肝主筋,the liver being in charge of musculature zones
1)the liver being in charge of musculature zones肝主筋
2)main steel bar主筋
1.From five aspects: less antidumping factors,unfitting formwork supports,setting of main steel bar,construction overloads and form removal too early reasons caused the collapse of cantilevered structure are analyzed;at the same time corresponding prevention measures are proposed in order to avoid structural accidents of cantilevered structure.从抗倾覆能力不足、模板支撑方案不当、主筋放置不当、施工超载、拆模过早五个方面阐述了引起悬挑结构坍塌的原因,并提出了防止措施,以尽量避免悬挑构件事故的发生。

1.A Fatigue Experimental Investigation on Reinforced Concrete Beams with Corroded Main Bars;主筋锈蚀钢筋混凝土梁疲劳试验研究
2.Simple Discuss Reasonable Orrangement of Secondary Reinforcing Bar of Primary and Secondarry Beam浅谈主次梁交叉部位负筋的合理排放
3.The Analysis of the Generation of Chinese Brain-twister by Autonomy-Dependency Framework汉语脑筋急转弯的自主依存框架分析
4.Effects of the main factors on the cultivation of strong gluten wheat主要栽培因素对强筋小麦产量的影响
5.The Author,Main Version and Contents Rheological of "change your bone"《易筋经》的作者、主要版本及其内容流变
6.Corrosion of reinforced concrete is main form for destruction, the chloride is prime criminal.钢筋混凝土遭破坏或不能耐久的主导因素之一是钢筋腐蚀,氯盐又是引起钢筋腐蚀的"元凶"。
7.Actions of hoop steel-bar, portrait steel-bar, and steel plate on perforation block in RCBSP are discussed.主要讨论了钢筋混凝土板-钢板中箍筋、纵向钢筋和钢板对弹体贯穿过程的影响。
8.He centered his construction around reinforced concrete or steel skeleton他的建筑主要是以钢筋混凝土或钢为骨架的
9.The methods of tendon or fascia fixation and bone grafting are discussed here.本章主要介绍肌腱和筋膜固定方法及骨移植。
10.He centers his constructions around reinforced concrete or steel skeletons.他的建筑主要是以钢筋混凝土或钢为骨架的。
11.Experimental study on the factors influencing the anchorage performance of planting reinforcing bar影响植筋粘结锚固性能主要因素的试验研究
12.The Study on Technology of Using Reinforced Concrete Yoke to Strengthen Arch Bridge;钢筋砼套箍封闭主拱圈加固拱桥技术研究
13.Eccentric masonry structure reinforcement preliminary analysis under main-earthquake and post-earthquakes偏心配筋砌体结构主余震地震反应初步分析
14.Introduction and Analysis of Construction Method for Main Arch Ring of Reinforced Concrete Box Arch钢筋混凝土箱形拱主拱圈施工方法介绍及分析
15.He could evade its pangs if he was quick-witted enough: it was chiefly when he showed stupidity that O'Brien pulled the lever.只要他脑筋转得快一些,就可以避免吃苦头。 主要是在他脑筋不灵的时候,奥勃良才扳杠杆。
16.The influences of corrosive amount on the seismic behavior, such as bearing capacity, stiffness, ductility and energy dissipation, are discussed.试验表明,钢筋的锈蚀量和构件的轴压比是影响锈蚀钢筋混凝土压弯构件抗震性能的主要因素。
17.When the playoffs get here, the guys are going to be toast, esp. t-mac, and Yao will be rusty.季后赛来的时候,主力都会筋疲力尽的,特别是麦蒂和姚明。
18.Sealing off that portion of the Underground line, the blast crushed the majority of their enemies beneath tons of concrete and steel.这样,爆炸封锁了地铁线,并利用万吨钢筋混凝土粉碎了敌人的主力。

main steel bar主筋
1.From five aspects: less antidumping factors,unfitting formwork supports,setting of main steel bar,construction overloads and form removal too early reasons caused the collapse of cantilevered structure are analyzed;at the same time corresponding prevention measures are proposed in order to avoid structural accidents of cantilevered structure.从抗倾覆能力不足、模板支撑方案不当、主筋放置不当、施工超载、拆模过早五个方面阐述了引起悬挑结构坍塌的原因,并提出了防止措施,以尽量避免悬挑构件事故的发生。
3)main reinforcement主筋;主钢筋
4)Yang Gan Rou Jin Fang养肝柔筋方
1.The Influence of "Yang Gan Rou Jin Fang"(Prescription of Nourishing the Liver and Tendon) on Rat s Ability of Bearing Sports Fatigue and the Activity of Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in Serum and Quadriceps Femoris;“养肝柔筋方”对大鼠耐运动性疲劳能力和血清、股四头肌AChE活性的影响
5)corroded main bar锈蚀主筋
6)lengthways main steel bar纵向主筋

肝主筋肝主筋 肝主筋   生理学名词。出《灵枢·九针论》。肝主全身筋膜,与肢体运动有关。肝之气血充盛,筋膜得其所养,则筋力强健,运动灵活。《素问·痿论》:“肝主身之筋膜。”《素问·六节脏象论》:“肝者……其充在筋。”《素问·经脉别论》:“食气入胃,散精于肝,淫气于筋。”肝之气血亏虚,筋膜失养,则筋力不健,运动不利。《素问·上古天真论》:“七八,肝气衰,筋不能动。”筋膜病变多与肝有关。如筋痿不用,可见于肝阴不足;筋脉拘挛抽搐,可见于肝风内动。