母子关系,mother-child relationship
1)mother-child relationship母子关系
1.Previous research on developmental psychopathology indicated that the mother-child relationship and teacher-child relationship both separately served as protective as well as risk factors in children s externalizing and internalizing problems.通过对102名托班幼儿的母亲和教师间隔9个月的两次测查,考察了母子关系、师生关系在儿童入园第一年的问题行为发展中的作用。

1.Association Study on the Association Between the Type of Mother-child Relationship and the College Girls’ Ability to Along Well母子关系与女大学生友好相处能力的相关性
2.On Mother-son Relationships in O’Neill’s Plays--From Sexual desire to brilliant maternity尤金·奥尼尔剧作中的母子关系——从情欲之爱到母性之光
3.Sitze and his mother were especially close because both believed in gods.西则和他娘都信神,所以母子关系特别密切。
4.The Group Guidance Effect on the Child-parent Relationship;团体辅导对改善初二学生母子关系的影响研究
5.the relation of parent to child.父母对孩子之间的关系
6.The Relationship between Personality and Personality Match of Mother and Adolescent and Mother-adolescent Conflict;母子性格、性格匹配与青少年期母子冲突的关系
7.On the Relation between Crystal Boy and Mother in Crystal Boys《孽子》中“孽子”与母亲的关系解读
8.The Relationship between the Mother s Self-experiences and Mother-child Attachment Level;母亲主观感受与母子依恋水平的关系研究
9.the kinship relation between an offspring and the mother.子女与母亲之间的亲密关系。
10.An Analysis and Retrospect on Legal Relationship between Step-parents and Stepchildren;继父母子女法律关系检讨与完善思考
11.The condition or fact of being the child of a certain parent.子女对父母的关系是某父母的孩子的状况或事实
12.A Study on the Relationship between Transmission of Mutans Streptococci from Mothers to Children and Its Virulence Factors;变形链球菌母子传播与其毒力因子关系的研究
13.Research on the Relation of MNC and Its Chinese Subsidiary;跨国公司在华子公司母子公司关系研究
14.Impact of Equity Relationship between Parent Subsidiary Company on Pricing Behavior of Subsidiary Company母子公司股权关系对子公司定价行为的影响
15.About the betterment of system of relations between parents and children,grandparents and grandchildren and brothers and sisters;关于父母子女、祖孙和兄弟姐妹关系制度的完善
16.Relating to, based on, or tracing ancestral descent through the maternal line.母系的有关、基于或通过母系线索来追溯子孙后代的
17.A Study on the Effect of Systematic Training for Effective Parenting on Improving the Parent-Child Relation;父母效能系统训练对改善亲子关系的效果研究
18.The relation between molecules and atoms is like that between words and letters.分子和原子间的关系跟单词跟字母之间的关系一样。

relationship between stepmothers and stepsons继母子关系
1.In the Wei and Jin dynasties, the relationship between stepmothers and stepsons changed from a tense one into a harmonious one, which found expression in stepsons giving way to stepmothers.继母子关系的缓和主要表现在继子的退让。
3)mother-daughter relationship母子体关系
4)mother daughter genetic relation母-子核遗传关系
5)relationship of parent-subsidiary corporation母子公司关系
1.From the perspective of knowledge,based on the view of the knowledge transfer relationship of parent-subsidiary corporation,this paper points out the conceptual framework of knowledge transfer between organizational units,and apply the framework to the analysis of the management of centralization and decentralization in parent-subsidiary corporation.本文从知识的视角,把母子公司关系看成是相互间知识转移的关系,在此前提下运用基于情境的知识转移分析框架,来剖析母子公司管理度,从而为解决这一管理问题提供新的研究思路和方法。
6)parent-subsidiary company relationship母子公司关系
1.From the viewpoint of multinational parent-subsidiary company relationship and on the basis of the relative literature review, this paper discovers the correlation between multinational parent-subsidiary company relationship and management transplantation in multinational company.从跨国母子公司关系的角度,在对相关文献研究的基础上,揭示跨国母子公司关系与跨国公司管理移植的相关性,以及跨国母子公司关系与子公司吸收能力、管理知识特性的互动与协同对跨国公司管理移植的影响,为跨国母子公司关系与跨国公司管理移植之间关系的实证研究建立理论框架。
2.The effect of multinational parent-subsidiary company relationship to management transplantation mainly depends on the culture integration,trust degree,property fight structure,strategy intent to subsidiary company and so on.本文在相关理论研究的基础上,从母子公司关系视角分析跨国公司对发展中国家的子公司的管理移植问题;探讨母子公司关系中的文化兼容、信任程度、战略意图与产权结构等要素对管理移植的影响,弥补跨国企业管理移植的情境要素研究的不足,为提高跨国母公司向境外子公司管理移植成效提供对策。

经济关系(见生产关系)经济关系(见生产关系)economical relation  1 ingji gU口nxj经济关系(eeonomieal relation)系。见生产关  