patients with cardiac insufficiency is common.痛风性肾病合并心功能不全是临床常见的表现。
4)Hushen Tongfengtai护肾痛风泰颗粒
1.The Quality Control of Hushen Tongfengtai Granules;护肾痛风泰颗粒的质量控制
5)Zishen Huoxue Xifeng Decoction滋肾活血熄风汤
1.Clinical Research of Zishen Huoxue Xifeng Decoction in Treatment of Vertebrobasilar Transient Ischemic (the Type of Kidney Deficiency and Blood Stasis);滋肾活血熄风汤治疗椎-基底动脉系统短暂性脑缺血发作(肾虚血瘀型)的临床研究
6)relaxing the muscular spasm and invigorating the kindney method熄风解痉补肾法
1.Objective: To observe the effect of stopping the wind,relaxing the muscular spasm and invigorating the kindney method on to vertebral atery type of cervical spondylosis.目的 :观察熄风解痉补肾法治疗椎动脉型颈椎病的疗效。

肾风肾风 肾风   病名。肾受风邪所致的疾患,以面部浮肿、腰痛、色黑为主证。《素问·风论》:“以冬壬癸中于邪者为肾风。”王冰注:“冬壬癸水,肾主之。”《素问·风论》:“肾风之状,多汗恶风,面庞然浮肿,脊痛不能正立,其色炲,隐曲不利,诊在肌上,其色黑。”《素问·评热病论》:“有病肾风者,面胕庞然壅,害于言。”《中藏经》卷上:“肾风之状,但踞坐而腰脚重痛也。”《奇效良方》治肾风,用升麻胃风汤加肾之引经药。