1.Computer Fractal Graph Display Studies of the Process of Huangji Returning to Wuji;皇极返无极过程的计算机分形图显示研究
2.From the Yi-Symbolism to the New System of Huangji Heritage and Development;皇极新体系对易象数的继承和发展

1.The old queen was held in great reverence.那个年事已高的女皇极受敬重。
2.Huang Ji Jing Shi Shu s Calculation on the Establishment Time of Xia,Shang and Zhou Dynasties;论《皇极经世书》对夏、商、周三代之建年代的推定
3.On the historical chronological table in Huang ji jing shi and the Prenatal 64 Hexagrams Round Diagram;试析《皇极经世》历史年表与先天六十四卦圆图
4.The palace is magnificent in the extreme.那宫殿极为富丽堂皇。
5.In 1643, Emperor Taizong passed away on the earthen bed in the southern chamber.1643年皇太极就死在南屋的火炕上。
6.And, given time, I htink you'll find... the palace in Genovia a very pleasant place to live.你会发现住捷诺亚皇宫棒极了。
7.The pope himself had taken great umbrage at the book.教皇本人对这本书曾极为生气。
8.He was executed in 1887for plotting to assassinate the tsar.他因密谋暗杀沙皇在1887年被判处极刑。
9.Interreting the Supervisory and Monitory System of Ming Dynasty against the Background of Its Autocratic Emperor Ruling System;解读极端皇权专制下的明代监察制度
10.From "the Help of Heaven" to "the Capriciousness of Fate" --On the Evolution of Nuerhachi and Huangtaiji s Fate Thought;从“皇天眷佑”到“天命靡常”——论努尔哈赤与皇太极天命思想的演变
11.After Emperor Taizong succeeded in establishing a unified rule in northeast China, he held a grand ceremony in 1636 at which he proclaimed himself emperor.1636年,皇太极统一了东北,举行隆重的称帝大典。
12.When Huangtaiji changed the title of the reign and proclaimed himself emperor,Korea even did not recognize it.皇太极改元称帝 ,而朝鲜竟采取不承认态度。
13.The totalitarian control carried out by the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty made people suffer greatly.秦始皇所实行的极权统治让人民痛苦不堪。
14.Colonists were disaffected by the autocratic actions of the royal governor.殖民地居民对皇家总督的暴虐行为极为不满
15.Legitimism used to be strong in China.过去在中国皇室极力采用世袭王位主义。
16.The Royal Airforce sill remained dangerously short of bombers.英国皇家空军仍未脱离极为缺乏轰炸机的危境。
17.Huangtaiji s Cultural Contribution:Consolidating the Manchu Culture and Assimilating the Han Culture;皇太极的文化贡献:巩固满文化与吸收汉文化
18.A Study of the Policy of the "Reinforcement of the Area inside the Pass" by Nurhachi and Abahai努尔哈赤和皇太极的“虚边实内”政策研究

Huang-ji Calendar《皇极历》
1.The interpolation method in ancient Chinese calendars was invented by Liu Zhuo; a famous mathematician in the Sui Dynasty; in his Huang-ji Calendar(A.中国古代历法中的插值法肇始于刘焯《皇极历》(公元604年)。
1.The Manchu s Absorbing of the Han Culture during the Reign of Huangtaiji;皇太极时期满族对汉文化的吸收
2.Huangtaiji s Cultural Contribution:Consolidating the Manchu Culture and Assimilating the Han Culture;皇太极的文化贡献:巩固满文化与吸收汉文化
3.Huangtaiji Regarded Feudal Agriculture as the Basis of Country s Strength;皇太极与“课农桑以固邦本”
4)Huangji degree皇极之度
5)sense of divine sovereignty皇极意识

皇极1.帝王统治天下的准则。即所谓大中至正之道。 2.指皇位。 3.指皇帝。 4.指皇室。 5.指古代有关天文﹑历算﹑五行等方面的专门方术。 6.宫殿名。 7.旧时教名。